
  • 网络technological civilization;technical civilization
  1. 二是技术文明与生命本真。

    Two is the technological civilization and the essence of life .

  2. 关于工业技术文明批判的若干思考

    Some Reflections on the Criticisms of Industrial and Technological Civilization

  3. 现代包装设计是技术文明的产物。

    Modern packaging art is the outcome of technological progress .

  4. 我认为这是我们拥有的最具技术文明的东西,

    I think it 's the most technologically literate thing that we have ,

  5. 技术文明社会的生态危机意识&评法兰克福学派的科技决定论

    Ecological Crisis Consciousness of Technological Civilized Society

  6. 期刊是建立在印刷技术文明基础之上的,它彻底打破了传统文学的生产、流通、传播过程,代表了现代的文学生产方式。

    The periodicals represent a new literature producing style , including producing , circulating and spreading .

  7. 完全可以这样说,科学方法使今天的技术文明成为可能。

    It is safe to say that the scientific method made possible the technological civilization of today .

  8. 马尔库塞的艺术新感性思想是建立在对西方社会的现代文明以及由技术文明所造成的文化心理结构基础上的。

    Marcuse 's new perception ideology of art was set up on the basis of the criticism to the western society .

  9. 在现代技术文明社会,工作与家庭冲突反映了人本真存在方式与现代技术文明所重构的人存在方式的冲突。

    In modern technological society , the conflict between them reflects the conflict between human 's basic existence and modern technological civilization .

  10. 要以人事文明、理念文明、技术文明、考核文明、责任文明、监督文明促进行政执法文明。

    Human affairs civilization , idea civilization , technology civilization , check civilization , responsibility civilization , supervision civilization promote administrative law enforcement civilization .

  11. 当我们做这些算术的时候,特别地说,我们遇到的这种数字是大约一百万技术文明社会。

    When we do the arithmetic , the sorts of numbers we come up with are , characteristically , around a million technical civilizations .

  12. 美国研究型大学雄厚的研究实力和丰硕的研究成果,使其成为技术文明时代的骄子。

    The abundant research strength of American research universities make them become the first-class universities at the age of technique civilization with the fruitful research achievements .

  13. 科学教育史是教育史中的一个重要组成部分,科学教育在科学技术文明的传承与发展中发挥着重要的作用。

    Science education is an important component part of education , it plays an important role in the heritage and development of science and technology civilization .

  14. 数字文化已成为数字技术文明的思想基础,其发达程度直接影响数字技术文明的发达程度。

    Digital culture has become the ideological foundation of digital technological civilization , whose developmental degree has a direct effect on that of digital technological civilization .

  15. 建立在理性主义基础之上的近代工业技术文明所带来的病态社会和单项度的人激起西方学者的激烈批评。

    Being built on the basis of rationalism , civilized modern industrial technology bring up the 〝 pathological society " and 〝 individual degrees " which arises fierce criticism of Western scholars .

  16. 随着现代化的发展,技术文明给人类社会带来进步的同时,也使人类陷入整体性的生态危机,生态问题开始被人们所关注。

    With the development of modernization , technological civilization brings progress to human society at the same time also causes the humanity to fall into the integral ecological crisis , and ecological problems begin to be of concern to people .

  17. 中国是世界上最早发明青铜冶铸技术的文明古国之一。

    China is one of the ancient civilized countries that invented bronze founding .

  18. 其次,文章从技术、文明、善念三个角度对信息战逐渐慈化的原因进行分析。

    Secondly , this paper has analyzed the causes for ' benevolence ' of Information Warfare from the angles of technology , civilization and benevolence .

  19. 后来,人们将从一个基于技术的文明中再次回归到耕地文明,在那儿耕作土地是人类劳作、分享和收获的基石。

    Over time humanity shall move from a technologically based civilization to an agrarian civilization again , where working the land is the foundation of human endeavors , sharing and celebrations .

  20. 科学技术&精神文明建设的第一推动力

    Science Technology the first Impetus to the Cultural and Ideological Progress

  21. 是经深圳市认定的高新技术企业和文明单位。

    Was found in Shenzhen high-tech enterprise and civilization units .

  22. 以上根据生命全息考古鉴定技术及地球文明记载分析得出。

    Upwards information came from life archaeology appraisal technology and the analysis of earth civilization recordation .

  23. 20世纪是科学技术和人类文明取得空前发展的辉煌年代。

    The 20th century is a resplendent age with an all-time development of technology and civilization .

  24. 科学技术对社会文明的作用论析

    Scientific Technology and Social Civilization

  25. 科学技术是人类文明进步的基本推动力,新材料决定着其它新兴技术,是科技发展的先导也是人类文明大厦的基石。

    Science and technology is the basic impetus of civilization . New materials determine the new technologies .

  26. 科学技术作为人类文明的产物,是人类进步的标志。

    Science and Technology is the outcome of human civilization , and the symbol of human progress .

  27. 技术伴随人类文明的进化发展,时至今日已经达到了又一个时代的新高度。

    With the development of human civilization , technology has reached another new height of our age .

  28. 随着现代信息技术和信息文明的发展,传统图书馆逐渐显示出它的劣势。

    With the development of morden information technology and information civilization , traditional library gradually demonstrates its inferior .

  29. 当前,随着信息技术和工业文明的飞速发展,全球正步入一个高度交往的社会。

    With rapid development of information technology and industrial civilization , theworld is stepping into a highly communicative society .

  30. 数字化技术使人类文明、文化传播方式较之于前工业时代、工业时代发生了革命性变化。

    Compared with the pre-industrial and industrial eras , digitized technology is bringing about great change to human civilization and the way of cultural communication .