
zhǐ huà
  • finger-painting;point at;point to;to draw with finger, nail or palm;traditional Chinese painting drawn in this special way
指画 [zhǐ huà]
  • (1) [point at]∶用手指指;指点

  • 孩子们指画着,看,飞机!三架!又三架!

  • (2) [to draw with finger,nail or palm]∶以手代笔,蘸墨作画

  • (3) [traditional Chinese painting drawn in this special way]∶用指画出的国画

指画[zhǐ huà]
  1. 你是指画还是指我?

    You mean the painting or me ?

  2. 我觉得做母亲的给她的孩子制作三明治,鉴赏指画,检查他们的家庭作业,都是理所当然的事。

    I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers , the finger-painting appreciators and the homework monitors .

  3. 1923年刘锡玲去世后,其遗作被全国和世界博物馆收藏,他的几幅指画精品珍藏于四川省博物馆。

    Since his passing away in1923 , his paintings have been collected by Chinese and overseas museums , and some refined works are now being treasured by Sichuan Provincial Museum .

  4. 通过对指画的发展及其艺术特点的解读,结合当代创作中的不良倾向,强调中国画写心写意的重要性。

    Summary by Finger and artistic features of the development of interpretation , combined with the negative tendencies of contemporary creation , stressing the importance of drawing freehand writing center .

  5. 这一切对如今的孩子来说,无疑是一种奢望,可是那时的我却不以为然。我觉得做母亲的给她的孩子制作三明治,鉴赏指画,检查他们的家庭作业,都是理所当然的事。

    At the time , I did not consider this a luxury , although today it certainly would be . I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers , the finger-painting appreciators and the homework monitors .