
  1. 供销合作社要完善体制机制,拓展服务领域,加快成为服务农民生产生活的综合平台,成为党和政府密切联系农民群众的桥梁纽带。

    The cooperatives should improve systems and mechanisms3 , expand service areas , and accelerate efforts to become a comprehensive platform for serving rural production and livelihood4 as well as a bridge for the Party and the government to connect with farmers .

  2. 总的来说,SNS基于六度分割理论,通过朋友的朋友提供网络社交拓展服务。

    Generally speaking , SNS is based on the theory of " Six Degrees of Separation ", providing the service of expanding individuals ' networking circles through their friends and friends of theirs .

  3. 奥地利VEC欧洲商业咨询有限公司(VEC)致力于向其亚洲,欧洲和南美客户提供国际市场拓展服务。

    VEC Venture Europe Consulting GmbH ( VEC ) is a Austria based company , which is engaged in international expansion services to Asia , Europe , and South American clients in commercial vehicle industry .

  4. 拓展服务空间引领化工咨询业新发展

    Developing More Services and Leading New Development of Chemical Consultant Activities

  5. 提升查新检索功能拓展服务层面

    Promoting the Functions of Novelty-checking and Retrieving to Expand Service Levels

  6. 强化协作意识,拓展服务网络;

    Strengthening the sense of cooperation and expanding the network of services ;

  7. 拓展服务的广度和深度促进档案事业的发展

    Developing the Range and Quality of Service and Promoting the Archive Business

  8. 向国家一些地区拓展服务需要无线传输。

    Expanding service to some areas of the country will require wireless transmission .

  9. 拓展服务贸易领域利用外资。

    Developing the use of foreign capital in the field of service trade .

  10. 公共图书馆拓展服务功能的探讨与实践

    On Extension of Service Functions of Public Libraries

  11. 接轨网络教育拓展服务范围&图书馆发展的新方向

    Combining with Network Education and Expanding Service & A New Way for the Development of Libraries

  12. 提出要拓展服务功能,扩展服务领域,提高现代化水平,强化规范和监督。

    It is suggested to expand service function and scope , promote modernization and strengthen regulation and supervision .

  13. 需要加强管理,拓展服务范围,规范服务方式。

    We need to strengthen management and expand services scope , as well as to regulate service patterns .

  14. 充分发挥地方高校图书馆优势积极拓展服务区域经济的功能

    Giving Full Play to the Superiorities of Local University Library to Expand Its Functions of Serving Regional Economy

  15. 为提高市场占有率、拓展服务范围、扩展网络与业务的对外合作,还需要加大在基础业务承载网络方面的建设力度。

    In order to enhance market occupancy 、 extend service area and international cooperation , We should intensify efforts to the construction of the basic bearer network .

  16. 物业管理企业必须注重体制创新;扩大物业的外延,拓展服务空间;

    Enterprises of residential management must lay stress on the innovation of systems , on the extension of businesses as well as on the variety of services .

  17. 探讨了中小型图书馆如何更新服务理念,优化服务资源,更新服务手段,拓展服务内容,与时俱进,在新形势下展现出新的活力。

    The article discussed several problems such as how to renew service idea , optimize resource , renew service measure , expand service content under the new situation .

  18. 在为全球知名的跨国公司开拓在华市场的同时,也为优秀的本土企业提供本国市场的拓展服务。

    Breakthrough dedicate to open up Chinese market for world noted multinational corporations , and at the same time dedicate to expand home market for excellent local enterprises .

  19. 如何消除服务质量波动,充分拓展服务质量提升的空间,赶超世界饭店业服务水准,是摆在学者和业界人士面前的新课题。

    How to eliminate the fluctuation of service quality and expand the improvement ability to achieve the world standard is the new task for the scholars and practitioners .

