
kònɡ zhì bào pò
  • controlled blasting
  1. 友谊宾馆E区楼房的控制爆破拆除

    To demolish the building in area E of Friendship Hotel by controlled blasting

  2. 六层U形框架办公楼控制爆破拆除

    Demolition of a frame office building with six storeys and U-shape by controlled blasting

  3. 控制爆破在VS喉口除灰垢中的应用

    Application of Control Explosion in Dust Scaling Cleaning of VS Throat

  4. Z型框架结构双向折叠控制爆破技术

    Demolition of a " Z-Shaped " Framework Structure Using Dual Directional Folding Controlled Blasting Technology

  5. 本文开发的适合于高耸筒式构筑物控制爆破切口参数设计的CAD系统,可以为工程设计带来极大方便。

    CAD system on parameters of blasting cut applied to the tubular high-rising structure could make it convenient to design project .

  6. 苛刻条件下50m高砖混烟囱的控制爆破

    Controlled Blasting of a 50 m high Brick-concrete Chimney under Harsh Conditions

  7. V形刻槽爆破是指在炮孔孔壁上按爆破开裂方向,切出一定深度的轴向对称V形槽,采用不耦合装药结构进行的一种断裂控制爆破。

    V-shaped notch blasting is that cutting slots with certain depth along axis - direction of the hole is determined according to the blast-crazing , and then load uncoupled charge and detonation .

  8. 80m烟囱单向双切口控制爆破拆除及其震动分析

    The Controlled Blasting and Demolition of One-Way and Double Incisions of 80 m Chimney and Analyses of Shake

  9. 介绍了运用定向控制爆破技术拆除35m高框架结构水泥立窑的方案设计和爆破参数确定。

    The scheme and blasting parameters of demolishing 35-meter high reinforced concrete kiln using directional blasting is presented .

  10. 介绍了用定向控制爆破方法拆除吉化电石厂120m钢筋混凝土烟囱的经验。

    The paper introduced the experience from the demolition of a 120m reinforced concrete chimney by directional controlled blasting .

  11. 文中介绍了运用定向控制爆破技术拆除24m高圆筒形水塔的爆破设计和安全防护措施。

    The blasting design and safety measures for directional demolishment of 24 meters high columnar water tower are presented in this paper .

  12. 本文介绍了复杂环境下的45m高钢筋混凝土水塔的控制爆破拆除,论述了水塔的爆破方案及爆破设计。

    This paper introduces the demolition of 45m high reinforced concrete water tower under complicated circumstances . The demolition of blasting and blasting design of the water tower are described .

  13. 爆破公司总指挥贾永胜告诉中国国营电视台CCTV说:像这样在市中心的大规模爆破任务,不但要保证爆破结果(精确),还要控制爆破产生的不良影响。

    Jia Yongsheng general director of the demolition company told China 's state TV channel CCTV : ' For this kind of large-scale blasting demolition conducted in the downtown area we not only need to guarantee the demolition result but also strictly control the adverse effects of blasting . '

  14. 最后通过盐津1隧道利用干扰振动控制爆破技术进行研究与施工,取得了较理想的科研成果,将爆破减振速度完全控制在2.0cm/s以内。

    At last , through the research and construction with the disturbing vibration control blasting technique of Yanjin-1 tunnel , achieving the ideal research fruits , controlling the speed of weak vibration blasting under 2.0cm/s .

  15. 三峡电源电站工程施工中,对距三峡大坝仅11.9m的门机钢筋混凝土轨道地梁,采用了光面控制爆破进行拆除。

    In the excavation construction of power supply electricity station of Three Gorges , smooth controlled blasting was employed in demolition track ground beam of reinforced concrete only 11.9m away from the Three Gorges dam .

  16. 控制爆破拆除大跨度复杂结构楼房

    Controlled blasting for demolition of large span and complicated structure building

  17. 图像处理技术在断裂控制爆破高速摄影的应用

    Application of Image Processing Technique in High-speed Photography of Fracture-controlled Blast

  18. 土石方硐室松动控制爆破应把握的主要方面

    Key links to be grasped in standing shot of earthwork chamber

  19. 新浇混凝土附近的石方沟槽控制爆破技术探讨

    Probing into Controlled Blasting in Rock Trench near Newly Placed Concrete

  20. 断裂控制爆破高速摄影试验及其图像直方图增强

    The Slow-motion Test of Rupturing Controlled Explosion and Image Histogram Enhancement

  21. 深孔控制爆破在渝长公路路堑开挖中的应用

    Application of deep-hole controlled blasting in cutting excavation of chongqing-to-changshou highway

  22. 深孔控制爆破凿井的方案研究

    Research of Schemes for Shaft-Sinking With the Deep-Hole Controlled & Blasting

  23. 深凹露天矿特殊条件下控制爆破的试验研究

    Research on controlled blasting under special conditions in deep open pit

  24. 大型连体水泥筒仓群的控制爆破拆除

    Demolition of a huge group of interconnect silos by controlled blasting

  25. 切割爆破在城市控制爆破中的应用

    The Application of the Cutting Blast in the Urban Controlled Blast

  26. 控制爆破局部切槽放顶技术的基本参数研究

    Study of basic parameters on local grooving top-caving with controlled explosion

  27. 在二层楼楼板上用控制爆破方法拆除钢筋混凝土基础

    Reinforced concrete base demolished by controlled blasting on the second floor

  28. 高层公寓桩基井岩石段掘进控制爆破

    Pile-Well Drilling of High Apartment Building in Rocks Using Controlled Blasting

  29. 软岩巷道周边控制爆破的研究

    Study on the controlled perimeter blasting for drift in soft rock

  30. 控制爆破拆除深圳火车站人行地道

    Dismantlement of pedestrian tunnel in Shenzhen railway station with controlled blasting