
bān jī
  • trigger
扳机 [bān jī]
  • [trigger] 用手指扳动便能释放枪的击铁或撞针的作用部件

扳机[bān jī]
  1. 他的手指一直勾着扳机。

    He kept his finger on the trigger .

  2. 别扣扳机!

    Don 't pull the trigger !

  3. 他的手没劲儿,扳不动左轮手枪的扳机。

    His hands were too weak to cock his revolver .

  4. 他知道他应该扣动扳机,但突然间害怕得动弹不得。

    He knew he should pull the trigger , but he was suddenly paralysed by fear

  5. 我确信拉金会神经崩溃,他会反射性地扣动扳机。

    I had the conviction Larkin 's nerve would crack and he 'd squeeze the trigger in a reflex action

  6. 没看到信号之前不要扣动扳机。

    Don 't squeeze the trigger until you see the signal .

  7. 他的食指扣住扳机,然后又松开了。

    His index finger tightened on the trigger but then relaxed again .

  8. 在我结束今天的讲话之前,我想以一句话结束,这句话就是遗传学将子弹装上,但是环境扣下扳机。

    But before I end my talk today , I want to leave you with one saying . And that saying is that genetics loads the gun , but the environment pulls the trigger .

  9. 英语学习笔记:takeashot拍照triggern.扳机photogenicadj.上相的可以在这个角度再给我拍一张嘛?

    Could you take one more shot for me from this angle ?

  10. 结果扳机点均位于TN的分布范围之内。

    Results Trigger pain all located in the distribution of TN.

  11. 在听到李•哈维•奥斯瓦尔德(LeeHarveyOswald)的枪声后在惊恐之下意外扣动扳机的一名特勤局(SecretService)特工,很可能射出了打死约翰•肯尼迪(JohnFKennedy)的那发子弹。

    a secret-service agent startled by Lee Harvey Oswald 's shots probably accidentally fired the bullet that killed John F Kennedy .

  12. 本文介绍了目前RNA干扰作用机制,与之相关的酶、蛋白、扳机点和调节因子,及RNA干扰在生物学方面的应用。

    This review introduces the enzymes , proteins , triggers , and regulators associated with mechanisms of RNAi , as well as the applications of RNAi in biology .

  13. 有学者推测,氧分压的改变可能是骨改建中潜在的扳机点trigger。

    When decreased blood supply and hypoxia were observed on the pressed side not tensional side , some investigators speculated the changes of oxygen tension could be the potential trigger of bone remodeling .

  14. 梳毛机自调匀整系统是应用Z80单扳机、辐射密度检测系统和测速电机等构成的智能化自动控制系统。

    Auto-leveller of card is a intelligent radioisotope autocontrol system .

  15. 其中,葡聚糖和PEG都具有很好的水溶性,生物相容性及抗非特异性吸附等特点,香豆素作为光扳机具有长波长吸收和可以双光子激发的特点。

    In this system , dextran and PEG has good biocompatibility and no non-specific adsorption characteristics , and coumarin acts as a light trigger with long wavelength absorption and can be excited by two-photon mode .

  16. 上海投资咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(z-benadvisors)的彼得亚历山大(peteralexander)表示,中国创设新板市场,“只是何时扣动扳机的问题”。

    Peter Alexander , of Z-Ben advisors , an investment consultancy in Shanghai , says it is " just a matter of when the trigger is pulled " for the new Chinese market to be established .

  17. 方法采用定量按压法,按其乳突附着部的前、中、后三部分,对不同年龄段男女健康受试者胸锁乳突肌乳突部的扳机点进行检查,采取VAS疼痛量化评分评定疼痛程度。

    Methods The trigger points of the sternocleidomastoid muscle of healthy volunteers of either gender with different ages were examined by measurable pressure using the right thumb , and the pain degree was assessed with visual analog scale ( VAS ) .

  18. 调整内部极限和扳机电压可以修正定时器的操作,扳机电压是通过将外部电压(或电流)应用于CONT来实现的。

    The operation of the timer can be modified by modulating the internal threshold and trigger voltages , which is accomplished by applying an external voltage ( or current ) to CONT.

  19. 我想知道是不是你扣动的扳机,尼可拉斯。

    I want to know Iyou pulled the trigger , nicolas .

  20. 这个是压缩空气驱动的扳机在这里

    Now , this works with compressed air.The trigger is here .

  21. 策略:谨慎的下决定,然后扣下扳机。

    Strategy : Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger .

  22. 风动工具气扳机扭矩控制的研究

    Research on Gas Trigger Torsional Moment Control of Wind Power Implement

  23. 我扣动扳机时身不由己地闭上了眼睛。

    I shut my eyes involuntarily when I pulled the trigger .

  24. 轻轻扣响扳机,你的头颅就四溅横飞。

    When I pull the trigger and your greasy head explodes .

  25. 起动装置,扳柄:类似扳机的装置。用来使机械装置运作。

    A similar device used to release or activate a mechanism .

  26. 注意这个装弹口和这光滑的扳机。

    Note the patented loading port and the smooth cocking action .

  27. 你还没把手指放到扳机上呢?

    Didn 't even put your finger on the trigger .

  28. 他扣动扳机,瓶子当即被打得粉碎。

    He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces .

  29. 他把抖动的手臂稳下来,接着知下扳机。

    He made his shaking arm steady , then touched the trigger .

  30. 扣扳机,要慢,要稳

    And it 's a slow , steady pull on the trigger ,