
  • 网络Housing reform;housing-reform house
  1. 关于“房改房”资产评估的有关问题

    Questions concerning the valuation of " reformed public house "

  2. 本章从两个方面进行了阐述,一是公房,二是房改房。

    This part is explained in two aspects : public house and reformed house .

  3. 但是,作为住房制度改革、房屋商品化产物的房改房,由于历史和现实的原因,其产权却存在一定缺陷,是一种不完整的物权。

    Because of the past and present reasons , its property right is an incomplete real right , in which exist some faults .

  4. 房改房是计划经济条件下实物分房的产物,社会对房改房物业管理需求巨大,而物业管理公司却难有作为。

    Now our society is in dire need of the property management of housing-reform houses but the property management company can do little about it .

  5. 如取得所有权的商品房、自建房、准予上市交易的房改房、经济适用房等。

    If acquire the commodity house of droit , build room , allow to appear on the market oneself trading room changes room , economy applicable room .

  6. 房改房纠纷常常表现为纠纷的内部性、出资复杂性、各种法律关系交织在一起等几个方面的特点。

    Disputes over reformed house often show features like the internal nature of the disputes , the complexity of funding and various kinds of interwoven legal relationships .

  7. 包括按揭房的产权分析、房改房的产权认定、公房承租权的主张及涉及父母出资购房时出资性质的分析。

    Room property analysis including mortgage , property rights identified housing reform , public housing tenant rights advocates and parents financed the purchase when the investment involves the nature of the analysis .

  8. 另一类是限制性房价,包括经济适用住房、拆迁房、房改房、限价房、待定对象的福利房、自建房等。

    The other is restricted housing , including affordable housing , housing demolition , housing reform , housing prices , the welfare housing target to be determined , since the housing and so on .

  9. 2.参考译文:男:我想知道是否可以把双人房改成单人房。

    M : I wonder whether it would be possible to change this double room to two single rooms .

  10. 房地产业是我国经济发展的支柱性行业之一,1998年我国实行房改以来,房地产开发投资在固定资产投资中的比重日益上升。

    Real estate industry , one of pillar industries in our economy , since the reform of real estate industry in 1998 , investment in real estate development in the proportion of investment in fixed assets is increasing day by day .

  11. 自1998年7月,国务院发布《关于进一步深化城镇住房机制改革加快住房建设的通知》进行房改以来,房地产业得到了快速的发展。

    Since July 1998 , the State Council issued " the notice of on the further deepening of the urban housing system reform to speed up housing construction " to the housing reform , which has been rapid development of real estate .

  12. 自从1998年实行房改政策以来,房地产业迅速发展,与此同时房地产广告也异军突起,近几年来在行业广告投放额排行榜中,房地产广告都高居榜首,表现出了巨大的市场潜力。

    Since real estate innovation in 1998 , real estate has develop rapidly , while the sudden emergence of real estate advertising in recent years . The real estate advertising has been on the top of the amount of advertising in the industry rankings , showing a huge market potential .