
  • 网络strategic motive
  1. FDI两种战略动机类型的实证分析

    An Empirical Research on Two Kinds of Strategical Motives of FDI

  2. 企业导入CIS战略动机与时机的理性思考

    A Sensible Thinking of the Introduction of the Motivation and Opportunities of CIS Strategic

  3. 基于CES生产函数汇率理论的FDI战略动机模型建构

    Constructing Theoretical Models of FDI Strategy Motivations and Exchange Rate Based on CES Product Function

  4. 技术创新策略与创新战略动机关系的若干命题

    Research on the relationship between technological innovation strategy and its strategic motivation

  5. 对于与中国卷入激烈的领土和外交争端的日本来说,这种战略动机甚至更强。

    This strategic motivation is even more powerful for Japan , which is embroiled in bitter territorial and diplomatic disputes with China .

  6. 艾伦还赞同其房地产战略动机找卖家,争取创造性融资,买赎权和税收留置权。

    Allen also shares his real estate strategies for finding motivated sellers , securing creative financing , and buying foreclosures and tax liens .

  7. 接着对外资并购的动因进行分析,主要依据为效益理论、交易费用、战略动机论等。

    Then the text analyses the motive of M & A of foreign investor , including efficiency theory 、 transaction charge 、 strategy motive .

  8. 从战略动机、战略可行性和战略内容等方面,分析了瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪集团实行的多品牌战略。

    This paper analyzes on the multi-brand strategy of Swiss watch producer , Swatch Group , from aspects of the strategic motivation , strategic feasibility , and strategic contents , etc.

  9. 一旦油价定价体系存在某种操纵,就可以通过分析操纵者的战略动机实现对油价趋势的合理判断。

    As long as there is certain manipulation in the oil pricing system , we can make sound judgment of oil price trends by analyzing the strategic motives of the speculators .

  10. 国外市场进入方式选择关系到国际化成功与失败,而企业国际化战略动机是影响企业国外市场进入方式选择的首要因素。

    The selection of the entry mode is the critical factor of success or failure in internationalization , and the strategic motivations of Internationalization have significant effect on the choice of foreign entry modes .

  11. 日本出于实现经济可持续发展、保持国际竞争力、赢得市场的战略动机,从法律体系、政策扶持、微观运行体系和促进公众参与等方面大力促进循环经济的发展,其成功经验值得我国借鉴。

    Based on stratagem motivation of achieving economy persistence development , keeping international competence and pulling off market , Japan energetically developed circular economy from jurisprudence , policy support , microcosmic running system and advancing public participation .

  12. 本文通过回顾并购动机和并购目标选择的相关理论研究,主要探讨了在并购出售方中的特殊群体,即主动出售方的并购战略动机及其战略资源匹配两个问题。

    By reviewing theories on incentives for merger and acquisition as well as target choice , this paper mainly discusses about a special group of sellers in the M & A process who play an active role in selling themselves .

  13. 另外,还对跨国公司在中国的一般性战略和动机加以阐述,以供学生对相关背景资料的了解。

    Furthermore , some technical background information such as TNC 's general strategies and motivation in China are provided .

  14. 根据跨国公司战略联盟动机及相应战略特征的不同,尽管可以综合归纳为利润获取型和能力增强型两种主要形式,但战略联盟为各参与方带来的收获是千差万别的。

    Although strategic alliances may fall into two types : profit-pursuing type and capability-strengthening type according to different motivation and corresponding characteristics , the results to the partners are different .

  15. 本文以地缘政治理论和地缘经济理论为指导,分析了美国调整亚太战略的动机和影响,并为中国在应对方面的对策提出了相关的建议。

    This article take the geopolitical theory as a foundation , analyzed the motivation and influence of United States adjust the Asia-pacific strategic and recommend some relevant Suggestions for China .

