
  1. 遵循这一市场营销战略理念,从21世纪开始,国内电信企业掀起了客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement)的浪潮。

    In line with this marketing strategic concept , Chinese telecommunication industry has seen an enormous promotion on the customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  2. 上述新款Kindle设备遵循贝佐斯三大战略理念的前两条:好的产品应该物美而价廉;亚马逊应该在人们使用设备的过程中、而不是购买设备的那一刻赚钱。

    These new kindles obey the first two laws of the Bezos Philosophy & that premium products should be sold at non-premium prices and that Amazon should make money when people use its devices , not when people buy them .

  3. 试论中国国际战略理念的转型

    On the Transformation of the Idea of China 's International Strategy

  4. 企业技术创新&持续增长的战略理念

    Enterprise 's Technical Innovation & The Strategical Idea Of The Sustainable Increase

  5. 而首先应进行的是战略理念和战略方法的革命。

    The revolution of strategic concept and practice is in the first place .

  6. 构建“和谐世界”是中国和平发展的国际战略理念。

    Structuring " the harmonious world " is the international strategy idea of the peaceful development China .

  7. 发挥比较优势与山西中小企业发展战略理念

    Giving Play to the Role of Comparative Advantage : the Strategic Idea for the Development of SMEs in Shanxi

  8. 首先明确我国建筑业在实施信息化过程中的战略理念;

    It explains the strategic idea in the course of implementing information-basedly of construction of our country at first ;

  9. 最后,本文从改善审计市场环境,树立长远发展的战略理念等方面出发提出相关建议。

    Finally , this paper improves some related suggestion about the audit market environment , establishing long-term development strategy , etc.

  10. 社区警务是一种全新的警务战略理念和警务工作模式,已经成为警务管理工作的核心之一,也是公共管理中不可或缺的重要一环。

    As a brand new police service strategy and work mode , community police service has become the core of police management .

  11. 培育以价值创造为主导的经济资本管理战略理念是银行有效实施经济资本管理的关键。

    For banks to effectively apply economic capital management , cultivating the value creation oriented strategic idea of economic capital management is the key point .

  12. 第四部分重点回答了东盟新安全战略理念如何指导安全战略从冷战时期向后冷战时期逐步演变;

    The fourth part mainly demonstrates how the new ASEAN strategy conception aided the evolution of security strategies from Cold War period to Post-cold War era .

  13. 2001年美国国防部的四年防务评估报告,在战略理念和国防战略上发生了深刻变化。

    " The Quadrennial Defense Review ( QDR ) 2001 " published by US Department of Defense has made profound changes to US strategic doctrine and national defense strategy .

  14. 其主要内容是:从理论角度总结中国国际战略理念的变革,强调中国外交进一步体现有所作为的观念之源;

    First , it summarizes the transformation of China 's international strategic ideas , emphasizing that China should attempt to accomplish some deeds in foreign affairs in the future .

  15. 在企业战略理念的指导下,企业人力资源招聘事实上则是将企业的战略落地而迈出的坚实的第一步。

    In the business strategy under the guidance of the concept of corporate human resource recruitment moving the business strategy and landing represents a solid first step in fact .

  16. 跨越式发展,尤其是生产力跨越式发展作为实现现代化的战略理念,是时代提出的理论课题和实践问题。

    As a strategic idea of realizing the modernized , Great-leap-forward development , especially the great-leap-forward development of productivity is theory subject and practice question put forward in era .

  17. 本文在此基础上提出了将客户价值和艺术价值加以平衡的艺术品营销战略理念,强调艺术市场营销应该将艺术体验作为核心客户价值。

    It proposes that art consumers should be seen as co-producers in the total art process and advocates that arts marketing should focus on the artistic experience as the core customer value .

  18. 若能充分把握这一假日营销的契机,有效运用现代营销战略理念指导各项营销策略的实施,才能在现代市场竞争中有所作为。

    If they can fully grasp this opportunity of holiday marketing and use modern marketing strategies to guide every marketing implementation effectively , they could accomplish successfully in modem fierce market competition .

  19. 从探求解决文化冲突的途径角度,提出冲突的客观进步意义及解决冲突的宏观战略理念。

    The advanced significance of the conflict and the macroscopic strategic concept to solve it are put forward in this paper on the standpoint of searching the way to solve cultural conflict .

  20. 乡镇关于经济发展,战略理念稀缺,本文引入战略建构一说意在为基层领导提供一种有参考意义的决策思维。

    Township economic development , the scarcity of " strategic " concept , this paper introduces the strategic construct one that is intended to provide a reference value for the grass-roots leadership decision-making thinking .

  21. 第一层是基础层,其主要作用是为企业竞争力的形成提供坚实的物质基础和有力的精神保障,主要包括企业文化、战略理念、企业价值观、人力资源5个方面。

    The first is primer layer which is supply solid physical foundation and forceful spirit ensure , and it is mainly made up of enterprise culture , strategy belief , firm value view , human resource etc.

  22. 本文运用系统论方法提出南方湿润地区生态水资源系统脆弱性概念并对其脆弱度进行定量评价,从循环经济思想和虚拟水战略理念两个角度分析探讨湖南水资源可持续利用的对策。

    A new concept of vulnerability on eco-water resource system in southern humid areas used system method was provided and the vulnerability was calculated . Countermeasures of sustainable utilization of water resource were analyzed used cycle economy theory and virtual water strategy thought . 1 .

  23. 从汉朝至清末,中国依先进之政治、经济、文化建立起以自身为主导、涵盖周边民族与国家的东亚国际体系,充分体现了中国和平的外交哲学与战略理念。

    From Han Dynasty to the end of the Qing , China depending on advanced politic , economy and culture established the self-oriented " East Asian international system ", which covered the surrounding nations and States and fully embodied the peaceful diplomatic philosophy and strategic principle .

  24. 作为一个面向内部的专业服务机构,现代内部审计的战略导向理念与BSC的理念是高度一致的。

    As the internal professional service organization , the strategic direction concept of the modern internal auditing is highly consistent with that of BSC .

  25. 通过SWOT分析,以中国人寿保险股份有限公司当前人力资源管理面临的内外部环境出发,将战略管理理念引入公司绩效管理体系中。

    According to the method of SWOT analysis , started from the inner or outer environments and challenges of human resource management in China life insurance company , the strategic management was put in the performance management systems .

  26. 受到诺贝尔奖得主托马斯∠鞌(ThomasSchelling)的启发,经济学家迷上了承诺战略的理念——在诱惑变得不可抵挡之前,你品行高尚的那部分自我会采取行动,战胜你较弱的那部分自我。

    Inspired by the ideas of Nobel laureate Thomas Schelling , economists have become fascinated by the idea of commitment strategies , where your virtuous self takes steps to outmanoeuvre your weaker self before temptation strikes .

  27. 知识协同是在知识管理和协同学(Synergy)这两种现代战略管理理念集成创新基础上提出的崭新的管理思想,是继过去十余年知识管理全球性研究热潮之后的又一新的研究热点。

    Knowledge synergy comes into being . Knowledge synergy is a new management thought based on the study of knowledge management and synergy . Knowledge synergy is another new research hot spot following the global study wave of knowledge management in the past more than ten years .

  28. 中国现代零售业假日营销战略新理念

    New Marketing Strategies of China Modern Retail Business in Holiday Economy

  29. 社会转型期编辑群体的战略营销理念

    Editor group 's idea of strategic marketing in the stage of society transformation

  30. 战略成本理念在医院管理中的应用

    The Application of Strategic Cost Idea in Hospital Management