
tí bāo
  • bag;handbag;shopping bag;valise
提包 [tí bāo]
  • [shopping bag;handbag] 一种有提梁的包儿,用皮、布、塑料等制成

提包[tí bāo]
  1. 朱蒂把手伸进提包,拿出一张小的印刷传单给我。

    Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet

  2. 她从提包里掏出一串钥匙来。

    She fished out a bunch of keys from her handbag .

  3. 他拎起提包匆匆穿过院子。

    He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard .

  4. 他把提包里的东西倒在桌子上。

    He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table .

  5. 小心你的提包,这里有小偷。

    Watch your bag ─ there are thieves around .

  6. 我们背着提包拎着衣箱到了那里。

    We arrived , toting our bags and suitcases .

  7. 她用力抓紧护着自己的提包。

    She clutched her bag protectively .

  8. 她把收据放在提包最里面的口袋里。

    She put the receipt into the innermost pocket of her bag .

  9. 圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)的SacDeJour鳄鱼皮小手提包,比3Jours仅仅便宜几百美元,价格为3.35万美元,包包内设三个隔层。

    Only a few hundred dollars less than that is Saint Laurent 's Sac De Jour Small Alligator Tote , a $ 33500 structured piece that has three separate compartments inside .

  10. 纽约的voltaic出售一系列肩带提包和背包,这些产品被设计为独立的移动充电器,可以为你的便携设备充电。

    New York-based voltaic sells a series of solar-powered shoulder bags and backpacks designed as self-contained mobile power generators capable of charging your portable devices .

  11. 这一季时尚设计师将高科技元素注入了时尚配饰中:能给手机(比如黑莓)充电的提包。美国的时尚设计师,如TommyHilfiger,DianeVonFurstenberg,Rogan和Loomstate与Elle杂志合作发明了这款太阳能手提包。

    This season , high-fashion designers are going high-tech with the ultimate accessory : a handbag that recharges your cell phone or Blackberry.High-profile American designers such as Tommy Hilfiger , Diane Von Furstenberg , Rogan and Loomstate have created the solar-powered bags in collaboration with Elle Magazine .

  12. 篮子、盒子、瓶子和提包都是容器。

    Baskets , boxes , bottles and bags are all containers .

  13. 你非得整天带着那个提包到处走不可吗?

    Do you have to cart the bag round all day ?

  14. 那个缎面小提包松松地握在她的手指里。

    The little satin bag was held loosely in her fingers .

  15. 约翰在圣诞节给玛丽的是一个提包。

    It was at Christmas that John gave Mary a handbag .

  16. 很可能是约翰给了玛丽一个提包。分裂句可以强调多种多样的状语成分。

    It might have been John who gave Mary a handbag .

  17. 她在提包里翻找,拿出一枝钢笔。

    She delved in her bag and pulled out a pen .

  18. 在提包和箱子上贴标签是必要的。

    The attachment of labels to bags and trunks is necessary .

  19. 他拎起提包匆匆穿过院子。

    He picked up his bags and hurried across the curtyard .

  20. 你能帮我照看一下我的提包和衣服吗?

    Can you look after my bag and clothes , please ?

  21. 她出门时一把抓起照相机和提包。

    She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out .

  22. 她打发了一个小姑娘来取她的提包。

    She sent a little girl to fetch her bag .

  23. 马克:没有了。我只带了这两个随身提包。

    Mark : No , I just have these two carry-on bags .

  24. 那狗把你的提包丢在了一棵树旁。

    The dog has left your bag by a tree .

  25. 我送给她一个仿小牛皮的新手提包。

    I gave her a new purse of simulated calf .

  26. 他们争吵后,她收拾好提包就走了。

    After their row she packed her bags and left .

  27. 她再检查一下她的提包,确保该带的东西都带了。

    She double-checked her bag to make sure she 'd got everything .

  28. 他拿起提包急急忙忙地沿着站台走了。

    He picked up his bag and hurried off along the platform .

  29. 他迅速地从提包里拿出了一些钱。

    Quickly he pulled some money out of his bag .

  30. 他抢走我手中的提包就跑了。

    He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off .