
  • 网络The Strip;Las Vegas Strip;Las Vegas Boulevard;Las Vegas Blvd
  1. 马卡帕加尔大道(MacapagalBoulevard)可能尚未达到拉斯维加斯大道(LasVegasStrip)的名气。

    Macapagal Boulevard may not yet have the cachet of the Las Vegas Strip .

  2. 苏离开拉斯维加斯大道(LasVegasStrip)的高级餐厅,在一个小型购物中心美发店的一角做包子,独自开启自己的事业。

    Mr. Su is a refugee from fine-dining kitchens on the Las Vegas Strip who started a solo career making bao in a corner of a strip-mall hair salon .

  3. 免费接送服务往返机场和拉斯维加斯大道!

    Free Shuttle Service To and From Airport and The Las Vegas Strip !

  4. 澳门此前就有可能超过拉斯维加斯大道。

    Macao has threatened to surpass Las Vegas before .

  5. 多米诺和他的乐队在美国各地巡演,演出地点也包括拉斯维加斯大道上的赌场。

    Domino and his orchestra gave performances across the United States , including the casinos on the Las Vegas Strip .

  6. 当提到灯火通明的地方时,我们总会想起那些最极端的例子,比如时代广场、拉斯维加斯大道。

    We tend to think , when we think of places being lit up , of very extreme examples -- Times Square , the Vegas Strip .

  7. 一天下午我沿着拉斯维加斯大道走着,还没走几英里就发现四周已经一片荒芜。

    One afternoon I walked all the way down Las Vegas Boulevard , and after a few miles I found myself smack dab in the middle of nothing .

  8. 现在再考虑一张高端相机拍摄的标准数码照片,可以是任何给定的事物,日落、海滩或者拉斯维加斯大道。

    Now consider a standard digital photograph taken with an above-average or high-end camera of any given subject , such as a sunset , a beach , or the Las Vegas Strip .

  9. 去年,有79%的游客(29467000人)选择留宿在拉斯维加斯大道上的的酒店,正如影片中四人所选择的凯撒宫。

    Last year , 79 percent of tourists ( 29467000 people ) chose to stay at hotels right on the Strip like Caesar 's Palace - the choice of the movie 's zany four-pack .

  10. 尽管拉斯维加斯大道将有一个好年景,但这一结果仍会发生。他在拉斯维加斯的美国眼科学会年会上公布了他的研究结果。

    That 's despite the fact that Las Vegas is having a good year . He presented a poster on the findings of his research here at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Las egas .

  11. 所以夫妇,随着珍妮的姐姐和姐夫,飞抵拉斯维加斯开车经过仪式上很少白色婚礼教堂,在拉斯维加斯的林荫大道。

    So the couple , along with Jennifer 's sister and brother-in-law , flew to Las Vegas for a drive-through ceremony at the Little White Wedding Chapel , on Las Vegas Boulevard .