
Therefore to control managerial discretion level reasonably will ensure the effectiveness of R & D expenditure , and improve the technology innovation of firms .
But the company could find a way to enhance the ability of technology innovation , only in the full understanding of the status of their technological innovation capability .
Enterprise Technology Alliance , as an effective way of enhancing technological innovation capacity in knowledge-based economy times , is being applied widely , and its efficiency is more evident .
Enhancing the technological innovation capability of enterprises is the only way of development and growth for the small and medium-sized oil equipment manufacturing enterprises , and which is the important issue in solving .
Therefore , we need to train and pool the excellent talents , promote the enterprise 's technological creativity , and integrate the national creative resources , so as to improve the overall creativity of our national economy .
Strategic alliance of industry , academia and research community makes enterprises , colleges and researches united together based on the benefit need of each part , and it is also aimed at improving creativity of enterprises with some limitation from laws .
Technological innovation process is more complex , so it is difficult for the industries to own all the knowledge required for technological innovation . The acquisition of new knowledge from the outside is the key to enhance industrial technological innovation capacity .
As an effective model to response to intense market competition , Enterprise Technology Innovation Network are widely used in practice according to the advantages with integrated resources , knowledge and technology to enhance the technology innovation capacity and the market competitive ability .
The continuable development of IC enterprises needed enhance the interior capability of technological innovation intrinsic , and also needed a relatively good environment .
Chapter five proposed the technological innovation ability countermeasure .
Therefore , powerful support services are needed , and the key point of the enhancement is to improve intermediary services system for technological innovation of SMEs .
This paper talks about the influence on the technology innovation , which is given by enterprise information and knowledge management , through the function of enterprise information construction and knowledge management .
Taking SME in Pearl River Delta as example , this paper proposes that SME should take the way of cooperative imitating innovation , which can be used for reference for other enterprises .
It proposes a strategic method of promoting Changsha technology innovation which refers to taking imitating innovation as main means , increasing percentages of independent innovation step by step , undertaking cooperative innovation in suitable forms in order to nurture and enhance continuous technology innovation ability of enterprises .
It is a key problem how to upgrade the technology innovation of SMEs in China .
From the enterprise level , to strengthen the construction of independent brands of cashmere products , enhance technological innovation to enhance the competitiveness of our country .
The key to promote international competition of main industries and enterprises is to continuously promote the ability of technical innovation of enterprises . Non-state-owned science technology enterprises are important strength in promoting technical innovation ability of enterprises of our country .