
  • 网络Strategic guiding ideology;Strategic Guiding Thoughts
  1. 对我国西部大开发战略指导思想的再思考

    Rethinking about the Strategic Directorial Thought of China 's Western Development

  2. 根据发展战略指导思想,做出发展战略选择;

    According to the guiding development ideology , the author makes the strategy development choices .

  3. 论国防经济发展的战略指导思想

    Strategic guiding principles for defense economy development

  4. 产业投资基金是将政府的战略指导思想和市场运行相结合的有效手段。

    Industrial investment fund is an effective means to combine government strategic thoughts and market operation .

  5. 坚持以发展为主题的战略指导思想具有十分重要的战略意义。

    It is of important political significance to stick to the strategic guiding ideology with a developing theme .

  6. 提出了适应新的历史时期的新的林业战略指导思想、重点、目标和措施,认为目前是真正研究解决我国林业经营思想的有利时机。

    It has been put forward that new forestry strategy direction thoughts , focal point , goal - and countermeasure to suit new situation .

  7. 高质、有序、快速反应&我国大纺织衣着领域新时期的战略指导思想

    High Quality , Sequential Development , and Rapid Reaction & new period 's strategical guiding idea in our country 's general textile dressing area

  8. 论述了农业资源区划学科近、中、远期发展的战略指导思想,农业资源区划学科发展的战略目标和前景分析;

    Short term , middle term and longterm development strategy guiding ideology of agricultural resources was discussed . The strategic target and development prospect were analysed .

  9. 本文从战略指导思想、战略目标、战略阶段、战略重点和措施五个方面,进行了初步探讨。

    This paper probes into these togies from the angle of their guiding thought , eventual target , development stages , key programs and proper measures .

  10. 从战略指导思想、战略目标、战略重点、战略阶段以及战略对策5个方面规划了湖北省群众体育资源开发与经营的发展战略。

    This paper programmed the exploitation and management of mass sports resources in Hubei from strategic thought , object , key point , stages and countermeasure .

  11. 基于对湖北省水体旅游开发的现状和意义的分析,提出湖北省水体旅游开发的战略指导思想和战略措施。

    Appraises and analyzes the water tourism resource development actuality and significance , and puts forward the strategic guideline and measures of water tourism development of Hubei province .

  12. 并以发挥内部优势,抓住外部机会,克服内部劣势,规避外部威胁为战略指导思想,提出长三角公路客运企业发展现代物流的相关战略措施。

    According to the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , the paper proposed relevant strategic measures of modern logistics development of Yangtze River Delta road passenger transport business .

  13. 树立科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会,是党的新一代领导集体先后提出的关于我国经济社会发展的两个战略指导思想。

    Building up scientific development view and constructing socialistic harmonious society are two strategic guidance thoughts on our country 's economy and society development put forward by new leading group of CCP successively .

  14. 虚拟企业作为指导21世纪制造业发展的主要战略指导思想,已经受到越来越多理论界和企业界的关注,而且已经有一些利用虚拟企业组织生产和研发的成功案例。

    As a main instructive thought for strategy , virtual enterprise has attracted more and more theorists and entrepreneurs ' attention . And there has some successive cases in utilizing virtual enterprise for manufacture and research .

  15. 可持续发展是当今世界各国在经济社会发展过程中普遍遵循的发展战略指导思想,强调经济发展与社会发展、资源利用和美好环境相协调。

    Sustainable Development is the guiding ideology of development strategy in the development of economy and society all over the world at present . It stresses the development of economy and society , resource utilization and beautiful environment harmony each other .

  16. 其中,战略指导思想(包括愿景、核心价值观和战略目标)用以凝聚人心,整合三层业务链是指导企业业务安排的指导原则,构建核心竞争力是创造持续竞争优势的基石。

    In the strategy , guide spirit of strategy is to win the will of the people , consolidation of operation chains is the principle of guiding operation arrangement , construction of kernel competitiveness is the base of creating lasting competition advantage .

  17. 论福建省农业发展战略的指导思想

    On Guide Principle of Agricultural Development Strategy of Fujian province

  18. 本文主要探讨了该战略的指导思想、重点、布局和对策。

    This paper discusses the guidance , emphases , distribution and countermeasures of the strategy .

  19. 森林可持续发展是21世纪各国林业发展的战略和指导思想,21世纪林业科学的发展方向是森林生态系统管理。

    The sustainable forestry development is the strategy and guideline of forestry development in the 21st century .

  20. 然后,根据清华同方知识管理战略的指导思想和原则,提出了知识管理战略目标。

    Then , according to guidance idea and rules of Tsinghua Tongfang KMS , advance the target of KMS .

  21. 接着提出了构筑上海高等教育国际化战略的指导思想和目标系统;

    Then has put forward the guidelines of constructing the higher education internationalization strategy in Shanghai and goal system ;

  22. 其发展战略的指导思想是抓好基础,突出重点,储备力量,迎接挑战;

    The guiding thinking of its developmental strategy is to " grasp fundaments , stress emphasis , store strength and meet challenge " .

  23. 探讨了流域治理投资战略的指导思想、基本原则,提出了战略目标。

    It was studied on instructive idea and essential principle of river basin improvement investment strategy , and also the strategy object was presented .

  24. 两次西进战略在指导思想、发展战略和体制选择上存在着重要差异,但在区域发展不平衡、基本经济制度以及最终发展目标上都存在着共性和联系。

    The Twice developments in western China in different periods are different in with the help of guiding ideology , development strategy and system of choice .

  25. 我国造纸工业发展战略的指导思想应该向以木材为主要原料方向转移。

    The guideline for the strategic development of China ′ s paper industry should be shifted to the direction of using lumber as the main raw material .

  26. 它把栏目经营中的观众意识、创新意识、整体意识、质量意识、个性意识以及市场意识整合于一个经营理念中,使其成为电视栏目品牌战略的指导思想。

    It makes audience consciousness , refreshment consciousness , entirety consciousness , quality consciousness , individuality consciousness and market consciousness from the program 's management conform to the same management concept .

  27. 阐述了质量发展的需求和面临的挑战及当前企业发展面临的形势,指出质量发展战略的指导思想、战略目标、战略重点、战略对策。

    The demand of quality development and the situation that the steel company faces with are expounded . The guiding ideology , strategy destination and emphasis about quality development are pointed out .

  28. 走可持续发展的道路是中国发展道路的必然选择,生态示范区建设以可持续发展战略作为指导思想和建设的最高目标,它是实施可持续发展战略的基本经济社会形式。

    Sustainable development is the only road for the development of China . Construction of ecological demonstration area with sustainable development as its guiding theory and highest target is the basic strategy of sustainable development .

  29. 本文通过对我国农业信息高技术发展战略的指导思想、发展思路和发展目标的探讨,研究了我国农业信息高技术优先发展领域,进而提出了我国农业信息高技术发展的对策建议。

    The paper analyses the guidance thought , design and aim of development strategy in Chinese agricultural information technology , and studies the priority in development of Chinese agricultural information technology , and furthermore puts forward some suggestions and measures to develop agricultural information technology in China .

  30. 尼克松总统上台后提出了美国全球外交战略新的指导思想&尼克松主义。

    After President Nixon came to power , he proposed a new guilding ideology about American worldwide diplomatic policy-nixonism .