
  1. 因而适度控制经理自主权、合理安排经理与股东之间的权力配置是保证有效R&D投入、提升企业技术创新能力的必要手段。

    Therefore to control managerial discretion level reasonably will ensure the effectiveness of R & D expenditure , and improve the technology innovation of firms .

  2. 但是企业只有在充分的认识了自身的技术创新能力现状的基础上,才能找到提升企业技术创新能力的途径。

    But the company could find a way to enhance the ability of technology innovation , only in the full understanding of the status of their technological innovation capability .

  3. 技术联盟被认为是知识经济时代中提升企业技术创新能力的有效途径,正被广泛采用,效益也越加明显。

    Enterprise Technology Alliance , as an effective way of enhancing technological innovation capacity in knowledge-based economy times , is being applied widely , and its efficiency is more evident .

  4. 提升企业技术创新能力是中小型石油装备制造企业发展壮大的必经之路,也是亟待解决的重要问题。

    Enhancing the technological innovation capability of enterprises is the only way of development and growth for the small and medium-sized oil equipment manufacturing enterprises , and which is the important issue in solving .

  5. 为此,我国经济发展提高创新能力的路径选择应从培养和凝聚优秀人才、提升企业技术创新能力、整合国家创新资源等三个方面进行思考。

    Therefore , we need to train and pool the excellent talents , promote the enterprise 's technological creativity , and integrate the national creative resources , so as to improve the overall creativity of our national economy .

  6. 产学研战略联盟是企业、高校和科研院所基于各自的利益需求,通过法律契约的形式,建立的以提升企业技术创新能力为目标的合作组织。

    Strategic alliance of industry , academia and research community makes enterprises , colleges and researches united together based on the benefit need of each part , and it is also aimed at improving creativity of enterprises with some limitation from laws .

  7. 然而,由于技术创新过程越来越复杂,企业很难具备技术创新所需的全部知识,因此从外界获取新知识就成为提升企业技术创新能力的关键。

    Technological innovation process is more complex , so it is difficult for the industries to own all the knowledge required for technological innovation . The acquisition of new knowledge from the outside is the key to enhance industrial technological innovation capacity .

  8. 企业技术创新网络具有集成各个组织的资源、知识、技术,进而提升企业技术创新能力与市场竞争力的优势。

    As an effective model to response to intense market competition , Enterprise Technology Innovation Network are widely used in practice according to the advantages with integrated resources , knowledge and technology to enhance the technology innovation capacity and the market competitive ability .

  9. IC企业的持续发展内在地需要不断提升企业内部技术创新能力,也需要一个区域内有相对较好的IC产业的技术创新外部环境。

    The continuable development of IC enterprises needed enhance the interior capability of technological innovation intrinsic , and also needed a relatively good environment .

  10. 第五章提出了提升家族企业技术创新能力的对策措施。

    Chapter five proposed the technological innovation ability countermeasure .

  11. 所以发展和完善面向中小企业的技术创新中介服务体系,是提升中小企业技术创新能力的关键。

    Therefore , powerful support services are needed , and the key point of the enhancement is to improve intermediary services system for technological innovation of SMEs .

  12. 本文从知识管理在企业技术创新中的作用着手,论述了如何应用知识管理提升企业的技术创新能力。

    This paper talks about the influence on the technology innovation , which is given by enterprise information and knowledge management , through the function of enterprise information construction and knowledge management .

  13. 分析了中小企业技术创新的优势和不足,指出合作型技术创新模式是中小企业技术创新的模式选择,提出了提升中小企业技术创新能力的对策建议。

    Taking SME in Pearl River Delta as example , this paper proposes that SME should take the way of cooperative imitating innovation , which can be used for reference for other enterprises .

  14. 提出了推进长沙技术创新的战略路径,即以模仿创新为主,逐步增加自主创新比重,并以适当的形式积极进行合作创新,不断培育和提升企业持续技术创新能力。

    It proposes a strategic method of promoting Changsha technology innovation which refers to taking imitating innovation as main means , increasing percentages of independent innovation step by step , undertaking cooperative innovation in suitable forms in order to nurture and enhance continuous technology innovation ability of enterprises .

  15. 如何提升中小企业的技术创新能力是摆在我们面前的重大课题。

    It is a key problem how to upgrade the technology innovation of SMEs in China .

  16. 企业层面,要加强羊绒产品自主品牌的建设,提升羊绒企业的技术创新能力,从而提高我国羊绒产品的竞争力。

    From the enterprise level , to strengthen the construction of independent brands of cashmere products , enhance technological innovation to enhance the competitiveness of our country .

  17. 要提升主要产业和企业的国际竞争力,关键是不断提升企业的技术创新能力,民营科技企业是提升我国企业技术创新能力的重要力量。

    The key to promote international competition of main industries and enterprises is to continuously promote the ability of technical innovation of enterprises . Non-state-owned science technology enterprises are important strength in promoting technical innovation ability of enterprises of our country .