
  • 网络Strategic Planning;Strategy Plan
  1. 再运用SWOT矩阵进行战略策划,得到了备选战略。

    The implementation of strategic planning with SWOT matrix obtained alternative strategies for the development of enterprises .

  2. 智威汤逊战略策划负责人刘松(DeliaLiu)说,这项调查显示,男性们正在更多地参与到抚养子女和家庭责任中。

    Delia Liu , head of strategic planning at JWT , said the survey showed men are getting more involved with child-rearing and responsibilities at home .

  3. 笔者还对我国假日经济发展用企业战略策划中常用的SWOT分析方法对我国发展假日经济的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁进行了深入细致地分析。

    This paper analyzes the strength , weakness , opportunities , threats of development of holiday economy in China through the SWOT analysis .

  4. 房地产项目战略策划研究及案例分析

    Scheme Research and Case Analysis in Real Estate Project Stratagem

  5. 期刊生存发展的战略策划

    Strategies for Sustenance and Development of Periodicals Journals ' Digest

  6. 武汉市第五医院营销战略策划

    Marketing Strategy Planning of the Wuhan No.5 Hospital

  7. 企业集团投资项目的财务战略策划

    Enterprise group investment plan financial strategy plan

  8. 现代商用物业营销战略策划

    Modern Commercial Real Estate Marketing Strategic Planning

  9. 一汽产品战略策划方法的研究

    The Research on the Methods of the Product Strategic Plan of the First Automobile Works

  10. 在战略策划和广告执行方面,他曾创造了众多国内和跨国公司客户的成功案例。

    Achieved diverse successful cases in strategic planning and advertising execution for both domestic and multinational clients .

  11. 最后,公司规划部实施战略策划、信用方针和行政管理。

    And then finally , the Corporate Planning Division includes strategic planning , and credit policy and administration .

  12. 评审计划应当有利于及时为组织的战略策划方案提供数据。

    The schedule of reviews should facilitate the timely provision of data in the context of strategic planning for the organization .

  13. 针对已识别的风险所制定的预防和减少损失的计划;有关组织未来需求的战略策划信息。

    Loss prevention and mitigation plans for identified risks , and information for strategic planning for future needs of the organization .

  14. 在当今传媒业竞争激烈的态势下,媒体战略策划的得当与否决定着自身的兴衰存亡。

    Under the conditions of fierce competition , the strategic plan of media holds the key to their rise and decline .

  15. 论文从企业的独特视角,论述了报纸网站的战略策划。在指出战略策划的重要性后,着重阐述了战略策划中的定位、企业形象策划和品牌战略。

    After pointing out the importance of strategic planning , the paper focuses on orientation , corporate image planning and brand strategy .

  16. 从工程项目战略策划着手,分析了工程项目战略审计的内容、审计的目标、审计的步骤和绩效评价;

    In the study of construction strategic audit , the contents , objects , process and performance appraisal are analyzed from the beginning of construction strategic audit plotting .

  17. 这些有关市场机会识别、新产品定位及评价的战略策划问题对我国汽车制造企业的决策者来说是一个必须回答但又很难准确回答的关键性决策问题。

    Such strategically questions as market opportunity identification , new product positioning and evaluation are must to be answered questions and difficult to be answered key decisive questions .

  18. 房地产前期策划是指一个开发商从拿地开始,进行市场研究、目标客户分析、项目方案策划、经济性分析的全过程战略策划与战术部署工作。

    Real estate advanced planning refers to the tactics arrangement and the whole strategy planning on the market study , target customer analysis , project planning , economic analysis since the land agent get the land .

  19. 以文化有机系统生存发展的功能必要条件为依据,以市场制约为参照,提出期刊生存和发展的战略策划问题。

    Based on " the functional prerequisites " for the existence and development of the cultural organic system , this paper puts forward some strategies for the sustenance and development periodicals in the light of the current market conditions .

  20. 因此工业设计也越来越多地受到重视,从跨国公司的品牌战略策划部门到生产型企业的设计研发部门都将工业设计提升到更高的层面去看待。

    So industrial design also gets more and more attention , and is promoted to a higher lay to be treated from brand strategy plan department of multinational corporation to design research and development department of production configuration enterprise .

  21. 成功的运用设计管理,可使企业在战略策划阶段就蕴含了经营的策略,策略上的优势也为产品和企业在竞争中奠定良好的基础。

    Successful application of design management can make the business enterprises contain the management 's strategy in the stage of planning , and the advantage of strategy also lay a good foundation for the product and business enterprise in the competition .

  22. 基于这种情况,接下来结合具体项目对战略策划内容、方法和步骤进行研究,阐述了如何进行市场调研,明确开发思路和目标,如何进行项目定位和理念设计,以及项目总体构建和策略设计。

    Next , combining the concrete project , studies the curtains , methods and steps of stratagem scheme and expatiates how to carry on the market research , definitude the thoughtfulness and ends of development , locate the project , CI and project construction in the whole .

  23. 目前,旅游业的品牌竞争已不单纯是质量、价格和服务的竞争,而是把焦点集中在形象战略的策划上,所以旅游地之间的竞争在很大程度上就是形象之间的竞争。

    At present , the focus in tourism competition has been transformed from the simple competition of quality , price and service into strategic planning for the image . Therefore , competition between destinations is to a large extent that of image .

  24. 开发商应在委托建筑设计之前,首先进行房地产项目整体定位与发展战略的策划研究工作,研究的成果将为建筑设计提供科学的依据,指导建筑设计科学、合理地进行。

    So , when a developer wants to begin a real estate project design procedure , he should carry out real estate project integrated position and developing strategy programming study first , and then use the study achievements to instruct the real estate project design .

  25. 河津市旅游开发战略及产品策划

    Strategy and Product Layout of Tourism Development in Hejin City

  26. 企业战略管理的策划与运作

    Planning and Running of Enterprise 's Strategy Management

  27. 城市总体战略规划实施策划机制探讨&以广州市城市总体发展战略规划为例

    Study of Urban Master Plan Implementation Strategies : A Case Study of Guangzhou Development Strategic Planning

  28. 与之一脉相传,规划编制实施的核心层面由战略规划、品牌策划两大子系统构成,其他层面均围绕其发挥作用。

    STMDB makes strategy planning and brand scheme become the core contents , and so other sections serve the two core contents .

  29. 本文在总结欧美、日本、台湾森林浴场研究成果的基础上,就国内森林浴场的诉求定位客源市场定位、品牌战略、网络营销策划等问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的对策。

    After a general review of the development of forest-shower yard in Europe , America , Japan and Taiwan area , issues such as market standing , potential customers , brand strategy , and e-marketing are discussed , some corresponding measures are offered .

  30. 为了解决这一问题,杜鲁门政府成立了心理战略委员会来负责制定统一的心理战略计划,策划具体的对外心理战略计划,协调实施和评估这些心理战略计划。

    In order to resolve this problem , the Truman Administration established the Psychological Strategy Board to formulate the national psychological plan , coordinate and evaluate the psychological warfare operations of the governmental departments .