
pái shuǐ gōu
  • drainage ditch;watering;waterway
排水沟[pái shuǐ gōu]
  1. 圩垸内部排水沟网与二级泵站优化组合的计算机模拟模型

    A Computer Simulation Model for Optimal Combination of Drainage Ditch Network and Second-Stage Pumping Stations in Polder Area

  2. 循环水排水沟道不停机改造

    The Realization Scheme of Non-outage Reformation of Circulating Water Drainage Ditch

  3. 当地居民举报闻到恶臭气味后,他们被叫来清理排水沟。

    They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell

  4. 铺砌的大路两旁的排水沟在汩汩作响,甚至漫出水来。

    The gutters either side of the paved high road were gurgling and even flooding .

  5. 他能清理堵塞的排水沟。

    He can clear blocked drains .

  6. n.排水沟,沟沟渠是在地上挖的细长构造,可用以排水。

    A ditch is a long , narrow place dug in the earth to carry off water .

  7. SWAT模型中的排水沟渗漏主要补给承压水,这种计算适合自然流域,对于全人工沟渠灌溉的灌区而言并不适合。

    The SWAT model of drain leakage recharge is mainly confined on the calculation for natural river basin , and is not suitable for the artificial Ditch irrigation .

  8. 算例表明,EGA能有效解决灌溉渠道断面和排水沟(管)道的优化设计问题,且具有计算效率高、解的精度好等优点,在农业灌排系统优化设计中具有较高的实用性。

    The results of several calculation examples show that EGA is an effective algorithm in solving the optimization problem of canal and drainage section design with good properties such as high efficiency , high precision and applicable to most of the complex optimization problems in irrigation and drainage system design .

  9. 河岸浸没预测及排水沟效果研究

    Study on the Riverside Submergence Prediction and the Effects of Drains

  10. 阻塞管道、排水沟、下水道等的污物

    A block in the pipe , gutter , drain , etc

  11. 污水流人道路两侧的排水沟中。

    Sewage ran down troughs on either side of the road .

  12. 浅谈浆砌排水沟的施工监理

    The Construction Direct Management of the Pulping Line up the Drain

  13. 城市排水沟道中泥沙运动流速分析

    Study on the Velocity of Silt Movement in Urban Drainage Ditches

  14. 蒸发影响下农田排水沟(管)间距的计算

    Spacing of drainage ditches in field under the influence of evaporation

  15. 厨房的瓷砖地向排水沟倾斜。

    The tiled floor of the kitchen slopes towards the drain .

  16. 我们不断遇到树叶堵塞排水沟的问题。

    We had continual problems with leaves blocking up the gutters .

  17. 采用钢纤维混凝土制作机场排水沟盖板

    The use of fiber concrete in the plate for the airport ditch

  18. 沿着每一条灌溉渠,他们还挖了一条排水沟。

    Alongside each irrigation canal a drainage ditch was dug .

  19. 排水沟边坡坍塌的原因及防治措施

    Causes of Slope Failure of Drainage Ditches and Its Prevention

  20. 雨水排得很慢,因为排水沟给堵住了。

    The rainwater drained slowly because the drain was blocked .

  21. 哦,不,排水沟刚刚把蜻蜓吞没了。

    Oh , no , the drain just swallowed him .

  22. 铜被用于屋顶、排水沟和建筑伸缩装置中。

    Copper is used in roofs , gutters and building expansion joints .

  23. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。

    On the map the drains of each field are laid sown .

  24. 老鼠、蟑螂和蛇在排水沟里乱窜。

    Rats and roaches and snakes sashay through the gutters .

  25. 黄河下游堤防排水沟设计方法

    Design method of drain system for dike in lower reaches of Yellow River

  26. 有蒸发作用时田间排水沟(管)间距的简化计算

    Simplified Calculation of Field Drains Spacing in Evaporation Condition

  27. 船儿无助地顺着排水沟漂流直到有人看见他。

    The boat drifted helplessly along the drain until some people saw him .

  28. 排水沟被淤泥和细枝堵塞了。

    The drains got silted up again with mud and bits of twigs .

  29. 琼:把油直接倒进排水沟里不就行了吗?

    June : couldn 't he just have poured it down the drain ?

  30. 咖啡渣堵塞了厨房排水沟。

    The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain .