
kònɡ ɡǔ ɡǔ dōnɡ
  • controlling shareholder
  1. 论控股股东对上市公司虚假财务报告的责任

    Controlling Shareholder 's Legal Responsibility to Fraudulent Financial Reporting

  2. 为了进一步研究控股股东代理造成的价值损失,从控股股东代理成本与负债融资代理成本两个方面,建立实物期权模型研究了控股股东代理的经济后果。

    In order to study the loss due to controlling shareholder agency , real option models are built to study the economic consequences from two aspects of controlling shareholder agency costs and debt financing agency costs .

  3. 本题中,王某是A公司的总经理,是可以担任控股股东C集团的董事的;

    In this problem , Wang is the general manager , so Wang could serve the board member of controlling shareholders-C group .

  4. 序列分析结果显示,C.上市公司与控股股东关联方交易的规范

    The homology between C. On the Related - Party Transactions between a Listed Company and Its Holding Company

  5. 而在家族CEO企业中,当家族控股股东的控制权与现金流权分离时,CEO薪酬业绩敏感性较低。

    And the separation of control rights and cash flow rights weakens CEO Pay-for-Performance Sensitivity in family CEO firms .

  6. 迈克尔·布隆伯格(MichaelR.Bloomberg),前纽约市市长,彭博通讯社(BloombergL.P.)控股股东

    Michael R. Bloomberg , former New York City mayor and majority owner of Bloomberg L.P.

  7. 这三家上市银行的最大控股股东是直属央行的中央汇金投资(centralhuijininvestment),该公司也在尝试创建一个更主动的董事会,将其提名的董事送去海外进修。

    The largest controlling shareholder of the three listed banks , Central Huijin Investment , a company under the central bank , has also tried to create a more activist board , sending the directors it has nominated overseas for study .

  8. 监督小组成员杰布亨萨林(jebhensarling)表示,他担心此举将把“山姆大叔变成我们许多最大金融机构的控股股东”。

    Jeb Hensarling , a member of the panel , said he worried that such a move would convert " Uncle Sam into a control shareholder of many of our largest financial institutions " .

  9. 梅森内勒的优势是拥有强力支持和不凡资历:他是董事会一致同意的首席执行官人选,并得到了雅各布(jacobs)家族的支持,该家族是adecco和百乐嘉利宝的控股股东。

    Mr de maeseneire has the advantage of having arrived with strong backing and credentials : he was the unanimous choice of the board and has the support of the Jacobs family the controlling shareholders at both Adecco and Barry Callebaut .

  10. 此外,中国银监会(CBRC)正在制定一项规定,将要求在商业银行与其控股股东之间、以及商业银行与其非银行业分支机构之间建立防火墙,以防止风险蔓延。

    On top of that , the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) is developing a regulation that would require firewalls to be established between commercial banks and their controlling shareholders and between commercial banks and their non-banking subsidiaries , in order to prevent risk contagion .

  11. 然而,laPorta等指出,在大多数国家的大公司中,最主要的代理问题已不是Jensen和Meckling所证明的股东和经理的冲突,而是控股股东与外部中小股东之间的利益冲突。

    However , La Porta pointed out that in most countries , large companies , the most important agency problem is not the conflict of shareholders and managers proved by Jensen and Meckling , but rather the conflicts of interest between the controlling shareholder and small shareholders .

  12. 上市公司控股股东利益侵占研究

    The Study of Benefit Expropriation of Controlling Shareholders in Listed Companies

  13. 如何抑制控股股东侵占上市公司资金成为一个亟待解决的问题。

    How to control the embezzlement has become an urgent problem .

  14. 控股股东利益导向和非理性分红

    Study on the Profit-oriented of Largest Shareholder and Irrational Dividend Pay-out

  15. C-型资本运作与企业价值&兼谈控股股东、关联交易与小股东利益

    Type of Y. C - type Tactics and Business Value Business

  16. 中国上市公司控股股东最大化行为的经济学分析

    Analyzing the Behavior of China 's Listed Company from Economic Review

  17. 控股股东与中小股东之间关系的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on the Relation Between Holding Shareholders and Middle-small shareholders

  18. 控股股东控制权制约问题研究

    A Study on Control Power Restriction to Proprietary Stock Owners

  19. 集团关联上市公司控股股东代理问题分析

    Analysis on Agency Problems of Controlling Shareholders in Chinese Group-affiliated Listed Companies

  20. 控股股东关联交易行为的法律规制

    Law Regulation on the Acts of Controlling Shareholders in Related Party Transaction

  21. 上市公司与控股股东关联方交易的规范

    On the Related-Party Transactions between a Listed Company and Its Holding Company

  22. 以国有企业为控股股东的银行治理普遍比较失败。

    Banks holding by State-Own Corporation always have failure governance .

  23. 公司收购中控股股东权利滥用的法律规制

    On Law Control of the Controlling Shareholders ' Abuse of Their Privileges

  24. 而且,不同类型的控股股东控制的上市公司,其市场价值也显著不同。

    Firms with different identities of controlling shareholder have different market value .

  25. 控股股东攫取控制权收益是有成本的。

    There is cost when the private benefits of control are taken .

  26. 控股股东类型与控制权私利的比较研究

    Comparing Study on Controlling Shareholder Types and Their Private Benefits of Control

  27. 控股股东代理的激励与侵占效应分析

    Controlling Shareholders Agency : Analysis of Incentive and Entrenchment Effects

  28. 预算软约束与控股股东利益输送:来自我国民营企业的经验证据

    Soft Budget Constraint and Expropriation : Evidence from Privately-Owned Firms in China

  29. 股权结构与控股股东行为的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Ownership Structure and Behavior of Controlling Shareholder

  30. 第二章,控股股东诚信义务理论。

    The general theory of the fiduciary duty of the controlling shareholder .