
jì shù bǎo zhànɡ
  • technical support
  1. 基于GIS的舰船技术保障信息管理系统设计

    Design of the technical support information management system for warship based on GIS

  2. 基于UML的引俄潜艇技术保障信息系统分析

    Analysis of the Information System on Technical Support of Submarines Introduced from Russia Based on UML

  3. ETC(ElectronicTollCollectionSystem电子无停车收费)系统的发展为此提供了技术保障。

    The development of the ETC ( Electronic Toll Collection ) System provides the technology protection .

  4. XML的数据模式描述机制和良好的开放性,为分布式制造信息集成提供了技术保障。

    The data model description function and open access character of XML can provide powerful technological support for the manufacturing information integration .

  5. 利用PKI技术保障税务网上申报系统的数据安全

    Apply PKI technology to protect data security of the file tax returns online system

  6. 分析了VoIP的基本原理;介绍了VoIP的实现形式和技术保障;

    Analyzes the basic principle of VoIP , introduces its realization form and technology guarantee .

  7. 针对目前公众参与城市规划研究中缺少有效技术保障的现状,提出了使用CAD文件网上发布管理的方法,提供公众参与城市规划设计与决策的平台,并对构建系统的主要技术、方法进行了阐述。

    Aims to solve the lack of the effective technology to ensure the participation of the public at present , this paper designs a CAD file MIS model and shows an example .

  8. 结论该模式能有效监测猕猴BV抗体变化,为本中心在国内建立猕猴SPF种群提供了有力的技术保障。

    Objective To study a BV antibody surveillance model for establishment and maintenance of Macaca mulatta SPF colony .

  9. 并在实际应用中,为保证网络不间断运行,提出了过渡方案,为宽带用户平滑过渡到PPPoE上网方式提供了技术保障。

    A transition plan is brought to guarantee smooth internet access via PPPoE .

  10. 计量管理,是ISO9000质量管理和质量保证体系标准中的一个重要内容,也是提高企业经济效益和竞争力的有力技术保障。

    The management of quantitation is an important section of ISO9000 , also it is a technical safeguard for enterprises to improve their benefits .

  11. 然而,J2EE只是为快速开发框架提供了底层技术保障,需要引入模式为框架提供层次的定义和体系架构的设计。

    However , J2EE only provide the framework for the rapid development of the underlying technical support , a need to introduce models provide the framework for the definition and level architecture design .

  12. 另外,IPv6加强了对移动设备的支持,简化了IP地址配置过程,增强了网络层的安全机制,为云计算的兴起提供了技术保障。

    In addition , IPv6 has enhanced supporting for mobile devices , simplified the IP address configuration process , and enhanced the security mechanism of network layer , making the network more suitable for cloud computing business .

  13. 新型复杂武器装备早期部署阶段军代表技术保障工作研究与实践最后,对于早期部署IMS的可能遇到的情况进行分析,并针对可能遇到的情况给出相应的安全方案。

    TECHNICAL SUPPORT STUDY AND PRACTICE FOR INITIAL DEPLOYED NEW EQUIPMENT At last , It introduces Early IMS and analyses the scenario of early IMS and give the related security solution for different scenarios .

  14. 从学校支持的角度看,资金投入、课程安排、职称评定和技术保障在很多时候影响了ICT在教学中的应用;

    In term of school support , the application of ICT in teaching process is likely to be affected by fund investment , curriculum arrangement , teachers appointment and promotion , and technology guarantee ;

  15. 利用OpenGL的三维建模和图像渲染功能表现三维的水文过程,其中双缓冲技术保障了水文过程时间变化的展示。

    OpenGL functions are powerful in 3D modeling and rendering and therefore suitable for presentation of the spatial hydrological process , while the technology of double buffers ensures the continuous display of the temporal changes of spatial hydrological process .

  16. 有条件接收系统是开展数字CATV增值业务的基础,是确保数字电视健康发展的一个重要技术保障系统。

    Basic Requirements for the Design of HFC CATV Link The conditional access system is both a foundation to develop the business value of digital television and an important technical system which would ensure the healthy development of digital television .

  17. 指出环境监测在突发环境事件的应急处置中发挥着重要的决策支持和技术保障作用。

    Environmental monitoring take the important dicision and technique support effect .

  18. 坦克分队行军中技术保障的概率模型

    A Probability Model of Technical Support in March of Tank Element

  19. 低温环境下长输管道施工的技术保障措施

    Technology Support Measures for Construction of Long-distance Pipeline at Low-temperature Environment

  20. 应抓好装备技术保障人力资源的优化配置

    The Optimized Configure About the Human Resources of Equipment Technical Support

  21. 导弹武器装备技术保障能力综合模糊评判

    Evaluation of Missile Weapon System Support Ability Based on Blurring Theory

  22. 舰船装备技术保障指挥能力评估研究

    Study on the evaluation of warship equipment technical support command ability

  23. 现代战争对装备技术保障的要求越来越高。

    Modern warfare puts forward greater demands on weapon equipment technology support .

  24. 运用层次分析法对技术保障装备体制进行了评估。

    The analytic hierarchy process analyzes and evaluates technical support equipment system .

  25. 论江西气象信息与技术保障体系改革与建设

    Restructure And Construct Jiangxi Weather Information And Technical Maintenance System

  26. 陆军装备技术保障力量建设的若干问题

    Some Questions About the Construction of Equipment Technology Supporting Force of Army

  27. 实时发电市场的技术保障&实时调度子系统

    The technique support of spot power market-real time dispatch subsystem

  28. 坦克团装备技术保障能力评价模型

    The Evaluation Model of the Weaponry Technical Support Capability of Tank Regiment

  29. 突发事件新闻报道应急技术保障系统

    Emergency Technical Support System for News Report on Contingent Event

  30. 金融电子化是金融创新的技术保障。

    Finance computerizing is a foundation of modern finance and financial innovation .