
  1. 我只想静静地睡个好觉。

    All I wanted was some peace and quiet so I could get a good night 's sleep .

  2. 世界烦恼,众多纷扰,我只想静静的呆在一角,享受独处的美好。

    Being bothered with many troubles by the world . I just want to stay in the corner and enjoy the nicety of quiet solitude .

  3. 我是多么想静静地生活。

    But I really want to peace to live .

  4. 不,他回答道,今晚我想安安静静地休息一下。

    He answered . Tonight I want to have some peace and quiet .

  5. 妈妈拜托你听着我只想平平静静地读完高中

    Serena : Mom , please ! It 's look , all I wanna do is just finish high school in peace

  6. wanna:[口语]=wantto想要finish:完成peace:和平,安静妈妈拜托你,听着我只想平平静静地读完高中state:州离开这里去一个没有人认识我的州重新开始新生活明白吗?

    Serena : Mom , please ! , It 's look , all I wanna do is just , finish high school in peace and go away to a state with lots of people who don 't know who I am and just start over , okay ? -

  7. 我只想安安静静吃顿晚饭。-

    I was thinking of just a quiet dinner . -

  8. 我感觉疲倦,我想静静睡去。

    I felt so tired , I want to sleep .

  9. 我亲爱的朋友们不用为我担心,只想静静自己停流的友谊的他心里还是一直思念着大家

    My beloved friends are needless to be that I worry about , friendship thinking that self stops a stream quietly only 's he still is always missing everybody in the heart