
chāi qiān hù
  • Demolition households;household that has to be relocated due to pull-down of the original home;household that moves away from old domicile
  1. 你一定要做好这些拆迁户的思想工作。

    You must persuade these relocated households into moving .

  2. 那么,拆迁户怎样维护自己的合法的财产权和生存权?

    Dismantles how support an own legal property right and the right to life ?

  3. 被拆迁户都在2009年建好新房,顺利实现安置。

    Removed households built their new houses in2009 and resettlement is carried out smoothly there .

  4. 拆迁户和农民工!

    Relocated households and farmer workers !

  5. 这样,我们的拆迁户和农民工就只剩下唯一选择了&商品房!

    Now , our relocated households and farmer workers have only one choice : commercial house !

  6. 被拆迁户希望能在原址附近重建,便于耕作。

    For the cultivation , the households hope that the reconstruction can be implemented around the original site .

  7. 被拆迁户多选择实物安置的方式,很少选择货币补偿。

    Most of removed households choose the physical material resettlement and very few households choose the monetized compensation .

  8. 在这些新贷款中,有5909亿支付给了农村拆迁户。

    Among those new loans , 590.9 billion yuan was held by rural households , according to the regulator .

  9. 但在实际工作中,长期以来存在的文档管理模式,使拆迁户信息化管理的思路并没有得到真正实现,市场上也并未出现相关的应用软件。

    However , in practice , long existence of document management model does not realize the idea of households ' information management .

  10. 为维护拆迁户的合法权益,国家颁布了相关的法律、法规。

    In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the relocation household , the country has issued relevant laws and regulations .

  11. 张榜公布各拆迁户房屋数量、补偿标准及拆建时间以征求拆迁户意见;

    Post up housing quantity of each relocation household , compensation standard and removal and reconstruction time to ask for comments from relocation households ;

  12. 近年来,随着城市建设的深入开展武汉市产生了大批拆迁户,导致了被动购房人数的增加。

    Nowadays , with the development of city construction , more and more relocated households emerge , which results in the increase of passive house buyers .

  13. 通过建立开发商与被拆迁户两局中人博弈的模型,求解该博弈的混合策略纳什均衡,并分析提高补偿标准对纳什均衡的影响。

    After a two-player game model is built , the paper solves mix-strategy Nash equilibrium of game and analyzes the influence of improving compensation to game equilibrium .

  14. 在2004年,开发商曾经开出条件,拆迁户搬出在重庆的这一地段的,将得到一套新房或经济赔偿,吴女士是这一地区281户人中唯一拒绝该方案的人。

    Ms Wu was the only one of281 families in the area who rejected an offer of a new house or financial compensation to move from the site in Chongqing in2004 .

  15. 住房和城乡建设部部长28日在全国住房城乡建设年度工作会议上表示,政府将停止建设面向农民工、城市房屋拆迁户、棚户区改造安置人员的公租房。

    China 's housing minister said on Monday that governments will stop building rental housing units to accommodate migrant workers and people displaced by demolitions or renovations of urban residences or shantytowns .

  16. 从社会学视角析拆迁户利益集团形成的困境他们主要从事老城区的拆迁和重建工作。

    Analysis on the Difficult Position Formed for the Relocated Household Special Interest Group from the Sociological Angle of View They live there , doing the same , simple and hard work on construction sites day after day .

  17. 政府自利性膨胀导致公共权力异化,开发商过分追求利润最大化导致社会责任缺失,拆迁户权利诉求过度导致道德失范。

    The expansion selfishness of government will lead to alienation of public authority , the excessive pursuit to maximize profits of developers will led to their lack of social responsibility , and excessive right demand of householders will to moral anomie .

  18. 应通过疏导的方法,探索搭建拆迁户有效的利益表达机制与畅通的渠道,完善合理有效的问题处理机制,以维护拆迁相关利益主体的合法权益。

    So we should explore the effective interest expression mechanism and expedite communication way , build the reasonable problem dealing with mechanism by the way of leading and guiding to guarantee the legal rights and interests of the related interest people .

  19. 全村涉及拆迁37户,于2008年底进行了拆迁并获得了拆迁补偿款,所有拆迁户都在2009年建起并搬入了新房。

    37 households are involved in removal for the whole village , and removal was carried out in the end of2008 , and all removal households moved into their new houses in2009 .

  20. 目前全区规划的42个城中村已有38个村开始实施改造,累计完成城中村拆迁1.6万户、200万平方米,全区农村住房楼房化比例达到70%以上。

    At present , the planning of the 42 " Chengzhongcun " already had 38 villages began to implement the transformation of " village in city ", completed a total of 16000 households , 2000000 square meters of demolition , the building of rural housing more than 70 % .

  21. 截至2010年底已累计完成14户企业的拆迁,动迁5104户约1.6万人,熟化土地面积776.8亩,拆迁总面积31.72万平方米,累计新建保障性住房约206万平方米。

    Until the end of 2010 , the accumulative total are 14 household of relocation business , 5104 household of resettlement of urban inhabitants about 16000 people , 776.8 acres of land , 317200 square meters the total area of enterprises demolition , 2060000 square metres new indemnificatory housing .

  22. 本文针对公益性拆迁问题,运用演化博弈理论研究地方政府和被拆迁户之间的博弈引发城市拆迁突发事件的应急管理问题。

    This paper studies emergency management about the game between local government and householders .

  23. 拆迁居民:贵广铁路征地涉2个村,需拆迁48户。

    Residents involved in removal : 2 villages are involved in land requisition of Guiyang-Guangzhou railway and48 households need removing .

  24. 由于拆迁安置房建设需要一定的周期,在区域范围内无法及时建成一定规模的安置房,以致成千上万的拆迁户在外过渡。

    Since the construction of resettlement housing requires a certain period of time , and in the region can not be completed within a certain amount of replacement housing , so that tens of thousands households have to transition outside .