
tóu bǎo dān
  • Application Form;proposal form
  1. 根据你方的要求,兹附上一份投保单,请填写后于本月底之前寄回,否则会使我们难于及时发出保险单。

    A proposal form is enclosed as requested , and please fill out and then return it by the end of this month , otherwise that may make it difficult to issue the policy in time .

  2. B:请填写投保单,金额和期限。把身份证号码写清楚。

    B : Please fill out the application form of insurance with the amount and period on it.Write your ID card number clearly .

  3. 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。

    In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises .

  4. 请填写&下投保单。

    Please fill in the application form .

  5. 投保单是投保人申请投保的一种书面凭证。

    Insurance application is policy-holder applies for to send a kind of when protect written certificate .

  6. 未尽披露义务经常是由于没能诚实地回答投保单中所包含的问题引起的。

    Often a non-disclosure may arise from failing to answer honestly questions contained in the proposal document .

  7. 投保单通常由保险公司提供,由投保人填写并签字或盖章后生效,保险公司根据投保人填写的投保单内容出具保险单正本。

    Insurance application is offerred by insurance company normally , fill in by policy-holder and sign or effect of have a youthful look of affix one 's seal , the insurance application content that insurance company fills in according to policy-holder issue insurance policy original .

  8. 这两种制度使得保险人可以通过问卷式的投保单和事后调查制度来大幅降低核保成本,从而为保险交易提供了安全和便利的交易方式,对于改善信息不对称问题起到了很大作用。

    These two sets of rules have enabled insurers to greatly lower their underwriting costs by two means : the questionnaire-type of application forms and the post-loss investigation , which provides security and convenience to insurance transactions , and helps to solve the problem of imperfect information .

  9. 假如投保单经公司审核不能通过,保单不会生效,客户所缴纳的保险费定金将退还给客户,假如公司核保通过,保单才算生效。

    If examine and verify of company of insurance application classics cannot be passed , guarantee slip won 't become effective , the insurance premium deposit of client place pay will return a client , if company nucleus is protected , pass , guarantee slip just calculates go into effect .

  10. 这妨碍了加入需要以电子方式提交投保申请和保险单报价回报的保险交易所。

    This hampers participating in insurance exchanges that require electronic submission of applications and the return of the policies quotes .

  11. 寿险合同纠纷增多的原因是,营销员在展业时忽略被保险人存在的疾病,并代替投保人填写投保单,还有其它历史遗留问题。

    The reason of grow in quantity of dispute of birthday danger contract is , sale member the disease that exists in insurant of the oversight when exhibiting property , replace policy-holder to fill in insurance application , still have problem of other history bequeath .

  12. 投保人应充分履行自己填具投保单和亲自签名的权利,填具投保单并签名是投保人的要约行为,是合同生效的首要条件,除非法定授权,否则不能由他人代签名。

    Policy-holder should be fulfilled adequately oneself fill an insurance application and the right that sign personally , fill an insurance application and should restrict action autograph is policy-holder , it is the first requirement of contract become effective , unless legal authorization , cannot sign by other generation otherwise .

  13. 投保人履行如实告知义务必须如实填写投保单,投保单就是其履行如实告知义务的凭证。

    Policy-holder is fulfilled inform obligation to must fill in according to the facts according to the facts insurance application , insurance application is its fulfill the proof that tells obligation according to the facts .

  14. 注意:请投保人认真阅读所附条款并如实、详尽地填写本投保单非阴影部分。

    Attention : Please read the enclosed clauses carefully , then fill in the unshaded area in good faith and as detailed as possible .