
  1. 她那个人非常高傲,总是拒人千里。

    She is very arrogant and is always unapproachable .

  2. 换种不那么拒人千里之外的说法比较好,阁下。

    Perhaps a less defensive tack , your eminence .

  3. 你妹妹去世后,我一直拒人千里,变得行尸走肉一般。

    After your sister died , I pushed people away , I became like a ghost .

  4. 在接受《中国日报》采访时,她用安静、拒人千里之外、腼腆等词来描述中国男士。

    Quiet , hard to reach out to and shy are the words Watson uses as she tries to describe them to China Daily .

  5. 另外,虽然博尔德罗小姐本人这时候不可能说是迷人,而且在风烛残年中,还有一种拒人千里的神气。

    Besides , though Miss Bordereau couldn 't today be called personally attractive and there was something even in her wasted antiquity that bade one stand at one 's distance .