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pāo huāng
  • Abandonment;discontinue farming and let go out of cultivation;lay idle;become rusty because of lack of practice;reclaim
抛荒 [pāo huāng]
  • (1) [lay idle]∶已垦田地因天灾人祸等任其荒芜

  • 田皆抛荒

  • (2) [become rusty because of lack of practice]∶[学业、业务]荒废

抛荒[pāo huāng]
  1. 速效磷的含量规律是抛荒地>菜地>园地>水稻田。2002年土壤pH值、有机质和全氮含量的变异系数明显高于其他土壤养分,其中全氮含量的变异系数最大。

    Secondly , the variation coefficients of organic matter and total-N content are apparently higher than other soil nutrients , and the variation coefficient of total-N content is the highest .

  2. 论农村土地抛荒与农村土地使用权流转问题

    Discussion on Problems about Abandoned Farmlands and Circulation of Right of Using Farmlands

  3. 普遍存在不同程度的土地抛荒现象;

    " Soil abandonment " to different degrees has been a common phenomenon .

  4. 社会学视野下的近年农村土地抛荒问题浅析

    Analysis of the Farmlands Abandoned with View of Sociology

  5. 农地弃耕抛荒的生态经济学分析及其对策

    Ecological Economics Analysis about Abandoning Farmland and Countermeasures

  6. 耕地抛荒的背后也折射出农民土地权益的缺失。

    Behind the abandoned arable land also reflects the lack of land rights of farmers .

  7. 农村土地抛荒研究

    A Positive Research on Deserting Rural Land

  8. 农村土地抛荒的新土地革命的社会分析

    Sociological Analysis of the New Agrarian Revolution Induced by the Wasting of Arable Land in Rural Villages

  9. 当前我国农村存在的抛荒土地现象是取得时效赖以产生的经济根源。

    It is the the economic source of usucaption that uncultivated lands is existing in our country .

  10. 目前台州市早稻抛荒或种植单季稻现象十分普遍。

    Now the phenomenon of desolation of early rice or planting one-season rice was very common . 4 .

  11. “休耕制”逐步发展,慢慢取代了原来的抛荒制。

    The system of fallow was a progressive development and gradually replaced the method of slash and burn .

  12. 山区耕地抛荒困境及其原因解读与对策&以湖南省会同县为例

    Dilemma of Idling Arable Land in Mountainous Areas and Its Causes and Countermeasures & Take Huitong County as an Example

  13. 第三部分利用内容分析的方法,结合公共政策中的综合分析模型,分析影响农地抛荒的相关政策因素,并对惠农支农政策执行过程进行分析。

    The third part mainly analyzes the factor of policy , using the comprehensive analysis and analyzes the process of policy implementation .

  14. 第二,比较系统的观察了抛荒秧田杂草种群和优势种与遗留稻种生长衍化。

    The growth and derivation of weed population , the dominant species and legacy rice in wasted seedling bed were systematic surveyed .

  15. 本文分析了耕地抛荒的特点与原因,提出提高耕地利用率的6条对策措施。

    This paper analyzed the characteristics and reasons that the arable land were laid idle and proposed 6 countermeasures enhancing the utilization ratio of arable land .

  16. 部分地区出现了由于农业土地产出不足导致的农民进城务工而大量抛荒土地的现象。

    Some of districts have the phenomenon of occurring abundance of barren land , which is because the land output deficiency causing farmers becoming migrant workers .

  17. 通过分析认为,耕地抛荒指由于生产经营者主观原因放弃而造成的耕地处于闲置或未充分利用的状态;

    Through analysis , we believe that arable land wasting refers to production operator objectively giving up and making no use or insufficient use of arable land .

  18. 本文的主要结论为:第一、土地抛荒现象的存在与现行的家庭联产承包责任制并没有必然的联系。

    The main conclusions of this paper are the bellows : Firstly , there are no inevitable correlation between present Household Responsibility System and the Idle Land .

