
chān zá
  • mix;dope;mingle;blend;make impure
搀杂 [chān zá]
  • [dope;mix;blend;mingle] 夹杂;混杂

搀杂[chān zá]
  1. 别把这两种菜籽搀杂在一起。

    Don 't mix up the two kinds of vegetable seeds .

  2. PCR鉴定牛羊肉中搀杂猪肉的方法建立

    Establishment of method for PCR detection of pig components in beef and mutton

  3. Nb搀杂TiO2催化剂结构与光催化性能研究

    Structure and photocatalytic activity of titanium oxide doped with Nb ion

  4. 晶圆片搀杂剂可以在元素周期表的III和v族元素中发现。

    Dopants for silicon wafers are found in Groups III and V of the Periodic Table of the Elements .

  5. 过渡金属Ag、Ir和Re搀杂硅半导体团簇的电子结构和性质的理论研究

    Theoretical Investigation on Electronic Structures and Properties of Transition Metal Ag , Ir and Re Doping into Si Clusters

  6. 合成了搀杂SiO2膜和层状结构的SiO2膜,使膜的微观结构进一步多样化。

    Microstructure of membrane became further various .

  7. 纳米TiO2光催化剂采用溶胶-凝胶法制备,搀杂过渡金属离子修饰以提高其活性。

    TiO_2 nano-material was prepared by sol-gel method and modified with Fe ~ ( 3 + ) to enhance its photocatalytic activity .

  8. 综述了近年来通过搀杂、有机官能化、负载的方法改性MCM-41介孔分子筛的研究情况,重点介绍了MCM-41介孔分子筛在化工、环保、生物医学领域的应用现状。

    Recent advance on the modification of MCM-41 mesoporous sieve by incorporation , function and support were reviewed , and its application in chemical engineering , environmental protection and biological medicine were summarized .

  9. 该跃迁的某些性质类似于含少量氮搀杂的III-V族半导体材料,因此它有可能同样起源于等电子缺陷。

    Some aspects of the transition are analogous to III-V semiconductors with dilute nitrogen doping , which suggests that the origin could be related to an isoelectronic defect .

  10. 不可与你们中间所剩下的这些国民搀杂。

    Do not associate with these nations that remain among you ;

  11. 锶镁搀杂的镓酸镧基固体电解质粉末制备方法的研究

    Research on synthesis of powders of Sr-and Mg - doped gallate

  12. 11不可穿羊毛,细麻两样搀杂料作的衣服。

    Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together .

  13. 金属铬搀杂层柱苯膦酸锆的合成及催化氧化性研究

    A Study on the Synthesis and Oxidation Properties of Chromic-mixed Zirconium Phenylphosphonate

  14. 电解还原碱度法提铕搀杂型聚酰亚胺的合成及弛豫特性研究

    Study on Electro-reduction Europium Synthesis and Relaxation of Doped Polyimide

  15. 搀杂氟对类金刚石薄膜的影响

    Influences of Incorporated Fluorine on Diamond - like Film

  16. 他要把他的灾祸搀杂在他们两人的幸福里吗?

    Should he place his catastrophe as a third associate in their felicity ?

  17. 但是你的理由总是搀杂着谎言。

    But your reason always is adulterating the rumour .

  18. 以法莲与列邦人搀杂。以法莲是没有翻过的饼。

    Ephraim is mixed with the peoples ; ephraim is a cake not turned .

  19. 四氯化锗用于制备高纯二氧化锗及石英光导纤维的搀杂剂等。

    Germanium tetrachloride is used to produce high pure GeO_2 and dopant in optical fiber .

  20. 为公事作决策不应搀杂个人情感。

    Personal feelings shall not come into play when one have to make business decision .

  21. 有深绿色果实,果皮搀杂有浅绿色或黄色。

    Squash plant having dark green fruit with skin mottled with light green or yellow .

  22. 简朴的,不搀杂的,一般的你在找什么样的纸?

    plain ( a. ) A : What kind of paper are you looking for ?

  23. 开始时人们心中充满了惊恐,同时也搀杂着一种骇人的得意劲头。

    A beginning full of terror , in which is mingled a sort of formidable gayety .

  24. 哪些流行歌曲里搀杂有中国韵味或中国戏曲的旋律、歌词?

    Which flavor of pop music where adulterated with China or Chinese opera melodies , lyrics ?

  25. 那是搀杂在一种凶狠恶毒的声调中的惊讶、狂暴、仇恨、愤怒。

    Surprise , rage , hate , wrath , were mingled and combined in one monstrous intonation .

  26. 另一方面,对最佳搀杂的单晶样品,没有观察到相分离现象。

    On the other hand , such a phase separation has not been observed in optimally doped samples .

  27. 搀杂虚假成分的事实

    Truth mingled with falsehood

  28. 我们的研究表明,纳米线核心部分是硫搀杂的氧化锌,纳米棒部分则只有氧化锌。

    Our studies suggest that the core nanowires were ZnO : S while the nanorods were only ZnO .

  29. 但在新闻工作实际中,对事实的报道中又大量搀杂着记者的主观议论,一些新闻研究者也提出新闻报道可以夹叙夹议。

    Some news researchers also suggest that news report can be a mixture of factual description and personal comments .

  30. 操作电影摄影的摄影师。这部影片搀杂着卡通和实地拍摄。

    A photographer who operates a movie camera . That film is a blend of animation and live action .