
  1. 试论城市私有房屋拆迁补偿安置协议

    Agreement of Compensation & Resettlement for the Private Houses ' Remove in Cities

  2. 互换房屋产权的差额价款应当在签订房屋拆迁补偿安置协议时一次付清。

    The price difference shall be paid in one lump sum at the time when the two parties sign an agreement for compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re [ ] of houses .

  3. 在征用土地拆迁补偿安置中,当事人达不成拆迁补偿安置协议时如何寻求民事司法救济,司法救济如何定位以平衡各方利益?

    In the during of expropriating land and pulling-down compensation and residents , how do parties seek civil judicial saving and judicial saving be located to balancing every party if parties can 't sign contract with contractor for pulling-down compensation and residents ?