
  • 网络atma-moha
  1. 一场幽梦同谁近,千古情人独我痴。

    Strange encounters take place in a secret dream , for he is the most passionate lover of all time .

  2. 我也曾痴傻地想以为一切都会改变,我的长发随风飘来飘去,正如我当初无依的心,没有停靠的岸。

    I think that everything will change , my hair floated wind , as I had no one to depend on heart , do not call the bank .

  3. 随着职业的发展,我意识到自己痴爱上了银幕。

    As my career developed , I realized how much I LOVED filming .

  4. 我成了星巴克痴但我是有时间啊!

    I became a Starbucks addict but I was having the time of my life !

  5. 我仍然天真地痴想着与他一起的时光,那未曾破坏的瞬间如上天的礼物,像未遭践踏的冬雪,胜过人间所有美景。

    I still think of my time with him fondly because the unspoiled moment was a gift with all the beauty of un-trampled snow .

  6. 起初我还没理会那使我生气的痴笑和怪相。

    I don 't perceive the silly smiles and grimaces that provoked me at first .

  7. 但是,到底,我想她开始了解我了:起初我还没理会那使我生气的痴笑和怪相;

    But , at last , I think she begins to know me : I don 't perceive the silly smiles and grimaces that provoked me at first ;