
  1. 农业龙头企业循环经济技术创新目标探析

    On New Strategic Target in Revolving Economic Technology of Agricultural Lead Enterprises

  2. 在对中外政府采购政策进行比较之后,提出了完善我国政府采购确立技术创新目标的政策建议。

    It then puts forward some suggestions that will consummate our government procurement to establish the technology innovation target .

  3. R&D(研究与开发)部门与市场营销部门的界面管理是顺利实现技术创新目标的前提条件和根本保证。

    Interface management of R & D department and marketing department provides a pre-condition and assurance for realizing technology innovation .

  4. 在开放式创新的全新思维下,通过利用外部创新资源和渠道快速增强自身的创新能力,进而实现企业的技术创新目标。

    Using the new open innovation thinking , these enterprises enhance their own ability to innovate quickly through the external innovation resources and channels , and finally achieve the technological innovation goals .

  5. 文章主要分为三大部分,分别从技术创新目标的人文取向、技术创新过程中的人文因素以及创新成果的社会价值三方面加以论述,无不体现出技术创新与人文两者具有密不可分的关系。

    The article consisting of three parts , humanistic orientation of technology innovation goals , technology innovation process in the human factors and the social value of innovation , without exception , is mainly discussing close relationship of technology innovation and humanities .

  6. 于是,越来越多的企业一方面重构内部研发体系,加强不同部门之间的合作,另一方面把视角转向外部,寻求与其他企业合作,以获取共同的或互补的技术创新目标。

    So , enterprises are forced to restructure their own inner R & D systems to reinforce the cross-functional cooperation on the one hand , and readjust their scope of operation to seek collaboration with outsiders for same or complementary innovation goals on the other hand .

  7. 抓紧制定若干重大领域关键技术创新的目标和措施,务求尽快取得新突破。

    We immediately set the goals and lay down the measures for the key technological innovations in a number of significant fields , seeking new breakthroughs as soon as possible .

  8. 这种以实现技术创新为目标的中俄科技合作战略是新的历史条件下双方经济合作实现互动的重要探索。

    This kind of Sino-Russian scientific and technological cooperation strategy is to achieve the goal of technological innovation , and it is an important exploration of two sides interacts at new historical conditions .

  9. 企业技术创新的多目标模糊决策模型及MATLAB实现

    Fuzzy Decision Model with Multipurpose for the Technological Creation in Enterprise and the Realization of MATLAB

  10. 前者以促进科技发展为主要目标,而后者以促进技术创新为主要目标。

    The former aims at developing science and technology while the later focuses on the innovation of technology .

  11. 主要分析以提升技术创新能力为目标的技术联盟内的知识转移及技术创新能力积累的相关问题。

    The paper analyses the relevant issues about knowledge transfer and accumulation of technical innovation capabilities in technology alliances designed to improve technical innovation capabilities .

  12. 抓住铁路建设发展的黄金机遇期,加快铁路技术创新,明确目标任务,把铁路技术创新工作引向深入,为推进和谐铁路建设、促进经济社会又好又快发展提供强大的技术支撑。

    We should seize the great opportunity of railway development , and provide technology support to harmonious railway construction and quality growth of economy and society .

  13. 可持续发展是21世纪的主旋律,企业的技术创新活动的目标将是取得经济、社会、生态效益的“三赢”。

    Sustainable development is the main character of the21st century , so the goal of technological innovation will be the " win-win-win ", the efficiency of all three-economy , society and ecology .

  14. 2004年,国家文物局提出了逐步构筑四层结构的历史文化遗产保护领域科学和技术创新体系的目标。

    In 2004 , the state administration of culture heritage put forward a goal of constructing the innovative system of science and technology which is a frame of four floor in culture heritage protection .

  15. 依据吉林省技术创新工程的目标和数据,运用质量控制模型对技术创新工程方案的实施进行了追踪控制。

    In accordance with the targets and data from technology innovation ( TI ) project of Jilin Province , this paper applies the following quality control model to control the enforcement of the TI plan .

  16. 产学研战略联盟是企业、高校和科研院所基于各自的利益需求,通过法律契约的形式,建立的以提升企业技术创新能力为目标的合作组织。

    Strategic alliance of industry , academia and research community makes enterprises , colleges and researches united together based on the benefit need of each part , and it is also aimed at improving creativity of enterprises with some limitation from laws .

  17. 基于此,文章提出了推动出版技术创新的环境、目标和途径,以及通过制度创新促进技术创新的政策建议。

    On that basis , the article puts forward the environment , objectives and routes on the innovation of publishing technology and some suggestions to promote technical innovation by institutional innovation .

  18. 制定了武钢技术创新的战略重点,即根据技术创新战略目标要求,提出了以实施产品创新、技术发展、非钢发展、人才培养等七个子战略,重点培养七个方面的核心竞争力以及核心技术;

    It formulates the strategic priority of WISCO 's technical innovation , suggests seven sub-strategies ( i.e. product innovation , technical improvement , non-steel development and human resource cultivation ) .

  19. 本章提出了建立企业技术创新获利能力评价体系的构想,即从分析技术创新获利能力的目标层角度构建专门的评价体系来测度和评价企业技术创新的获利能力;

    The author raises an idea that structures the evaluation system about enterprise 's technological innovation earning capacity , structuring special evaluation system based in analyzing technological innovation earning capacity to measure and evaluate the enterprise 's technological innovation earning capacity ;

  20. 在现代化快速发展的时代背景下,我们必须重新审视传统技术创新经济效益的单一化,把生态效益和社会效益纳入到技术创新目标体系中去。

    In a period of modernizing with a high speed , we must scan the technical innovation in which the economic effect is simplification , so as to bring the technical innovation into ecological benefit on the one hand , and social effectiveness on the other .

  21. 技术创新构成了品牌的技术基础和价值源泉,而品牌价值的提升也是技术创新的最终目标。

    Technological innovation constitute the technical foundation and value source of the brand , brand value is the ultimate goal of technical innovation .

  22. 实施技术创新生态化转向旨在克服传统技术创新单一的经济化倾向,把生态追求社会效益纳入技术创新目标体系。

    The aim of carrying out the ecological turning of technology Innovation is to get over the only economic trend of traditional , technology innovation , and to bring ecological pursue and social effectiveness into the goal system of technology innovation .

  23. 运用数学模型结合农业装备技术的实际发展情况,提出了针对不同的技术领域和与国外企业竞争与合作的关系划分的农业装备产业技术创新战略联盟的目标。

    Combined mathematical models with the actual development of agricultural equipment and technology , thesis establish the strategic objectives of the alliance for different technical areas divided by the cooperative and competitive relationship with foreign enterprises .