
  • 网络Discount
  1. 大批订购有没有折扣优惠?

    Is there a discount for buying in large quantity ?

  2. 全年活动折扣优惠证并不适用于此课程。

    HKIM Annual Activity Discount Pass is not applicable to this course .

  3. 在换季之初抢先购买通常会有折扣优惠。

    Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season .

  4. 在此只是创建了一个获取折扣优惠方案LIST的RESTful资源。

    You just created a RESTful resource for getting a LIST of incentives .

  5. 要对捆绑组合中的某套产品提供折扣优惠时,请使用“OfferManager”。

    The recommended method of providing a discount to a set of products in a bundle is by using the " Offer Manager " .

  6. URI模式用于表示一个集合,比如折扣优惠方案。

    The URI pattern is for a collection , such as incentives .

  7. 您应该会看到折扣优惠的JSON列表。

    You should get a JSON list of incentives .

  8. 在这个小节,您将为折扣优惠方案客户使用的POST、PUT和DELETE方法提供安全保护,因为他们已被授权访问提供商的应用程序。

    In this section you secure the POST , PUT , and DELETE methods for incentives to people who are authorized to access the provider application .

  9. 要创建一个响应这5个资源事件的折扣优惠服务,必须先创建RESTful资源。

    To build an incentive service that responds to the five resource events , you first need to create RESTful resources .

  10. 他们对各种产品和服务提供折扣优惠,包括时装、金融服务、礼品、小工具、书籍、CD、DVD光盘、酒店、旅游及外出就餐。

    They offer discounts on a variety of products and services including fashion , financial services , gifts , gadgets , books , CDs , DVDs , hotels , travel and eating out .

  11. 提供通常参加费的20%折扣优惠。

    You receive a20 % discount off the usual charge .

  12. 凡选择2个或以上项目,可获折扣优惠。

    Discount would be offered to the order for2 items or above .

  13. 哦,那太好了。卖两个有折扣优惠吗?

    Oh , good , do you have a discount for two ?

  14. 如果你买两件,你可以有10%的折扣优惠。

    If you buy two , you can get a10 % discount .

  15. 他们住在对学生有折扣优惠的地方。

    They stayed in places that gave discounts to students .

  16. 最大的顾客常常需要提供相当完善的服务和最大的折扣优惠。

    Largest customers often need a degree of services and maximum discounts .

  17. 及时付款可得到5%的折扣优惠。

    You get a5 % discount for prompt payment .

  18. 预先付款可享折扣优惠。

    A discount will be given if the buyer makes payment in advance .

  19. 销售者为鼓励顾客早日付款,常对在一定时间内付清货款的顾客给予现金折扣优惠。

    Cash discounts are usually offered by sellers to encourage early cash payment .

  20. 加州普济电话,提供合于低收入资格的家庭基本电话用户折扣优惠价。

    California Lifeline provides discounts on basic residential telephone service to eligible low-income households .

  21. 全年活动折扣优惠证有效期为12个月,只适用于本会会员申请。

    Annual discount pass holder valid for12 months and only available to HKIM members .

  22. 对这写字楼单位我没问题,但租金方面有没有折扣优惠呢?

    I have no problem with the office , but I am concerned about the rent .

  23. 做您的购物今天和享受折扣优惠,以及取得获胜的机会

    Do your shopping by today and enjoy the discounts as well as get a chance to win

  24. 赛博公司由于有大量的货物运送所以得到政府35%折扣优惠。

    Cyber Import is given a35 % discount on freight by the government due to our high volume .

  25. 他在化妆品市场中找到了市场空间,能为客户提供折扣优惠。

    He found a niche in the cosmetics market and was able to offer deep discounts to the customers .

  26. 风帆友会员于安拉店选购特定产品,更可享有非常吸引的折扣优惠。

    Wind Fans members can also enjoy a very attractive discount on some of our products while shopping at Wind Shop .

  27. 年满62岁的香港居民可享有每位港币$500元之长者折扣优惠。

    Hong Kong resident aged 62 or above will be entitled for Senior Citizen Discount of HK $ 500 per person .

  28. 英国将于下周发起一场大型旅游宣传活动,为民众提供以奥运为主题的折扣优惠,鼓励英国民众在国内度假。

    Britons are being encouraged to holiday at home as a major tourism drive offering Olympic themed discounts is launched next week .

  29. 或「欣悦坊」保留修改会员折扣优惠条款之权利。

    Charis Circle or Charis Square reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of the discount offers without prior notice .

  30. 请于结帐前出示安利直销商/优惠顾客咭,并在帐单上签名以享用折扣优惠。

    Please present your ADA / VIP Card and sign on the bill upon settlement in order to enjoy the respective special discounts .