
tuō ɡuǎn zhì dù
  • trusteeship system
  1. 委任统治制与国际托管制度之比较

    The Comparison between " Mandate System " and " International Trusteeship "

  2. 股权托管制度的基本模式&单一法律调控模式不适合中国股权托管法律调控。

    The basic pattern of equity trusteeship system-unitary legal regulation pattern-does not suit legal regulation of equity trusteeship in China .

  3. 扩展黄金股制度,慎行MBO制度,强化信息披露监管制度,推广和完善产权托管制度。

    It is important to expand gold stock system , cautiously carry out MBO system , strengthen information disclose , supervision and management system , promote German property right entrustment experiences and complete entrustment system .

  4. 浅析我国证券投资基金托管制度及其完善

    On Chinese Securities Investment Fund Trust System and Its Improvement

  5. 基于此,广大公民也开始质疑我国托管制度是否是有效和合理的。

    Based on this , the majority of citizens have begun to question whether our country managed system is efficient and reasonable .

  6. 其次,论述了公司型基金中的董事会及独立董事制度与传统基金托管制度的差异和制度优势。

    Second , discuss the system of director board and independent directors as well as their institutional advantages and difference comparing with fund of corporate type .

  7. 基金托管制度是基金的一种独具特色的制度安排,通过托管人的监督和制衡,可以有效抑制利益冲突风险的发生。

    The funds trusteeship is a unique structural arrangement for funds , which may effectively avoid the risks of conflict of interest through checking and balancing by trustees .

  8. 本文综合运用法律实证分析、法经济学分析以及比较法学分析等方法,对证券投资基金托管制度的法理基础和制度设计进行比较系统的研究。

    By the way of empirical analysis , the economic analysis as well as comparative analysis , this paper conducts systematic research on legal basis and system design of trusteeship of securities investment fund .

  9. 企业托管制度的实质是企业所有权与经营权分离,它是通过引入外部经营者来提高企业的经营管理水平及资本营运效益的一种企业经营方式。

    The essence of enterprise trusteeship is the separation of the enterprise 's ownership and managerial authority , it is a managerial way of improving enterprises ' operation level and benefits through introducing a outside operator .

  10. 因此,通过研究基金治理结构的基本理论,探求基金托管制度的革新,实现基金内部的有效监督,对于我国基金业的规范化经营和中小投资者利益的保护意义重大。

    Therefore , it is of great significance for regulation of fund industry and protection to the interests of investors that seek trusteeship innovation by studying theory of fund governance , in order to achieve effective internal supervision .

  11. 逐渐统一两个市场的债券托管制度和交易方式,逐渐实现两个市场投资者和投资工具的同一性,从而促进两个市场的融合,形成一个全国统一的债券市场。

    To unify gradually the bond trusteeship system and trading methods of two markets , to realize gradually the identity of the investors and investment tool of two markets , thus to promote the integration of two markets and form a nationwide unified bond market .

  12. 公立医院托管改革模式的制度分析及建议

    System Analysis and Suggestions of Public Hospital Trusteeship Reform Model

  13. (三)有关托管业务的管理制度;

    Management system in relation to its custody business ;

  14. 根据交易组织形式的不同,债券市场一般有场内债券市场与场外债券市场之分,这两种不同模式债券市场的交易、托管和结算等制度安排存在明显的差异。

    Generally , bond market can be divided into two different markets by trading modes , namely , exchange market and over-the - counter market .