
  • 网络The big Question
  1. 它在分析物质成分、探索宇宙奥秘、大自然开发方面成为必不可少的核心部件,并且很大程度上对各个学科的发展起到了积极的作用。

    It is the essential part in analyzing chemical composition , exploring the mysteries of deep space and developing nature .

  2. 如果说深空探测是人类探索宇宙奥秘的钥匙,那么深空通信就是取得这个钥匙的密码。

    If Deep Space Detection is the key for human being to explore the mysteries of the universe , then Deep Space Communication is the password to get the key .

  3. 文章在简要回顾人类探索宇宙奥秘的历史后,较为详细地考察了霍金的宇宙模型,认真分析了霍金对现代宇宙模型研究的贡献及其在科学和哲学上的重要意义。

    This article tries to study the scientific and philosophical meaning of Hawking 's no-boundary universe theory through the analysis of his universe model and looking back the other historical universe models .

  4. 我们在探索宇宙的奥秘。

    We are groping after the mystery of the universe .

  5. 我的理想是做一名天文学家探索宇宙的奥秘!

    My ideal is an astronomer to explore the mystery of the universe !

  6. 科学家们尚须探索宇宙起源的奥秘。

    Scientists have yet to plumb the mystery of the origins of the universe .