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wǎn gē
  • elegy;dirge;lament;threnody;keen
挽歌 [wǎn gē]
  • [dirge;elegy;threnody] 哀悼死者的歌

挽歌[wǎn gē]
  1. 上尉,一定让乐队为他们演奏一首表达我们哀思的挽歌。

    Captain , make sure that the band plays a good dirge .

  2. 轻快的歌曲竟似挽歌使我压抑。

    A light song overcomes me like a dirge .

  3. 挽歌是一种行为,又是一种哀祭文体。

    The elegy can be described as a behavior and a sort of mourning and wield style .

  4. 那仿佛是夜神正在那儿咬牙切齿地唱挽歌

    It was as if the Night sang dirges with clenched teeth .

  5. 他的书与其说是一部完整的历史,更像是一篇个人挽歌。

    His book is not intended to be a complete history but a personal elegy .

  6. 24年前,Zingales从裙带关系泛滥的意大利来到美国,该书正是Zingales为当时他所见的美国写的一曲挽歌。

    Mr Zingales has written an elegy to the America he found when he moved there 24 years ago from an Italy that was rife with nepotism .

  7. 野花华尔滋,绵羊溪华尔滋,小鹿挽歌。

    Wildflower waltz , sheep creek waltz , dead calf lament .

  8. 中古挽歌诗的起源及形态简论

    Brief Discussion on Origin of Mediaeval Elegy Poem and Its Form

  9. 天哪,还有什么比那首挽歌更悲伤的呢!

    Good heavens , what would be more tragic than that lament !

  10. 勃拉姆斯挽歌每次都使我感动。

    Brahms 's ' Requiem ' gets me every time .

  11. 类似于挽歌、具有挽歌的特征或适合于挽歌。

    Resembling or characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy .

  12. 这场葬礼是此前100年19世纪最后的挽歌。

    The funeral was the last hurrah of its predecessor , the 19th .

  13. 在以后的诗里还继续保留着同样的挽歌和孤独的基调。

    The same elegiace and lonely tone continues to haunt the later poems .

  14. 池大为的命运可视为一曲当代知识分子的挽歌。

    Chi Dawei'fate could be regarded as a song sung by contemporary intellectuals .

  15. 挽歌:用挽歌对句体写的诗歌。

    Elegy : a poem composed in elegiac couplets .

  16. 而《可可西里》并不是简单化的英雄主义颂歌或挽歌。

    But the kokohili is not a coronach or canticle for the hero .

  17. 他为阵亡的士兵写了首挽歌。

    He composed a lament to the dead soldier .

  18. 挽歌非常忧沉,会将你灼伤。

    Dirges so melancholic that they would scorch you .

  19. 《玩具钢琴的挽歌》(2005)获普利策奖;

    Elegy on Toy Piano ( 2005 ), finalist for the Pulitzer Prize ;

  20. 《秦腔》:一曲传统文化没落的挽歌

    Qin Opera : An elegy for the traditional culture

  21. 死亡的救赎之曲&论陶渊明的挽歌创作

    Songs of Redemption from Death & Study on the Elegies of Tao Yuanming

  22. 爱情的挽歌时代的悲音&论《无名的裘德》中主人公的爱情悲剧

    On the tragic love of the hero and heroine in Jude the Obscure

  23. 在首挽歌有两个独白,从两个不同的发言者。

    In the first elegy there are two monologues from two different speakers .

  24. 还是融合在你的挽歌里?

    Sad memory , with thy songs to interfuse ?

  25. 在所有五个挽歌建设的诗句如下一个字母安排。

    In all five elegies the construction of the verses follows an alphabetical arrangement .

  26. 六朝文人挽歌诗的演变和定型

    Poetry The Evolution and Formed Type of the Literary Elegy in the Six Dynasties

  27. 圣洁而沉重的人性美的挽歌&废名《浣衣母》解读

    Elegy of Holy and Weighty Humanity Beauty

  28. 农业自然经济的挽歌社会历史发展的必然&鲁彦小说《黄金》读解

    The Decline of Rural Natural Economy : The Inevitability of the Development of social history

  29. 一曲无尽的挽歌&浅谈巴尔扎克的《人间喜剧》

    An Endless Elegy & A simple Discussion on De Balzac s " Human Comedy ";

  30. 听了一会儿后这个陌生人也跟著唱起了悲哀的挽歌。

    The stranger , after listening for a moment , joined in the mournful dirge .