- 【数】Lagrange mean value theorem

Discussion about method of solving problems by using Lagrange middle value theorem
Simple Proof and Application of Lagrange Mean Value Theorem
A New Proof of Lagrange 's Mean Theorem
Generalize the Use of Differential Middle Value Theorem
Skilfully using Lagrangian middle-value theorem
The factors that influenced the sound power calculation accuracy were analyzed by Lagrange differential mean value theorem .
After that , it gets the simplified models of condenser , capillary and evaporator by simplifying the corresponding distributed models with Lagrangian Middle-value Theorem .
This paper gives the new method to prove the Cauchy Mean Value Theorem , which also may be deduced from the Lagrange Mean Value Theorem .
The paper sums up the application of Lagrange mean theorem in five aspects in high mathematics , and give an example to illustrate its application .
Its key proof is to construct an auxiliary function , which is used by Roll 's theorem to reach a conclusion of Lagrange 's theorem .
On the basis of these theories , Rolle mean value theorem , Lagrange mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem are proved by constructing nested interval .
This paper provides an inference of Rolle mean value theorem and a new structure method of auxiliary function so as to prove Lagrange mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem .
We present a general method to prove a class of problems by Rolle ′ s theorem , which need make tricky function by Langrange or Cauchy mean value theorem , and point out our method is feasible for these problems .
This paper carried out Lagrange 's to acquire three new proofs and one corollary , final analysis is carried out by two examples . Seek the functional limit by making use of mean value theorem and B.Taylor expansion On Application of Tayler Formulation
Different Ways of Testifying the Lagrange Differential Theorem of Mean ; Analysis of Soil Nailing with Lagrangian
Finally , the condition and result of integral mean-value theorem are also improved combined with the lagrange mean value theorem of differentials .
Gives more general results on the gradualness of the median point of Lagranges median theorem and first median theorem for integrals and its succinct proof .
This paper gives the second order ample condition of Lagrange multiplier rule of constrained extreme value with the quadratic form , and proves it by use of counterevidence with the help of Lagrange theorem of mean value and Taylor formula ;