  20. 加强文献信息资源建设,拓展服务内容和形式,提高信息服务工作者自身素质。是高校图书馆做好信息服务工作所应采取的重要措施。

    The author proposed some measures to strengthen information service in libraries by strengthening information resources construction , enlarging content and form of service , improving quality of service professionals .

  21. 多项与内地团体签订的资格互认协议和进一步对工料测量师的开放措施,都是香港测量师在内地拓展服务的重要成就。

    The mutual recognition agreements with mainland professional bodies and the further liberalization measure for quantity surveyors are important achievements for Hong Kong surveyors to offer their services in the mainland .

  22. 新世纪高校图书馆的文献信息服务在内容和形式上都面临着更高层次的要求,应加强高校图书馆的队伍建设,拓展服务功能,开展特色服务,改进服务质量,以满足读者的需求。

    In new century , not content but form of college library service is facing to more requirement . So should strengthen college library 's ranks , enlarge function , carry out distinctive service , improve quality to satisfy reader 's demand .

  23. 诚信既是律师拓展服务领域的基础,又是律师提高服务质量的根本,还是律师完善形象的前提,也是律师提升素质的关键。

    Honesty and credit is the base for a lawyer to expand his service field and to improve the quality of his service ; it is the premise for him to consummate his image and the key for him to enhance his qualities .

  24. 而对于重型卡车售后服务企业来说,在做好常规的售后服务的同时,如何拓展服务领域、提高用户满意度和忠诚度是他们关心的首要问题。

    As far as the after-sale service companies of the heavy trucks are concerned , the primary issues of their concern would be how to expand new service areas and provide better service to the customers while making the regular after-sale service well enough .

  25. 预防违章行为要加强对新生进行入馆教育和规章制度建设,减少违章行为要提高馆员素质、拓展服务功能和读者参与管理。

    To guard against and lessen the violations , it is necessary to reinforce library entrance education to the freshmen , strengthen the construction of regulations , improve the quality of librarians and extend the service function and readers participating the management as well .

  26. 在具体运作上,高校图书馆应更新观念,立足校园文化中心的地位,积极拓展服务领域,培养大学生文化素质、信息素质,扩大学生知识面,深入开展第二课堂教育。

    In the actual performance , college libraries must refresh their ways of thinking , remain the focus of compus culture , actively expand areas of service , cultivate students cultural and informative quality , broaden their knowledge and do better the second classroom education .

  27. 摘要在信息时代,高校图书馆应充分利用自身的优势,拓展服务社会的功能,建设与市场经济相适应的信息资源,实行商业运作,取得经济效益,实现自身更大的发展。

    At information age , university library should utilize one 's own advantage fully , expand function to serve society , build the information resources in conformity with market economy , implement commercial operation , make the economic benefits , and achieve one 's own greater development .

  28. 分析了信息供需双方现存的问题,指出新形势下医院图书馆应拓展服务领域,不断创新服务模式,架起沟通医院图书馆与临床医技科室的桥梁。

    This paper analyses on the problems existing in both sides of information supplier and information demander , and points out that the hospital library should broaden its service field under the new situation , keeps innovating its service mode , and bridges itself with clinical sections .

  29. 院校是培养学生创新意识和创新能力的重要场所,而作为院校生存和发展的三大支柱之一的图书馆,在培养学生创新意识和创新能力方面,具有得天独厚的优势和资源,应当拓展服务职能。

    Academy is an important place to train the students ' creative consciousness and ability . Being one of the three big stanchions on existence and development of academy , the library has advantaged predominance and resource in the aspect of training the students ' creative consciousness and ability .

  30. 为解决这一问题,本文沿着拓展服务领域、提高建筑业在建设项目上的附加价值这一思路,首先研究了建筑业的概念,认为应当以广义的建筑业为出发点来寻求增值空间。

    To settle these problems , this paper based on the thinking of this article spread service field and increase the additional value of construction project , firstly studies concept of construction industry and concludes that we should explore the space of value-added output , through the broad construction industry .