  16. 知识经济时代的企业并购已不再是为了追求规模经济和降低成本,而是具有了获取外部知识资源、加强资源整合、提高核心竞争力等战略新动机。

    In knowledge economic age , the purposes of M & A are no longer purchasing scale economy or reducing cost , but gaining external knowledge resources , intergrating knowledge and upgrading core competitive ability .

  17. 受访者认为在不稳定期模仿龙头企业的需要是技术获取战略的动机,且超过半数的受访者承认在该企业的技术发展战略中综合考虑了短期和长期收益。

    Regarding the motives for the technology acquisition strategy , respondents acknowledged the need of imitating the best companies during the uncertainty times , with more than a half of respondents admitting to combine short term and long term benefits in their technology development strategy .

  18. 依据外商投资企业全球经营战略和投资动机的不同,广州市的FDI大致可以划分为两大主要类型:成本指向型和市场指向型。

    Based on the differences of foreign investment enterprises ' whole world management strategy and investment motive , Guangzhou 's FDI may divide approximately into two predominant types : the Cost direction and the Market direction .

  19. 战略联盟的动机分析

    The Analysis of the Motives of Strategic Alliances

  20. 运输企业战略联盟的动机、方式与合作决策是全文的重点。

    The motive , means and cooperation decision-making are the key points of the whole article .

  21. 此外还着重分析了企业建立和加入战略网络的动机,这些不同动机则构成了影响企业战略网络稳定性的主要因素。

    Moreover , it researched the motive of enterprises to establish and join in the strategic network emphatically , which were primary factors to influence the stability of enterprise strategic network .

  22. 应用典型案例和博弈论方法分析了企业战略联盟形成的动机和发展。

    Using typical case and the method of game theory , have analyzed the forming motive and development of strategic alliance .

  23. 一方面,研究了其引资的动因以及境外战略投资者的参股动机,同时分析了深发展引资模式和特点以及策略,提供了我国商业银行如何引入境外战略投资者以及怎样才能追求最大合作效应的参考。

    On one hand , it analyzed the reasons for SDB to fetch in overseas strategic investors and motivations for overseas investors to invest in SDB , and introduced the tactics to attract overseas investment .

  24. 本文分析了商业环境的变化对企业的影响,在综述了企业进入战略联盟的基本动机后,进一步分析了将学习作为企业战略联盟动机对联盟成功的影响。

    This paper analyzes the influence of the business environment upon enterprises , summarizes the basic motives for an enterprise to join an alliance , and finally analyzes how the learning motive influences the success of an enterprise .

  25. 本文用实证的方法定性研究了高新技术企业基于产品R&D战略联盟的联盟动机与联盟形态之间的关系,并利用事件研究法证明了此类战略联盟能够带来正向的股市响应。

    This paper qualitatively demonstrates the relationship between the motivation and the conformation of such R & D-based alliances , and in addition , proves , using the event study methodology , that such alliances can bring the stocks market positive response .

  26. 充分利用外部资源,通过不断加强资源专用性和资源匹配来增强竞争优势和动态进入壁垒,获得高额战略联盟租金是企业采用联盟战略的根本动机。

    Adequately using outer resources , enhancing the competition advantages and dynamic entry barrier and obtaining the rent of strategic alliances produced by the specific assets and the matching of resources are the natural drives for firms to participate in strategic alliances .

  27. 第三章应用企业战略联盟的基本理论结合实际案例,深入分析了军工院所军转民项目组建战略联盟的动机和效应。

    In chapter 3 using the basic theory of enterprises strategic alliances and factual cases of defence industry conversion work , military institutes ' motivation and benefit of building strategic alliances of defence industry conversion projects are analyzed .

  28. 对跨国公司战略联盟的成因分析主要从以下六个方面展开:资源稀缺、相互学习、降低成本与风险、开拓市场、规模经济与战略动机。

    The analysis of the causes of multinational strategic alliances according to six parts : the scarcity of resources , learning from each other , reducing cost and risk , developing new markets , economies of scale , strategic motives .