
  • 网络War College;Institute of War;Kriegsakademie
  1. 4年前,他在美国陆军战争学院(USArmyWarCollege)的一次会议上发表了一篇论文,就中国这些动态提出警告,但美国海军的代表对这一潜在危险不屑一顾。

    When he presented a paper warning of these trends at an Army War College conference four years ago , delegates from the US Navy dismissed the potential threat .

  2. 美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)的安德鲁埃里克森(andrewerickson)表示:“水下是少有的几个可以免受中国导弹打击的区域之一。”

    As Andrew Erickson , of the US Naval War College , notes : " underwater is one of the few areas that is safe from Chinese missiles . "

  3. 他补充称,考虑到美中高级海军军官计划于下月出席在罗得岛新港美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)召开的一次会议,探讨海事透明度及合作问题,(中方)此举颇具讽刺意味。

    He added that the move was ironic given that senior US and Chinese naval officers were next month planning to attend a conference at the US Naval War College in Newport , Rhode Island , on maritime transparency and co-operation .

  4. 空军战争学院教授纳乌尼哈尔·辛格(NaunihalSingh)是《夺权》(SeizingPower)一书的作者,该书讨论了政变为什么成功或失败,他在书中写道:成功的政变通常以“协调博弈”的形式进行。

    Successful coups tend to be waged as " coordination games , " Naunihal Singh , a professor at the Air War College , wrote in the book " Seizing Power , " which examines why coups succeed or fail .

  5. 美国陆军战争学院教授jeffreycaton表示,漫游太空的“垃圾清道夫”机器人,或许是一种清理太空残骸的好方法,但也可用来将敌方卫星撞出轨道。

    Roving " garbage man " robots might be a good way to clean up space debris , suggests Jeffrey Caton , a professor at the US Army War College , but they could also be used to knock enemy satellites out of orbit .

  6. 但是,美国陆军战争学院国家安全研究教授古德森不同意这种观点,他说,美国并没能迫使巴基斯坦采取行动。

    But U.S.Army War College National Security Studies Professor Larry Goodson disagrees that American pressure forced Pakistan 's hand .

  7. 今年8月,美国陆军战争学院就剽窃事件展开调查,而沃尔什则退出了参议院的选举。

    In August , the War College initiated the plagiary in their investigation and Walsh withdrew his candidate for Senate .

  8. 沃尔什发表声明表示,他不同意战争学院的调查结果,但是接受学院的决定,并向所有蒙大拿州民众道歉。

    Walsh issued a statement , saying he disagreed with findings made by the War College , but accepted the decision and apologized to all Montanans .

  9. 海军战争学院和空军大学都有各自的特战部队教授职位,并作为参谋帮助将特战部队教育合成到他们各自课程。

    For example , the Naval War College and Air University each have SOF chairs on the staff to help integrate SOF education into their respective curriculum .

  10. 在战争学院所处的黑曜石山脉深处,坐落着联盟中迄今为止最激烈的公正之地-岩浆议院。

    Deep within the obsidian mountain from which the Institute of War is sculpted lies the League 's most intense Field of Justice to date – the Magma Chamber .

  11. 美国国防大学战争学院教授奥特,把中国在西南部地区修建水坝称为是控制下游东南亚国家的一个手段。

    United States War College , National Defense University Professor Otter , construction of a dam in South - western areas of China known as is a means to control downstream in Southeast Asian countries .

  12. 美国陆军战争学院教授古德森说,巴基斯坦在内部面临激进分子袭击带来的致命压力,在外部面临来自美国的政治压力,而且这两股压力都在增加,这可能导致军界和政界间分歧的进一步扩大。

    Larry Goodson , a professor at the U.S. Army War College , says that crack could widen as Pakistan faces more lethal pressure internally from militant attacks and political pressure externally from the United States .

  13. 布什在位于宾夕法尼亚州卡尔里斯尔的美国陆军战争学院向军人们发表以上讲话。在很可能是离任前就国家安全问题发表的最后一次重要讲话中,布什向在他任期内经历了各种不同寻常事件的男女军人们表示了敬意。

    In what was likely his final major national security address , Mr. Bush paid tribute to America 's fighting men and women and took stock of momentous events that happened during his time in office .

  14. 沃尔什一直在为今年11月的中期选举做准备,但是今年7月,《纽约时报》曝光了他2007年在宾夕法尼亚州美国陆军战争学院的硕士论文中含有大量剽窃内容。

    Walsh was running to return the seat in this November election , but in July the New York Times reported he plagiarized most of his master thesis at the US Army War College in Pennsylvania in 2007 .

  15. 美国独立战争前私立学院的基本特点

    The Basic Features of the Private Colleges before the American War of Independence

  16. 战争结束后,学院请这些获奖者拿石膏雕像来换镀金金属雕像。

    Following the war , the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for gold-plated metal ones . 10 .