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  • have a facelift
  • pasta in sheet form
  1. 艾丽斯·哈特—戴维斯体验了一把“手部拉皮”。整形医生在她的手部注射填充剂,使手部看起来更年轻。

    Alice Hart-Davis has a treatment called a ' handacial ' which involves injecting fillers into the hands to make them appear younger .

  2. 这被称为“手部拉皮”。英国医生杰克这几个月来接待的手部拉皮顾客人数飙升,增长了4倍。

    The procedure is called a ' handacial ' and Dr Jack has seen a four-fold increase in requests for it in recent months .

  3. 例如:32岁的Buttram在生育后无法通过锻炼恢复体形,她选择进行了隆胸术和腹部拉皮手术,整形外科医生称之为“妈咪整容术”。

    Unable to regain5 her old shape through exercise , Buttram , 32 , opted6 for breast augmentation and a tummy tuck , popular procedures in what plastic surgeons have dubbed7 “ the mommy makeover . ”

  4. “妈咪整容术”可以包含多种整容手术程序,通常包括使腹部皮肤紧致的腹部拉皮手术,去除多余脂肪的抽脂术,以及乳房提升手术(使用或不使用假体)。

    So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures , but often involve tummy tucks to tighten2 stretched abdominal3 muscles , liposuction to remove excess fat and a breast lift , with or without implants4 .

  5. 名为先锋救护车(MidwoodAmbulance)的这个家族企业,在拉皮萨尔达家传承了三代人,在这期间,布鲁克兰南区变了,从历史上以犹太人和意大利人为主变成了中国人的天下。

    During the three generations of Rapisardas who have run the family business , Midwood Ambulance , the south Brooklyn area has changed , from historically Jewish and Italian to largely Chinese .

  6. 纽约市的整容医生米歇尔·科普兰德(MichelleCopeland)医生说,齐薇格或许是做了眼睑成型术,或是上眼睑拉皮术,或许还做了前额拉皮术,此外还注射了拓宽脸型的填充物。

    Dr. Michelle Copeland , a plastic surgeon in New York City , said that Ms. Zellweger had probably elected to have a blepharoplasty , or upper eyelid lift , and possibly also a forehead lift , with the addition of injectable fillers that may have widened the planes of her face .

  7. 我本来打算谈谈拉皮。

    I was going to talk about the issue of face-lifts .

  8. 激光拉皮可以让你的梦想成真。

    Laser SkinTightening may just make all your dreams come true .

  9. 做了拉皮整容手术的迈瑞宝究竟销量如何,接下来的几个月就会见分晓。

    The next few months should be telling for the facelifted Malibu .

  10. lose:失去,减少pound:磅(重量单位,常衡磅时等于16盎司,合0.454公斤)lift:提升她瘦了15磅还去做了个眼部拉皮。

    She lost 15 pounds , got an eye lift .

  11. 电波拉皮手术效果能保持多久?

    How long can electric wave sheet-jelly operation effect keep ?

  12. 上罗拉皮圈对环锭纺的影响

    Influence of Top Roller Covers on Ring Spinning

  13. 她刚刚做了面部拉皮手术。

    She just had an operation on the face to make herself look younger .

  14. 麦克,你知道么?康妮要去做脸部拉皮了。

    Mac , you know what ? Connie 's going to get a face lift .

  15. 而今,激光外科提供了一种相对来说痛苦较少的整容和拉皮术。

    But now , laser surgery is a relatively painless alternative to facelifts and skin tucks .

  16. 对于一个53岁的人来说,多纳泰拉的皮肤很紧实,表明她可能拉皮了。

    For a 53-year old , Donatella 's skin is very firm , indicating a possible facelift .

  17. 如今,拉皮萨尔达有三辆印着英汉双语标识的救护车,在全市穿梭。

    Now Mr. Rapisarda has three ambulances emblazoned with English and Chinese characters traveling around the city .

  18. 理查德做了上下眼睑提升、面部拉皮以及面部注脂等手术。

    He had his upper and lower eyelids lifted , a facelift and fat injections in his face .

  19. 精通蓝光祛痘、彩光嫩肤术、激光美容、射频拉皮除皱。

    Proficient in the Blu-ray remove pox , IPL rejuvenation of skin , Laser Cosmetic , RF lift wrinkles .

  20. 狗展冠军犬遭人指控曾秘密作过拉皮手术,可能因此被取消资格。

    A canine winner of dog shows may be stripped of its title after being accused of having a face-lift .

  21. 这些手术中非侵入性手术(如注射肉毒杆菌或拉皮)和侵入性手术约各占一半。

    These were split roughly evenly between non - invasive treatments , such as botox or facial peels , and invasive surgery .

  22. 他还给我的面颊和下巴放入了填充物。他除掉了我的喉结,并给我做了下颈部和脸部的拉皮。

    He put in cheek implants and chin implants , and he did a tracheal shave and a lower neck and face-lift .

  23. 报纸引述朝鲜消息人士的话说,虽然脸部拉皮在该国是违法的,但是公立医院外科医生还是私下收贿动手术。

    The newspaper quoted sources saying although facelifts are illegal , state surgeons are performing cosmetic surgeries in secret in return for bribes .

  24. 隆胸、隆鼻、脖子与拉皮手术以及双眼皮手术是去年最火热的整形项目。

    Boob jobs , nose jobs , neck and face lifts , and eyelid surgery were the most popular cosmetic procedures last year .

  25. 给我的面颊和下巴放入了填充物。他除掉了我的喉结,并给我做了下颈部和脸部的拉皮。”

    He put in cheek implants and chin implants , and he did a tracheal shave and a lower neck and face-lift . "

  26. 女性整容项目通常为拉皮,割双眼皮,而男性整容项目通常是生发和抗皱。

    Whereas women more often ask for facelifts and eye lifts , men are more interested in keeping their hair and combating wrinkles .

  27. 手术康复后,她决定先不出院,而是做了一系列其他的手术:面部拉皮,抽脂,隆胸和腹部除皱。

    Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift , liposuction , augmentation , and a tummy tuck .

  28. 坚决不要喝酒是第一条,并且多做户外运动。她还会做面部针灸,这样能让她看起来像做过拉皮。

    Strictly no booze , is her foremost rule and getting plenty of exercise outdoors . She also does facial acupuncture , which makes you look like youve had a face lift .

  29. 专家认为,这种智能手机脸现象可能是现在拉皮手术和垫下巴手术日益盛行的背后原因,这种手术花费在4290英镑左右。

    It is now believed that the phenomenon , dubbed ` smartphone face ` could be behind the growing trend for skin tightening treatments and chin implants which cost around £ 4,290 .

  30. 专家认为,这种“智能手机脸”现象可能是现在拉皮手术和垫下巴手术日益盛行的背后原因,这种手术花费在4290英镑左右。

    It is now believed that the phenomenon , dubbed " smartphone face " could be behind the growing trend for skin tightening treatments and chin implants which cost around £ 4290 .