
jiē ɡuǐ
  • integrate;junction;switch to;connect the rails
接轨 [jiē guǐ]
  • [connection of tracks] 将分别修筑的两段铁路的轨道连接起来

  1. 自从改革开放、加入WTO等重大发展战略实施后,我国许多经济活动逐渐与发达国家接轨。

    Since the major development strategy like the reform and opening up , accession to the WTO and so on , many of the economic activity in China gradually integrate with the developed countries .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO,中国经济与国际经济紧密接轨,物流现代化必然成为发展的焦点。

    Joining WTO , China economy and international economy integrate closely , logistics modernization must become focus of development , the logistics service is rising vigorously in our country as the new developing industry department .

  3. 这些课程旨在与大学学位接轨。

    These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees .

  4. GDDS适用于IMF所有成员国,而SDDS适合那些已经或正在寻求与国际市场接轨的国家。

    At the same time , it will help " enhance the level of China 's participation3 in global economic cooperation " . The GDDS applies to all IMF members , while the SDDS applies to member countries that have or are seeking access to international markets .

  5. 从目前情况看,各地大型体育场馆的运营和管理都急需更新升级,与世界接轨。

    Our current management and operation of major stadiums need to be updated with international practices .

  6. WTO与我国金融立法接轨

    WTO and Our Country 's Financial Legislation Transform

  7. 中国加入WTO后房地产市场与国际市场接轨的答案

    The solution of Chinese real estate markets combining with international markets after joining the WTO

  8. 2002年,中国加入WTO后,国内各行业开始逐步与国际接轨。

    With China joined WTO in 2002 , different domestic industries started meeting the international market standards .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO,国内资本市场必将加大对外开放力度,逐步与国际资本市场接轨。

    With China entering WTO , domestic capital market will be exoteric and joint with international capital market .

  10. GPS系列标准的发展动态及对我国标准与ISO接轨的对策思考

    GPS Standards Development and Countermeasures Considering about the Standard Consistency between China and ISO

  11. 随着中国加入WTO,社会保障事业开始与世界接轨。

    With China ′ s entering WTO , the social security system of China began to joint the international system .

  12. 我国加入WTO以后,建筑设计市场与国际进一步接轨,建筑设计机构的体制改革势在必行。

    After China entered WTO , the architecture design market meets international standards , and our conventional system needs to be transformed .

  13. 随着我国加入WTO,国内外两个市场即将接轨,经济全球化的浪潮也将席卷中国市场。

    With our country into WTO , and the communion of enterprises , the economic globalization will sweep the market of China .

  14. 随着改革开放的深入和中国成功加入WTO,“与国际惯例接轨”、“按国际惯例办事”已迫在眉睫。

    Along with the deepening of reform and China 's entry to WTO , linking up with international convention becomes an urgent task .

  15. 我国要抓住机遇发展服务贸易,首先必须实现服务贸易管理制度与WTO服务贸易规则接轨。

    Before we grasp this developing opportunity of service trade , our service trade management systems be compatible with WTO service trade rule .

  16. 如果AH股市场接轨或市场分割消除,价差就会消失。

    If A-share market and H-share market integration or market segmentation eliminates , the difference will disappear .

  17. 结论国强PACS既适合中国国情,又与国际标准接轨。

    Conclusion Guoqiang PACS is fit for both Chinese condition and international standard .

  18. 随着我国加入WTO,接轨成为了一种趋势,也成为了一种潮流。

    With the entry to the WTO , Integrating with the world market becomes a kind of trend , has also become a kind of fashion .

  19. 我国加入WTO以后,与世界经济接轨是其主要的发展途径,融资租赁业在我国必将得到快速发展。

    With the WTO 's entry of our country , it is an important avenue to great economic development that to get joint with the world economic .

  20. CRM自进入中国后就对企业经营管理理念产生了巨大的冲击,使中国企业逐步树立起与世界接轨的客户管理管理理念。

    CRM leads to great impulsion to the management ideals and make the Chinese enterprise build the new Customer Relationship Management ideals .

  21. 自从中国加入WTO以后,为了能更快、更好地与国际接轨,为了适应现代化企业的发展要求,信息化受到更多企业的关注,因而如何建设好企业的信息化成了一个主要的问题。

    Since China 's entry into WTO , information has been drawing great attention from enterprises for the purpose of internationalization and adaptation to the development of modern enterprises .

  22. 加入WTO,是我国经济融入经济全球化的浪潮,与世界经济接轨,实现社会主义现代化目标的必由之路。

    The entry into WTO is the only way for our economy to integrate the global economy tide , meet the world economy to achieve the cause of socialism modernization .

  23. 我国必须遵循WTO争端解决机制的规定,完善民商审判机制和行政审判机制,司法审判标准必须与WTO规则接轨。

    We should follow the regulations of WTO dispute solving mechanism , perfect the legal mechanism and administrative judge mechanism . The legal standards should keep connection with WTO rules .

  24. 其实,不管是否加入WTO,中国经济必将与世界经济接轨,中国汽车工业也必将融入世界汽车工业整体之中。

    In fact , no matter whether China will enter WTO , Chinese economy will be combined with the world economy and Chinese automobile industry will join the world automobile industry .

  25. 加入WTO使我国的电视媒体产业面临着巨大的压力,尽快与世界接轨成为一个现实而紧迫的课题。

    The accession to the WTO makes the TV media industry of our country face enormous pressure . Integrating with the world more quickly has become a realistic and urgent subject .

  26. 随着加入WTO,我国医药管理体制逐渐与国际接轨,制药行业对内对外全面放开。

    With the entry to WTO , management systems of medicine of our country are more and more near to the international . The medicine industry unlocked to nation and world .

  27. 指出加入WTO对档案工作既是挑战也是机遇,只有不断改革创新、吐故纳新,逐步与国际规范接轨才是档案工作发展的必由之路。

    It is the only way for development of the archives work continuously reforming and innovating , exhaling the old and inhaling the new and progressively coming close to the international standard .

  28. 随着中国加入WTO后成品油市场的逐步开放,液体石油产品交接模式必须与国际接轨。

    Along with the gradual opening of Chinese refined oil products market after entering WTO , the manner of liquid petroleum product hand - over shall be in line with international practice .

  29. 随着中国加入WTO,航运业与国际市场接轨,国外航运企业迅速进入中国市场。国内航运企业既面临前所未有的机遇,也面临残酷的挑战。

    After China became a member of The World Trade Organization , and the connection of international crude of the shipping , the enterprises of other countries entered the market of China quickly .

  30. 我国加入WTO之后,必须尽快提升服务水平,扩大服务规模并与国际物流接轨。

    After our country joined the WTO , we must promote the service level as quickly as possible , and extend the service scale , and then become one part of international logistics .