
  • 网络Wholesale business;wholesale commerce
  1. 批发商业的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Wholesale Business

  2. 发展专业化、社会化、现代化的批发商业,是我国国民经济发展的必然趋势与内在要求,是现代商品经济发展的规律。

    To develop wholesale business of specialization , socialization , modernization is the necessary trend of national economic development and domestic demand , and is the law of economic development of commodity .

  3. 我国批发商业应对WTO的战略选择&基于对批发商业内、外环境分析的结论

    Strategic selection of China 's wholesale commerce in the face of WTO

  4. 加入WTO后,由于经济环境、科技教育环境、社会文化环境等的变化,使我国的批发商业面临着严峻的挑战。

    After WTO entry , China 's wholesale commerce is faced serious challenge because of the change of economic situation , scientific and educational situation and society and culture situation .

  5. 我们要正视我国现有批发商业所存在的问题,可以加入WTO后我国批发商业面临的外部环境采用五力分析法、内部环境采用SWOT分析法进行分析,从而理清对我国批发商业的发展战略。

    We should face the problems in wholesales of China and make wholesale commerce development strategy by using five forces analysis method to analyze outer environment and SWOT analysis method to analyze interior environment .

  6. 试论国有批发商业的营销模式创新

    On the creation of new marketing patterns of state-owned wholesale businesses

  7. 批发商业的存在和发展有其内在必然性,且呈现出一些新的发展趋势,把握当前批发商业发展的新趋势与特征,对促进我国批发商业的发展是有意义的。

    The wholesale commercial existence and the development has its intrinsic inevitability and certain developing tendencies . Grasping the current tendency and the characteristic is vital to wholesale commercial s ' development .

  8. 批发商业作为连接生产和消费的中间环节,在社会再生产过程中发挥了重要作用,然而,批发商业也是我国新旧经济体制转换过程中受到冲击最重的行业。

    As the middle chain connecting production and consumption , wholesale business plays a significant role in the course of social re-production , it is also struck the most heavily when old economic system is transformed to a new one , however .

  9. 作者从五十多年批发商业研究的亲身体验和研究出发,对批发商业的地位作用、如何正确处理批零关系等若干重要理论问题提出看法。

    Based on his own experience and research in wholesale business over 50 years , the author advances his opinions on several important theoretical questions , which are the status function of wholesale business , how to correctly deal with the business relationship of wholesale and retail , and etc.

  10. 亚太国际酒店用品批发市场商业计划书

    Business Plan of the Asia-Pacific International Hotel Supplies Market

  11. 服饰批发市场商业项目价值链利益相关者包括:政府、开发商、投资者、经营者以及终端消费者。

    Stakeholders in apparel wholesale business value chain are including : government , developers , investors , operators and consumers .

  12. 她走进批发行商业区,但是每当她走到一个商号,打算进去申请工作时,她的勇气就消失了。

    She walked into the wholesale district , but as the thought of applying came with each passing concern , her heart shrank .

  13. 服饰批发市场商业项目定位过程中所涉及的利益主体比较多,因此增加了项目的难度和不确定因素。

    In the process of commercial projects orientation in apparel wholesale market involve more stakeholders , thus increase difficulty and uncertainty of the project .

  14. 对他们的价值角色和价值影响进行分析和研究,形成价值主体的定位,这是构建服饰批发市场商业项目的价值链基础。

    Through analyzing and researching the value of role and the value of impact to form the main value position , which is to construct the value chain base for commercial projects in apparel wholesale market .

  15. 本文从项目开发商的定位出发,通过价值链利益主体之间的互惠合作,建立优势互补原则,树立共赢共生的价值理念,从而促进服饰批发市场商业项目持续健康发展。

    From the aspect of project developer , through mutual advantage cooperation between stakeholders in the value chain to establish the principle of complementary advantages , set the value concept of coexistence and win-win . So as to promote sustainable and healthy development of commercial projects in apparel wholesale market .

  16. 批发贸易及商业服务统计组

    Wholesale Trade & Business Services Statistics

  17. 今年,我们把工作重心从办公室批发采购转向商业街零售家庭电脑的销售方式。

    This year we are moving away from wholesale office sales and more into high street retail sales of home computers .

  18. 从事批发的外商投资商业企业自本办法实施之日起取消地域限制。

    Regional restrictions on foreign-funded wholesaling commercial enterprises shall be cancelled from the date of implementation of the present measures .

  19. 据对日本和美国批发业现状和发展趋势分析,虽然竞争规律的作用,使批发主体发生了变化,但是,批发商业存在的条件和基础并没有消失,专职的批发商人也还有很大的发展空间。

    By analyzing the status and the developing tendency , we find that although role of competitive law has made the wholesaling subject change a lot , the condiction and basis for the existence of Broad developing space .