
  1. 第三,买方拒绝接受货物后负有担保义务。

    Thirdly , after rejection the buyer has the security duty .

  2. 质量担保义务与权利担保义务并列为卖方的两大基本担保义务。

    Warranty obligations of quality and warranty obligation of title are basic obligations of seller .

  3. 系统的接收不减少卖方对系统的其它担保义务。

    Acceptance of the system shall not release vendor from other warranty obligations with respect to the system .

  4. 它们会从互相独立地承担主权债务担保义务,转变为共同承担,最终可能还会出现一种欧元区债券。

    They will move from separate to joint liability of sovereign debt guarantees , possibly leading eventually to a eurozone bond .

  5. 从保险代位权的效力出发,论述了被保险人的协助义务和担保义务及其法律规制。

    The author discusses the insurant 's assistant duty and assurance duty and its legal mechanism through the effect of insurance subrogation .

  6. 在旅游合同中,旅游营业人的权利主要是收取旅游费用,其义务主要表现在先契约义务、告知义务、按合同约定提供旅游服务义务、瑕疵担保义务等方面。

    Tourism contract is the contract that tourism operators provide tourists with tourism service and tourists pays the tourism operators with the traveling expense .

  7. 保荐人民事义务的性质分为基于法律规定产生的信息披露担保义务、以及基于保荐协议约定产生的合同义务。

    The civil obligation of sponsor includes the information & disclosure obligation based on law , and the contract obligation based on the recommending agreement .

  8. 恒大方面透露的目前事件的最新进展是,其两家子公司未能按期履行价值1.45亿美元的理财产品的担保义务。

    In the latest development , Evergrande said two of its subsidiaries had failed to uphold guarantee obligations for $ 145 million worth of wealth management products .

  9. 保荐人在保荐过程中包括三个阶段的法定义务,即公司上市期间的尽职推荐义务、公司上市后的持续督导义务、公司上市后的信息披露担保义务。

    Sponsors sponsors in the process of including the three stages of the statutory obligations , recommended due diligence obligations , continuing obligations of supervision , disclosure of information security obligations .

  10. 而在所有的法律关系中,保荐人作为保荐对象法定信息披露的担保义务人,是其最本质的身份。

    In all legal relations , the sponsor 's most essential identity is that he / she acts as the guarantee obligator of his / her clients ' disclosure of legal information .

  11. 在罗马法上,出卖人对标的物权利瑕疵所承担的责任称为追夺担保义务,对物的瑕疵所承担的责任称为出卖人的瑕疵担保义务。

    In the Roman Law , the liability assumed by the seller to the right of subject is named obligation of guarantee when seizing ; and the liability about subject is blemish guarantee .

  12. 对内效力在让与人与受让人之间产生,涉及债权之移转、从属权利之移转、转让人之辅助义务、转让人之权利瑕疵担保义务等内容;

    The internal validity results from between the parties of the assignor and the assignee , concerning the transfer of right , subordinate right , the assistant obligation , the right flaw guarantee of the assignor .

  13. 对竞买人和买受人负有拍卖物瑕疵说明义务,保证公平竞争的义务,交付拍卖物并转移所有权的义务,瑕疵担保义务;

    Owes to the bidder and the buyer the duty to tell the defect of the property , to secure the fair competition , to deliver the property and transfer the ownership , to warrant the defect ;

  14. 质量担保义务是指卖方应担保其交付的标的物的质量符合合同约定或法律规定,违反这种担保义务将承担相应的违约责任。

    Warranty obligations of quality mean that the seller should guarantee that the goods which he supplies conform to any provision of the contract or statutory , otherwise the seller will bear the liability for breach of contract .

  15. 装船前的检验并不能替代卸货港和/或工作现场的检验,也不能免除卖方基于本合同的担保义务。

    The pre-delivery inspection shall not substitute the inspection of the Contract Equipment at the port of Unloading and / or the Job Site and shall not release the Seller from its guarantee obligations as further specified in the Contract .

  16. 责任的本质是权利的法律上之力,责任的存在是一种状态,其表现为担保义务人履行义务的担保状态和义务人不履行义务时的强制实现状态。

    The essence of responsibility is the strength in law of the right , the existence of responsibility is a kind of state , it is shown as a state of guarantee fulfilling obligations of obligator and a state fulfilling obligations by force when not fulfilling obligations .

  17. 卖方对其出售的船舶须承担权利担保义务,即保证船舶在交船时无租约、抵押、海事优先权或任何其他债务,这在挪威买卖合同格式下被称作为船舶无负担保证义务。

    The seller shall undertake an obligation of warrantee , that is , the seller warrants that the ship at the time of delivery is free of all charters , encumbrances , mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever . This is called " Encumbrances under NSF " .

  18. IBM对于本文档中提到或链接的任何非IBM网站或第三方资源不承担任何代表、担保或其他义务。

    IBM makes no representations , warranties , or other commitments whatsoever about any non-IBM Web sites or third-party resources that may be referenced , accessible from , or linked from this document .

  19. 担保人履行担保义务后,有权向被担保人追偿。

    The guarantor shall be entitled to claim compensation from the guaranteed after the guarantor has performed his guaranty obligations .

  20. 今年8月,11家非银行贷款机构组成的团体致信河北省政府官员,警告称,如果政府无法救助河北融投,让这家担保公司履行其义务并让投资者避免损失,就有可能产生“不必要的社会影响”。

    In August , a group of 11 non-bank lenders wrote to top Communist party officials in Hebei province warning of " unnecessary social influence " if the government failed to bail out Hebei Financing and thus enable the guarantor to honour its obligations and insulate investors from losses .

  21. 瑕疵担保责任是指违反瑕疵担保义务所承担的民事责任。

    The blemish guarantees that responsibility is that the finger violates civil liability born by blemish assurance duty .

  22. 随着新《公司法》的施行,公司为本公司的股东或者其他个人债务提供担保,必须经过集体决议,作为担保权人有义务对之进行形式审查。

    With the enforcement of new Company Law , a company should obtain a collective agreement when it intends to provide guaranty for domestic shareholders or other individual debt . As a guarantor , it has the responsibilities to have a check on its form .

  23. 未经担保人同意和外汇局批准的,担保人的担保义务自行解除。

    Where the consent of the guarantor and the approval of the administration of foreign exchange are not obtained , the guaranty obligations of the guarantor shall be released automatically .

  24. 因为无论是有偿担保还是无偿担保,都会使公司面临极大的风险。公司一旦履行担保义务,将给公司带来巨大的压力,影响公司的正常经营及其存续,损害股东和债权人的利益。

    Once the corporation performs guaranteed obligations , it will bring so much pressure that the corporation 's everyday administration and the shareholders ' and the creditors ' benefits can be effected .