
  • 网络technology;Instructional Technology
  1. 教育技术学是一个快速成长的领域,对基本理论研究的重视和深入有利于学科的建设和成华南师范人学博士论文Doetoralrl、esis熟。

    Educational Technology is a field that has been developing quickly , the study of the fundamental theories benefits the building of the discipline .

  2. 教育技术学本科毕业生的就业现状、问题与对策&以山东省曲阜师范大学为个案

    The Employment Situation , Problems and Solutions of Educational Technology Graduates

  3. WEB的《教育技术学》资料库设计方案研究

    The Education Technology Resources Warehouse Design Scheme of WEB

  4. 以Web素养为核心构建教育技术学本科计算机网络系列课程

    Constructing Computer Network Courses of Educational Technology Undergraduate Specialty with Web Literacy as the Core

  5. 质子激发X射线荧光分析在物证技术学中的应用

    The application of proton induced x - ray emission in criminalistics

  6. 世界银行(worldbank)估计,该国每年培养的科学、工程学和技术学博士总共大约只有7000名。

    The World Bank estimates the country produces a total of 7000 PhDs a year across science , engineering and technology .

  7. 《现代教育技术学》多媒体教学系统CAI的设计与开发

    Media Mix of Modern Educational Technology & the Design and Development of the Teaching System

  8. 本文的研究以设计学、企业文化学、Web技术学等内容为基础,对国内外的企业网站进行对比研究,提出了企业文化在网站中的运用构想。

    This article based on the design methodology , company culture , web technologies , compare the websites belong to national and oversea companies , and describe the using the company culture in web site construction .

  9. 科学技术学:能够做什么;应该做什么&国外TPM研究给我们的启示

    Science and Technology Studies What Can It Do and What Should It Do & Enlightened by TPM Studies Overseas

  10. 本文在分析了作为教育技术学专业主干课程之一的CAI课件制作课程特点后,提出了基于任务驱动的CAI课件制作课程具体的教学设计方案。

    The paper analyzes CAI Courseware Design course characteristic , one of the professional backbone courses as Education Technology , and puts forward the concrete task-driven instructional design scheme .

  11. 以学为中心的教学设计(ID3)是现代教育技术学中一个活跃的领域,许多专家已将更多的精力从支持教的系统设计转移到支持学的系统和环境设计上来。

    Learning-focused instruction design ( ID3 ) is an active field in modern educational technology . Many ex-perts have transferred more efforts from designing ″ teaching ″ support system to ″ learning ″ support system and its environment .

  12. 中子活化分析及统计学方法在物证技术学中的应用

    The application of neutron activation analysis and statistical method in criminalistics

  13. 语料库:值得教育技术学关注的新型学习资源

    Corpus : A New and Valuable Learning Resource for Instructional Technology

  14. 教育技术学导论课程教材的比较与启示

    Revelation from Comparing the Text Books of Educational Technology Guidance Course

  15. 教育技术学专业实验室构建方案

    The Project of Setting Up The Laboratory of Education Technology Major

  16. 现代教育技术学已发展成为一门新兴独立的学科。

    Modern Education Technology has been developed into a new independent subject .

  17. 论教育技术学专业人才培养目标的现状及对策

    Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Training Objectives for Educational Technology Professionals

  18. 教育技术学研究范式探索的历史足迹与时代反思

    The Historical Tracks and Reflection to Educational Technology Research Paradigms

  19. 科学技术学:正在兴起的学科群

    Science and Technology Studies : A New Group of Disciplines

  20. 网络教学与教育技术学学科建设

    The network teaching and the construction of the subject of educational technology

  21. 大豆结瘤和固氮的现代遗传学与生物技术学

    Modern Genetics and Biotechnology of Soybean Nitrogen Fixation and Nodulation

  22. 教育技术学可持续发展的生态观探索

    Explore on Educational Technology Discipline from the Perspective of Ecology

  23. 科学技术学是一门新兴的学科。

    Science and technology study is a newborn subject .

  24. 教育技术学专业学生有关专业态度若干问题的研究&教育技术专业学生专业认识和对专业课程设置态度的调查分析

    Research on the Studying Attitude of Education Technology Major

  25. 沟通与创新:首届教育技术学博士论坛之印象

    Communication and Innovation : Impression of the First Doctorate Forum on Educational Technology

  26. 建立比较工程技术学学科的构想

    A Plot of Establishment Subject of Comparison Engineering Technology

  27. 教育技术学的概念与学科定位

    The Concept and Course Positioning of Educational Technology Studies

  28. 论科学技术学的体系结构

    On the structure of the Science and Technology Studies

  29. 当代自然辩证法是科学技术学

    Contemporary Dialectics of Nature Is Science and Technology Studies

  30. 论教学设计在教育技术学专业中的核心地位

    Analyzing the Kernel Status of Instructional Design in the Specialty of Educational Technology