
niǔ qǔ xiào yīnɡ
  • Distortion effect;twisted effect
  1. 用RGM双道近似研究~5Li散射态中的特殊扭曲效应

    The Specific Distortion Effects in ~ 5Li Scattering States with the RGM in Two-channel Approximation

  2. 该文采用共振群方法(RGM)对d+~3He弹性散射因氘的特殊扭曲效应的影响进行了微观计算。

    In this paper , the specific distortion effects in the scattering ofd + ~ 3He are calculated by using RGM .

  3. 对大学改革激励扭曲效应的深层思考&基于大学知识产品经济学特性的分析

    Consideration on the contorted effects of inspiriting in university reform

  4. 与此同时,汇率游戏会对所有人产生扭曲效应。

    In the meantime , the currency game has distortive effects for everyone .

  5. 中国能源密集型产品贸易的环境扭曲效应及矫正机理研究

    Research on Environmental Distortion Effects and Rectifying Mechanisms in China 's Energy-intensive Goods Trade

  6. 小动量转移区高扭曲效应对核子自旋结构函数的影响

    Higher-Twist Effects on the Nucleon Spin Structure Functions in the Small Q ~ 2 Range

  7. 结果表明管道挠率在二阶摄动解时对二次涡有偏转和扭曲效应。

    Results show that the torsion of the pipe has turning and deforming effects on the secondary vortices .

  8. 文章首先通过运用多任务委托代理模型分析商业银行模拟利润考核制度的激励效应和扭曲效应,以及可能导致客户经理努力的无效分配;

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the incentive effect and distortion effect of simulation profit check system in commercial bank .

  9. 现行优惠政策给外资企业带来了不公平的竞争优势,违背了市场经济公平竞争原则,带来了市场扭曲效应。

    Due to the preferential policy , foreign - owned enterprises exclusive competitive advantage violates the fair competition principle of market economic and distorts the market mechanism .

  10. 合理的避税可以减轻税收对国民经济的扭曲效应,可以提高整个社会的经济福利,也可以促进收入的合理再分配。

    Reasonable tax avoidance can reduce the distortion brought to the national economy by tax levying , may improve the society welfare and may promote the reasonable income redistribution .

  11. 综合起来,知识产权的贸易效应体现在贸易创新效应、贸易创造效应、贸易竞争效应、贸易规范效应和贸易扭曲效应。

    In a word , the trade effects bring by IP consist of trade innovation effect , trade creation effect , trade competition effect , trade criterion effect and trade distortion effect .

  12. 这一新型模式可在调整要素比价的同时,使贸易对象、专业化主体等相关各方实现利益共赢、并向利益共生过渡,从而化解上述两难、经济且可持续地矫正环境扭曲效应。

    By virtue of this developed mode , China will be able to rectify price distortion while in the meantime achieve win-win and symbiotic benefits with relevant parties including importers and specialized enterprises .

  13. 大学知识产品的非标准化描述程度、难以计量性、外部溢出性以及投入资源的相互依赖性等经济学特性,是大学改革中数量化倾向导致激励扭曲效应产生的根本原因。

    Knowledge product features in economics of a university , such as the degree of non-standardization , difficulty-measuring , externality and inter-dependence of factor input , are the ultimate reasons which bring contorted effects of inspiriting in university reform .

  14. 为了避免通货膨胀对收入分配的扭曲效应,保护低收入者的利益,应建立个人所得税税收指数化调整体系。

    In order to avoid the inflation to bring the distortion effect to income distribution and protect the interests of people with low income , the adjusting system of the tax revenue indexation of Personal Income Tax should be set up .

  15. 我国目前宏观税负与税制结构是渐进式经济改革和税制改革的产物,随着市场化程度和对外开放程度的提高,它们对经济增长的扭曲效应越来越大。

    Our current macro tax burden and taxation structures are the products of progressive economic reform and taxation reform , and they come to play a more and more important role in slowing our economic growth with the development of marketization and opening up .

  16. 但地方利益导向性导致了该政策过于注重专利申请量的增长,产生了专利泡沫效应和对专利制度功能的扭曲效应,危害专利制度的运行。

    However , because of the effect of local benefit-oriented tendency , the subsidy policy has paid too much attention on the growing quantities of patent application , resulting in the lather effect on the patent and distorting effect towards the function of patent system .

  17. 还有就是扭曲的交易效应。

    Then there could be perverse trading effects .

  18. 我们只需看看美国所热衷的活动&体育、娱乐、政治,关注一下由于着迷竞争而产生的扭曲变形的效应吧。

    We need only look at America 's favorite activities sports , entertainment , and politics to notice the distorting effect of the obsession with competition .

  19. 利用调制传递函数法和象素处理法,仿真了系统各组成模块的几何扭曲、模糊效应、噪声特性和非线性效应;

    Then , system geometric distortion , blur effects , noise characters and nonlinear effects were simulated with modulation transfer function method and pixel processing method , respectively .

  20. 文章首先从劳动力市场和资本市场两方面对要素市场扭曲与就业效应的关系进行了阐述,认为在体制约束条件下,转型时期的中国存在着明显的资本替代劳动的经济现象。

    Firstly , we discuss the relationship between factor market distortion and employment effect from labor and capital markets , and then proves that under the system restriction , there is an obvious phenomenon of the substitution of capital for labor .

  21. 本文详细地分析了薄膜SOI器件一系列有益的特性,如:较大的亚阈值陡度,扭曲(kink)效应的消除以及短沟道效应的削弱等。

    A number of useful properties of thin-film SOI devices , such as Sharp subthreshold slopes , absence of kink effect and reduction of the short-channel effect etc. are analyzed in detail in this paper .

  22. 高能俘获粒子对内扭曲模的稳定效应

    Energetic trapped particle stabilizing effect of internal kink mode

  23. 本文利用琼断矩阵理论,推导出扭曲角在0°~90°之间、线性扭曲向列相效应的透过率表达式。

    In this paper , using Johnes matrix theory , leads to a transmissivity expression of the twisted angle from 0 ° to 90 ° and the linear twisted nematic .

  24. 尽管如此,这些研究却往往忽视环境资源价格扭曲与市场失灵等重要的现实因素,因而也就忽略了环境效应与比较利益等方面的潜在扭曲效应。

    Nevertheless , they barely consider the distortion in prices of environmental resources and the resulting market failure , which in all probability will cause distortions in many aspects of trade realities including environmental effects and comparative benefits .

  25. 如果消除要素市场扭曲对产业效率的影响,则在投入保持不变的条件下,可以使全国制造业总产出至少可以提高11个百分点。第六章对中国要素市场扭曲产生的就业效应进行实证研究。

    With the input remaining the same , if the technical efficiency loss caused by factors market distortion be eliminated , the output of manufacture industry will be increased by at least 11 % . Chapter 6 is a positive analysis about employment effect caused by factors market distortion .