
zhàn huǒ lián tiān
  • The flames of war raged across the land
战火连天[zhàn huǒ lián tiān]
  1. 在那战火连天的日子里,我们过着艰苦的生活。

    We led a hard life in those years when the flames of war raged across the land .

  2. 在她成长的民国时代里,她亲眼目睹了饥饿,瘟疫和战火连天。

    When she grew up during the Kuomintang Republic , Brock saw the poverty , plague and flames of war .

  3. 甚至在离战火连天的达富尔只有几百公里外的喀什穆,也在动用他们的石油收入建立起闪闪发光的摩天大楼和新兴的科学技术。

    Even Khar-toum , a few hundred kilometers up the road from war-torn Darfur , is spending its oil bounty on glittering skyscrapers and new technology .

  4. 一过香港,就是中国、日本、美洲,那些地方对福克说来,是更妥当的避难所。每年都会有成千上万的难民逃离战火连天的家园,到加拿大这片土壤上寻求幸福生活的避风港。

    Beyond , China , Japan , America offered to Fogg an almost certain refuge . Every year thousands of refugees travel from war torn countries , seeking asylum for a better life on Canadian grounds .