  19. 自物权:重构农村土地承包法的理性思考&解决农地抛荒的制度创新途径

    Owner 's Right : A Rational Thinking of Reconstructing Farmland Contract Law with Farm Households & An Effective Way to Resolve the Act of Abandoning Farmland Through System Innovation

  20. 土地流转中尚存在抛荒、半抛荒,转包、转让手续不全,制度不规范,违背政策等现象。

    In the land circulation exist some unreasonable phenomena such as land-desertion , half land-desertion , incomplete transfer formalities , no standard regulations , and out of policies , etc.

  21. 尤其是近几年,作为农民命根子的土地出现了大规模的抛荒现象,因此,推进农业经营体制创新,加快农业经营方式转变则成为当务之急。

    Especially in recent years , as the lifeblood of a large-scale scrap phenomenon , the agricultural management system , agricultural production will change the mode of operation as a priority .

  22. 它不仅有利于农村土地资源的有效配置,而且抑制了农村土地抛荒现象,可以说这是农村的又一创新之举。

    It is not only conducive to the effective allocation of land resources in rural areas , but also to prevent land barren , so it is another original act in rural areas .

  23. 解决农村弃田抛荒问题,可以通过切实减轻农民负担,调整农业种植结构,为农民提供社会化服务等途径。

    Countermeasures to dispose of abandoning fields and neglecting are to strengthen legal construction in rural area , alleviate the peasant 's burden , adjust the planting configuration and provide the socialized service for peasants .

  24. 鉴于西南山区农村土地抛荒现象日益突现,有必要找到引起这一现象的原因所在,并结合农业和农村经济发展的新特点,提出多措并举综合治理。

    As the phenomenon of farmland abandon is becoming more and more serious , it is indispensable to find out the reasons and handle it with the new characteristics of agriculture and rural economic development .

  25. 它是市场经济在农村土地承包制度改革中的进一步深化,它不仅抑制了农村土地抛荒,而且还解决了农村土地资源的有效配置。

    It has further deepened the market economy in the reform of rural land contract system . It has controlled the rural land without being lain waste and has made effective disposition of rural land resources as well .

  26. 目前,我国农村的土地使用存在着非合理转让、投入成本增高但生产力增长缓慢以及抛荒等问题。

    At present , there are many problems in the using of rural lands such as the irrational transfer of land-using right , the lower increase of productivities with the rise of input cost , and discontinuous farming of lands , etc.

  27. 但是随着经济建设的快速发展,人们对山地资源的不合理的开发、利用导致山地生态环境恶化、经济效益不佳,而过度采伐(抛荒)等因素,使得这些山地水土流失严重、生态环境问题突出。

    But due to the rapid development of economic construction , unreasonable exploitation resulted in worsening environment and poor economic benefit ; meanwhile , the elements like over-logging and so forth bring the hills about serious soil erosion and pressing ecological condition .

  28. 第一部分主要是对近二十年来农地抛荒的情况进行一个全景的描述,从耕地抛荒的时代特点,空间特点及区域差异进行比较,从整体上展现出我国农地抛荒的现状。

    The first part chiefly describes the past two decades of cultivated land abandoned , from the era of abandoned arable land characteristics , spatial characteristics and to compare regional differences , from the whole show the status of abandoned agricultural land .

  29. 由此导致新农村建设并未缓和城乡居民的收入水平逐步加大的趋势,甚至农村社会中土地抛荒、留守子女、空巢老人等社会问题不断凸显。

    Thus the increasing trend of income gap between urban and rural residents is not mitigated because of new rural construction , even a lot of social problems appeared , such as abandoned farmlands , rear children , and empty nest elderly .

  30. 从现实来看,劳务输出大省农村土地承包经营权流转呈现以下特点:规模不断扩大、速度加快;流转主体的多元化;流转地区的不平衡和土地抛荒严重。

    From a realistic view , the transfer of labor exporting province of rural land contract management right show the following features : expanding and accelerating ; circulation of the diversification of the subject ; serious unbalanced circulation areas and land abandonment .