
  • 网络tactical nuclear weapon;Tactical Nuke;TNW
  1. 希腊火这个曾经被搁置的研发项目,加上一个Zippo打火机,堪比战术核武器。

    A previously shuttered RD program , wildfire is a tactical nuke crossed with a Zippo lighter .

  2. 战术核武器的威力范围较小。

    Tactical nuclear weapons have shorter ranges .

  3. 一座存储为有限目标设计的战术核武器的巨大武器库。

    A vast arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons designed for limited purposes .

  4. 巴基斯坦也具有设计和制造战术核武器和战略核武器的能力;

    Pakistan also has the ability to make both tactic nuclear weapons and strategic ones .

  5. 蒙巴顿勋爵已告诫人们,认为可以使用战术核武器只是幻想。

    Lord Mountbatten has warned against the illusion that tactical nuclear weapons could be used .

  6. 北约认为唯一阻止他们的方法就是使用战术核武器。

    NATO says the only way to stop them is by using tactical nuclear weapons .

  7. 今年晚些时候,它们可能会进一步扩大该协议,将战术核武器纳入裁军谈判。

    Later in the year , they could build on this agreement by including battlefield nuclear weapons in arms-reduction talks .

  8. 我们还要提高在欧洲所部属战术核武器数量、位置和种类信息的透明度。

    We would also like increased transparency concerning the numbers , locations , and types of these tactical forces in Europe .

  9. 人们私下里讨论的最糟糕的情形,包括俄罗斯将事态升级到涉及使用战术核武器的地步。

    The darkest scenarios , being discussed behind closed doors , include Russian escalation up to and including the use of tactical nuclear weapons .

  10. 应该把更大的注意力集中在战术核武器上,它们调遣起来迅速,会在冲突地区起着不稳定作用。

    Greater attention should be focused on the risks of tactical nuclear weapons , which could be rapidly deployed and play a destabilizing role in conflict areas .

  11. 金泰荣向一个国会委员会表示,韩国政府将考虑要求美国重新在韩国部署战术核武器。美国于1991年撤走了驻韩美军的战术核武器。

    Kim Tae-young told a parliamentary committee that Seoul would consider asking the US to redeploy tactical nuclear weapons , which were withdrawn from the country in 1991 .

  12. 以往的协议只涉及某些种类的核武器,我们认为,下一轮核裁的范围必须尽可能地广泛,要把未部署的核武器和战术核武器都包括进来。

    Past agreements have only dealt with some categories of nuclear weapons , but we believe the next round must be as wide as possible , including both non-deployed and tactical nuclear weapons .

  13. 他的《核武器与对外政策》一书,使他突然成了议论纷纭的有名人物。他在这本书里试图论证,战术核武器的有限使用在实际上是有可能的。

    What catapulted him into public controversy was his book nuclear weapons and foreign policy , which was an attempt to prove that the limited use of tactical nuclear weapons was a practical possibility .

  14. 20世纪60年代是美国在越南战争中军事上逐步升级的过程,也是其核选择(指使用战术核武器)被美国军政高级官员日益严肃考虑并几度欲付诸实战的过程。

    The 1960s witnessed the U.S. military escalation in the Vietnam War and the nuclear option-referred to tactical nuclear weapons , which was attracting more consideration from the high - ranking military and political leaders of Johnson 's Administration .

  15. 民兵(minuteman)洲际弹道导弹以及美国所有的战术性核武器都将被消除。

    The Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile force would be eliminated , as would all US tactical nuclear weapons .