
tóu zī xìn tuō ɡōnɡ sī
  • investment trust company
  1. 富达中国特殊情况基金(fidelitychinaspecialsituations)仍将是16年来新成立的最大投资信托公司,有可能直接纳入富时250指数(ftse250)。

    The China Special Situations Fund will still be the biggest new investment trust launch in 16 years and is likely to move straight into the FTSE 250 index .

  2. SLGreenRealty房产投资信托公司是纽约最大的商业地产公司之一。该公司计划在中央车站旁边的范德比尔特大道(VanderbiltAvenue)1号,建造一座1400英尺(约合427米)高的大楼。

    SL Green Realty , one of the largest commercial landlords in New York , plans to build a 1,400-foot tower next to Grand Central at 1 Vanderbilt Avenue .

  3. 光顾该市场的非金融企业仍然很少,今年仅有的两次重要本土债券发行,发行方分别是住宅地产开发商mirvac和地产投资信托公司dbrreef。

    Non-financial companies are still rare visitors to the market , with only two significant domestic bond issues this year , from residential property developer mirvac and the property investment trust DB rreef .

  4. 养老院是一家房地产投资信托公司所有

    They 're owned by some kind of real-estate investment trust .

  5. 可能还有可换证券,或分割资本投资信托公司的所得股。

    Or the income shares of split capital investment trusts .

  6. 大家都知道你买了投资信托公司的短期股票。

    Everyone knows that you have bought investment trust for the short haul .

  7. 你可以在单位投资信托公司投资至少1000美元。

    You can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $ 1000 .

  8. 遗产税投资信托公司

    Estate duties investment trust

  9. 不动产投资信托公司

    Real Estate Investment trust

  10. 迄今为止,在台湾排名前十位的证券投资信托公司中,仅有4家是外资所有,但随着安联等外国公司的主动出击,这种局面可能很快发生变化。

    So far , only four of the island 's top 10 Sites are foreign-owned but that may change soon with companies such as Allianz going on the offensive .

  11. 富达决定给向客户销售该基金的金融顾问支付佣金这种做法对于投资信托公司而言十分少见,它为此也受到了抨击。

    Fidelity also came under fire for its decision to pay commission to financial advisers who sell the fund to their clients - which is unusual for an investment trust .

  12. 大厦目前的拥有者是多伦多的一家房地产投资信托公司。西尔斯大厦过去曾是全球最大零售连锁店的总部所在地,今天已成为芝加哥远近驰名的建筑之一,也是当地一些大公司的总部。

    Owned today by a Toronto-based real estate investment trust firm , the former home of one of the world 's biggest retail chains has become one of Chicago 's most prestigious buildings and a haven for some of the city 's biggest companies .

  13. 国际投资信托管理公司

    International Investment Trust Management Company

  14. 为此,必须建立符合我国国情的房地产融资渠道,如房地产投资信托、寿险公司融资、利用外资、企业并购与重组等,同时政府也应为房地产企业创造良好的投融资环境。

    , and expatiates some viewpoints in the government how to create good environment of investment and financing for real estate enterprise .

  15. 依据中国的法规,在对包括保险、证券经纪、资产管理和私人股本等行业在内的广泛领域进行股本投资时,信托公司面临的监管障碍比其它多数金融机构要少。

    Under Chinese rules , trust firms face fewer regulatory obstacles than most other financial institutions in making equity investments in a wide range of sectors , including insurance , securities broking , asset management and private equity .

  16. 本文认为投资基金是信托和公司两种制度长期融合的产物。

    Investment fund is the product of long harmonization of trust with company .

  17. 但是若投资出现亏损,信托公司可能会被迫利用自身规模不大的资金缓冲来弥补损失。

    But if investments go south , the trusts might be prevailed upon to cover any losses from their own wafer thin capital buffers .

  18. 惠誉认为更好的融资方案应该包括来自香港的信贷投资以及来自信托投资公司和类似公司——今年的总数将超过18万亿元人民币。

    Fitch believes a better measure of financing - which includes letters of credit loans from Hong Kong and more of the credit from trust companies and similar firms - could exceed 18 trillion yuan this year .

  19. shih表示,希望注册新的海外投资基金的本土投资信托公司,目前都在设法通过提高其基金投资于台湾股票的比例,去除审批过程中的障碍。

    Mr Shih says local investment trusts that seek registration for new funds for investment overseas are trying to unblock the approval process by raising the ratio their funds will invest in Taiwanese stocks .

  20. 华侨投资还可以采取向国营华侨投资公司、信托投资公司进行现汇存款和购买债券等方式。

    An overseas Chinese may also contribute investments in a way of depositing spot exchange in or purchasing bonds from state-run overseas Chinese investment companies or trust and investment companies .