- Lamarch;Lamarck, Jean Baptiste

[Lamarck, Jean Baptiste] (1744-1829) 法国生物学家。他最先提出生物进化学说,同当时占统治地位的物种不变论者进行过激烈的斗争
Effect of levcromakalim on ET-1 induced proliferation and expression of protein kinase C in vascular smooth muscle cells
With the advent of Mendelian genetics and the later discovery of DNA , Lamarck 's ideas fell out of favor entirely .
It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck 's evolutionism , Darwinism , ID theory to life information evolutionism .
" Passing on the gained characteristics fits more to Lamarck 's theory of evolution ", says Paro .
The main work can be summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Based on the multi-population genetic algorithm ( MGA ), a multi-population genetic algorithm based on memory-base and Lamarckian evolution for job shop scheduling problem is proposed .
On the Effect of Law The Lamarckian evolution learning strategy ( LELS ) and Darwinian evolution learning strategy ( DELS ) are discussed in terms of their similarities and differences in learn - ing implementation .
The Government , on its side , was taking observations .
So , this made evolution suddenly Lamarckian , instead of Darwinian .
Lamarque was a man of renown and of action .
Of or relating to a modern version of Lamarckism .
Are you coming to General Lamarque 's funeral ?
Napoleon had died uttering the word army , Lamarque uttering the word country .
In June , 1832 , the spark was the death of General Lamarque .
Simply writing off its debts and reclaiming the drachma would trigger economic collapse .
Kamakshi sivaramakrishnan never planned to go into advertising , much less run a startup .
How shall the mechanism be understood ?
The ability of local search is improved by introducing the Lamarckian learning operator into the clonal selection algorithm .
In his puzzle he even adopted the concept of acquired heredity of Larmack to supplement his theory of natural selection .
As human brains evolved , they created culture , which permitted the birth of a true Lamarckian system of inherited acquisitions .
A modern Lamarckian theory emphasizing the importance of environmental factors in genetic changes and retaining the notion of the inheritance of acquired characters .
The hair-dresser had , naturally , spoken to the veteran of the riot , then of General Lamarque , and from Lamarque they had passed to the Emperor .
On the5th of June , accordingly , a day of mingled rain and sun , General Lamarque 's funeral procession traversed Paris with official military pomp , somewhat augmented through precaution .
Research on epigenetics , while yet to uncover anything as dramatic as Lamarck 's giraffes , does suggest that acquired traits can be heritable , and that Lamarck was not so wrong after all .
It may seem like a textbook example of Lamarckism , but giraffes who can evolve the most stretch in their necks can stake out an adaptation with their bodies long enough for their genes to catch up .
The hybrid genetic algorithm improved by Lamarckian learning mechanism is applied to the experimental modal parameter identification of the continuous miner reducer , and the good results are achieved , which verify the method is accurate and effective .
To study the phenomenon of the evolution of life from a program perspective , both Lamarckian " use and disuse " evolutionary mechanisms and Darwin the " natural selection " evolutionary mechanism have their program realization foundation , only their genetic mutation occurred time and cause are different .