
  1. 目前,我国高校存在人浮于事、机构臃肿、推诿扯皮、效率不高、运转不活、损耗较大的现象。

    At present the country 's higher institutions are beset with overstaffed structure , low efficiency owing to haggling and shifting of responsibilities , which , in turn , leads to inefficient operation and high wastage .

  2. 同时还应理清各个部门的职能关系,提高政府部门间相互配合、协调的效率,降低相互推诿扯皮等带来的交易成本。

    At the same time the government should also clarify the relationship between the functions of various departments to improve coordinated efficiency between different departments and to reduce the transaction costs resulted from the evading responsibility .

  3. 《行政许可法》的颁行有助于转换政府职能,消除部门分割、地方封锁及部门间推诿扯皮,效率低下。

    Administrative licensing law is useful to the shift of government function , the removal of department divisions , local blockages and inefficiency , as well as prevention from corruption , abuse of power , selfishness and prejudice .

  4. 政府的监管并不是万能的,责任不清,推诿扯皮的问题时有发生,地方政府为了地方财政出现的寻租行为也使政府的监督不能根据法规贯彻执行。

    Government regulation is not omnipotent , responsibility is not clear , buck-passing problems have occurred , the local government to local finance appear " search hire " behavior so that the government cannot according to the regulations to implement supervision .

  5. 我们做事要完整到位,不找借口、不推诿、不扯皮,雷厉风行。

    We work must arrive completely , does not find the excuse , not to shift responsibility onto others , not to wrangle , vigorous and resolute .