
yáng yáng
  • triumphantly;complacently;have easy of mind
扬扬 [yáng yáng]
  • (1) [triumphantly]∶凯旋地,胜利地

  • 得意扬扬

  • (2) [complacently]∶满足地,自觉地;得意的样子

  • 扬扬自得

  • 意色扬扬。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • 裘马扬扬。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • (3) 心情愉快的样子 [have easy of mind]

  • 意气扬扬。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

扬扬[yáng yáng]
  1. 扬扬,他回来了,在2004年显示环,捕捉美国全国冠军高级骏马标题一致。

    He returned , triumphantly , to the show ring in2004 , capturing the US National Champion Senior Stallion title unanimously .

  2. 女推销员疑惑的扬扬眉毛,提高了嗓门。

    The saleswoman raised an eyebrow sceptically ; her voice sharpened .

  3. 交错扬扬格词试验与程控助听器选配

    Staggered spondaic word test for programmable hearing aids fitting

  4. 赵太太:你好,杰克。这是我的女儿扬扬。

    Ms Zhao : Hello , Jack , This is my daughter , Yangyang .

  5. 交错扬扬格词试验及其相关因素研究

    Correlational Study of Staggered Spondaic Word Test

  6. 侏儒扬扬眉毛。

    The dwarf lifted an eyebrow .

  7. 人家对她如此殷勤,母亲有些飘飘然。树叶一分开,就飘飘扬扬地纷纷坠地。

    Mother was a little dizzy from so much attention . The leaves came apart and fluttered down .

  8. 交错扬扬格词试验和竞争语句试验:测试材料的编录和正常值

    The staggered spondaic word test and the competing sentence test in Chinese : A normative investigation of Chinese test material

  9. 它们想,下雨了,主人会重新穿戴起它们,飘飘扬扬地潇洒地走过雨巷。

    They think it rains , and the master will wear them again , walking through the raining lane lightly and leisurely .

  10. 女推销员疑惑的扬扬眉毛,提高了嗓门。你提供这笔贷款是解救燃眉之急。

    The saleswoman raised an eyebrow skeptically ; her voice sharpened . Your offer of a loan is extremely welcome just now .

  11. 当禽流感在泰国闹得不可开交、沸扬扬之时,家禽出口骤减10多亿美元的后果便接踵而至。

    When Thailand 's troubles with bird flu became known , the resulting collapse in poultry exports cost it well over $ 1 billion .

  12. 一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安,天天精神百倍,月月喜气扬扬,年年财源广进。

    Life happy , peaceful lives , the spirit of a hundred times every day , month and festivity Yangyang , mid-making plenty of money .

  13. 目的:探讨听觉中枢功能状态对听力语言康复的影响,分析交错扬扬格词试验在助听器选配中的作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of central auditory function in hearing and speech rehabilitation and investigstethe relation between hearing aids fitting and Staggered Spondaic Word ( SSW ) test .

  14. 通常是你说话的方式使听众发笑,因此说慢一些,记住扬扬眉毛或者摆出一副难以置信的表情,这些都会向人们显示你正在说笑话。

    Often it 's the delivery which causes the audience to smile , so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a lighthearted remark .

  15. 这系列作品中,有一幅作品画上了一个北京奥运会“鸟巢”体育馆一角,这点明了时代早已进入了二十一世纪,天空飘着许多有外国图案的小伞飞飞扬扬。

    In the series art works , one painting works on its corner showing the " Bird Nest " Stadium of Beijing Olympic Games , it obviously means the era has entered the21st century for a long time ;