
jì shù ɡǔ
  • Technology Unit;Technical Unit
  1. 目前,投资者可以利用ETF,查看跨资产类别、地理位置和利基领域的各类市场&从美国医保股到纳米技术股,到比利时股市等所有领域。

    ETFs are now available for investors to take a view on markets ranging across asset classes , geographies and niche areas – everything from US healthcare stocks to nanotechnology shares to the Belgian stock market .

  2. 方法对18例患者采用Seldinger技术股动脉插管,将导管超选择至肿瘤供血动脉,缓慢注入利多卡因5-10m1及平阳霉素碘油乳剂5-20ml。

    Methods Seldinger technique was adopted and the catheter was super-selectively sent into the supplying artery of tumors in 18 CHL patients , 5-10 ml of Lidocaine and 5-20 ml of PLE were slowly injected .

  3. 技术股涨势尤其疯狂。

    In particular , the technology sector grew like crazy .

  4. 高新技术股市场价格剖析

    A Study on th Market Value of Hi-Tech Shares

  5. 巴菲特先生没有去碰技术股,他的解释是他不去投资他搞不懂的东西。

    Mr Buffett eschewed technology shares , explaining that he would not invest in things he did not understand .

  6. 我们以为这只不过是对技术股泡沫的一个更正,许多人认为技术股的价值被高估了;

    We thought it was a correction of the bubbles of technology stocks , as many people believed they were overvalued ;

  7. 自从这个调查开始时起,由于证券市场上技术股的持续繁荣,这些最有钱的人的财富又增加了数十亿。

    Since the survey was compiled , Britain 's richest have added billions more to their wealth , thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market .

  8. 我们对除日本以外的亚洲进行投资,而不是对美国投资,我们对技术股的超重相当满意,它已将两个台湾企业的零加权包括在内。

    We invest in ex-Japan asia , not the us , and are quite comfortable with our technology overweight , which has happily included zero weight in the two Taiwanese foundries .

  9. 方法自2002年起采用C型臂引导下原位空心钉固定技术治疗股骨头骨骺滑脱3例,并定期随访。

    Methods Three cases of slipped epiphysis of femoral head were treated by using percutaneous hollow screw orthotopic fixation under C arm guide since 2002 , and regular follow-up has been done .

  10. 采用改良Seldinger穿刺技术经股动脉穿刺,先将导管置于髂内动脉药物灌注后,再置导管于髂外动脉的股骨头主要供血动脉内留置,持续72h药物灌注。

    The catheter was inserted and remained in the internal iliac artery by the improved Seldinger puncture method from femoral artery .

  11. 方法:用seldinger技术经股动脉选择性血管造影,逐支超选择性栓塞肿瘤靶动脉。

    Methods : With seldinger 's technique made selective angiography , gradually superior selective target arterial embolization of vertebral tumor .

  12. 方法:产后2例,子宫全切术后2例,过期流产1例,均采用Seldinger技术经股动脉选择性插管至双侧髂内动脉,经导管注入明胶海绵颗粒栓塞双侧髂内动脉。

    Methods : Of 5 cases with massive bleeding , 2 were postpartum , 1 missed abortion and 2 after total hysterectomy . All were subjected to bilateral internal iliac arterial embolization with Gelfoam by Seldinger technique .

  13. 能源部门技术管理股分散的学校管理部门。

    Energy Sector Technical and Administrative Unit a decentralized school administration .

  14. 红外热成象技术在股骨头坏死疾病针刺疗法中的应用

    Application of Infrared Thermal Imaging in the Acupunture Treatment of Thighbone Necrosis

  15. 世纪议程部门间协调组林业部门技术协调股

    Inter-Departmental Coordination Group on Agenda 21 21 Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit

  16. 能源部门技术管理股技术转让注册部门主管会议

    Energy Sector Technical and Administrative Unit Meeting of Heads of Technology Transfer Registries

  17. 海洋科学技术特设股技术特派团专家小组

    Ad Hoc Unit on Marine Science and Technology Panel of Experts on Technical Missions

  18. 海洋科学技术特设股

    Ad Hoc Unit on Marine Science and Technology

  19. 发展中国家间技术合作股;

    Unit for technical cooperation among developing countries ;

  20. 能源部门技术管理股

    Energy Sector Technical and Administrative Unit

  21. 粮食安全和技术援助股

    Food Security and Technical Assistance Unit

  22. 林业部门技术协调股

    Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit

  23. 林业部门技术协调股起重机生产企业技术部门信息化架构探讨

    Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit Informatization architecture discuss on the R & D department of crane manufacturers

  24. 因此,利用数字化技术为股骨头坏死的诊断提供支持,可以帮助医生做出科学、准确的临床诊断。

    Thus , to support the diagnoses of ONFH by digital technique will definitely help doctors to make proper therapy .

  25. 方法应用显微外科技术治疗股神经损伤26例,手术方法包括神经缝合术、经移植术及神经松解术。

    Methods twenty-six cases of patients of femoral nerve injury was treated by nerve suture , nerve grafts and neurolysis separtately .

  26. 信息技术这股强劲的潮流,正迅速地推动着传统行业贸易方式的变革和产业结构的升级。

    The strong tidal of information technology is rapidly impelling the transformation of trade way of traditional industry and the promotion of industrial structure .

  27. 随着消费电子产品价格下跌,作为韩国及台湾股市支柱的技术类股预期已被下调。

    Technology , a pillar of the Korean and Taiwanese stock markets , has been marked down alongside falling consumer electronic goods price tags .

  28. 作者提出当外侧颈升动脉阻塞或撕裂时,可采用显微外科技术重建股骨头血运以降低股骨头坏死率的设想。

    The author suggests that when the lateral ascending cervical artery is obstructed or torn , a microsurgical technique be adopted to reconstruct blood supply of the femoral head so as to reduce its necrosis rate .

  29. 基于CT图像反求技术的人体股骨头修复建模

    Modeling for rehabilitation of femoral head based on CT images and reverse engineering

  30. 基于VaR技术的国有股过渡流通方案研究

    Analysis on Illiquidity Share Transitional Trading Plan by VaR Theory