
  • 网络thomas aquinas;St. Thomas Aquinas
  1. 托马斯·阿奎那和波那文图拉论哲学与神学的关系

    Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventura concerning the relations between philosophy and theology

  2. 托马斯·阿奎那的美善观辨正

    Discrimination of Thomas Aquinas ' Idea on Beauty and Goodness

  3. 托马斯·阿奎那美学思想的研究意义和价值

    On the Research Significance and Value of Thomas Aquinas

  4. 早期基督教福利思想的转变&从奥古斯丁到托马斯·阿奎那

    The Shift of Early Christian Welfare Thought & From Augustine to Thomas Aquinas

  5. 论托马斯·阿奎那理性化的激情思想

    On Thoughts of Rationalized Passion of Thomas Aquinas

  6. 法律思想是托马斯·阿奎那自然法理论的重要方面。

    Law thought is an important part of Thomas Aquinas ' natural law theory .

  7. 托马斯·阿奎那的法律伦理思想

    Thomas Aquinas ' Thought in Law and Ethics

  8. 托马斯·阿奎那自然法的形上架构与神学意涵

    The Structure of the Natural Law of Thomas Aquinas and Its Feature of Divinity

  9. 托马斯·阿奎那意志自由对伦理之善的神圣与世俗共构

    Aquinas ' Freedom of Will : as an Integration of the Sacred and the Secular

  10. 论托马斯·阿奎那的艺术观

    On Thomas Aquinas ' Artistic Viewpoints

  11. 托马斯·阿奎那的社会思想简论

    On Thomas Aquinas ' sociological ideas

  12. 本论文旨在拓荒对托马斯·阿奎那经济伦理思想的整体性研究。

    This thesis is intent on pioneering on the research integrity of St. Thomas Aquinas ' Economic Ethics .

  13. 在托马斯·阿奎那这里,自然法如同一座桥梁,其一端架在人定法的这一边,另一端则植基于永恒法的彼岸。

    According to Thomas Aquinas , the law of nature is a bridge that connects human-law and eternal law .

  14. 托马斯·阿奎那在修改早期自然法的基础上,确立了自己的社会思想。

    Based on his idea of the modification of early natural law , Thomas Aquinas established his social ideas .

  15. 本论文旨在研究托马斯·阿奎那的自然法思想。托马斯的自然法是永恒法、人定法的中介与桥梁。

    The natural law of Thomas Aquinas is just like a bridge that built between eternal law and human law .

  16. 托马斯·阿奎那创建于世纪的广泛的神学教义,多明我会教士仍在教受。

    The comprehensive theological doctrine created by Saint Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century and still taught by the Dominicans .

  17. 中世纪神学家兼哲学家托马斯·阿奎那和加尔文进行了各种各样的尝试,努力证明关于上帝的信念是有保证的。

    Many Theologian and philosopher such as Thomas Aquinas and Calvin tried to prove the guarantee of the belief of the god .

  18. 从《圣经》开始,基督教义就极力反对高利贷;至托马斯·阿奎那,经院神学家形成了一套系统的反高利贷理论。

    Christianity urged against usury from the Bible ; then Thomas Aquinas , the scholastic theologians had formed a system of anti-usury theory .

  19. 中世纪美学家托马斯·阿奎那提出的美的三要素说在西方美学史上产生了重大影响。

    The three factors advanced by Thomas Aquinas , the aesthete of the Middle Ages wields immense influence on the western aesthetic history .

  20. 分析这一理论产生的历史背景和具体内容,阐述托马斯·阿奎那对美学的贡献,无疑地具有重要的史学意义。

    It is historically significant to attempt an analysis of the historical background , the detailed content and the contributions made by Thomas Aquinas .

  21. 因此,托马斯·阿奎那神学美学的精彩之处不在于其整体的理论构架,而在于其个别的理论阐述。

    Therefore , the most splendid part of Thomas Aquinas ' theological aesthetics is not on his whole theoretic frame , but on his partial theoretic exposition .

  22. 马尼托想知道如果泰森和阿里决斗,谁会赢.托马斯·阿奎那自然法的形上架构与神学意涵

    Manito wants to know who would win a fight between Tyson and Ali . The Structure of the Natural Law of Thomas Aquinas and Its Feature of Divinity

  23. 此外,我们也详细讨论了波纳文图拉与托马斯·阿奎那在世界永恒性问题上的论争,以及他们的论争对后来康德的影响。

    In addition , we discuss in detail the controversy between Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas on the eternity of the world , and the influence of the controversy to Kant .

  24. 托马斯·阿奎那总结了古代和中世纪的形式观念,以亚里士多德的形式观念为基础,阐述了美的三要素(完整、比例、鲜明)说;

    Thomas Aquinas summarized the form ideas of ancient Greek and Middle Ages , and made a systematic exposition on the three elements of aesthetics ( integrity , proportion and splendor ) .

  25. 有为神迹辩护的,诸如奥古斯丁、托马斯·阿奎那、帕斯卡、巴特勒等,他们都诉诸神迹来为上帝的存在作证明。

    Some of them defense of miracle , such as Augustine and Thomas Aquinas , Pascal , Butler , etc , they resorted it to make proof of the exist of the God .

  26. 托马斯·阿奎那对中世纪的自然法概念进行了梳理,结束了这一概念在使用过程中的混乱,并赋予了这一概念以典型的中世纪特色。

    Thomas Aquinas summed up and sorted out many ideas concerning this conception , put an end to the confusion in the application of it , and conferred a typical medieval characteristic on it .

  27. 亚里士多德、托马斯·阿奎那、洛克、孟德斯鸠等人,主要是从文明社会的角度去考察市民社会,而黑格尔和马克思则把视阈转向了经济学角度,区分了市民社会和政治国家。

    Aristotle , Tomas Aquinas , Rock , Montesquieu etc. state from civilization angle to research civil society , but Hegel and Marx transform their focus on economics , distinguished civil society and the state .

  28. 早在中世纪,神学家托马斯·阿奎那就在对自然法的阐释中提出了生命权,他认为人内在的首要倾向就是追求符合本性的善,而首要的善就是保护生命。

    As early as the Middle Ages , theologian Thomas Aquinas had brought forward the right to life in expounding the natural law . He thought that the primary inner inclination of mankind is to pursue the kindness in nature , and the primary kindness is to protect life .