
  1. 很明显,我们的轨迹是可以改变的。

    It is obvious that our Locus can be changed .

  2. 我们的飞行轨迹都会在屏幕上显示出来。

    Our flight track is showed on the screen .

  3. 我们秉承的轨迹:创意新鲜?提高品牌核心竞争力。

    The track we pursue : unique originality enhances the competitiveness of the brand .

  4. 冥冥中,我们生命的轨迹曾有过交点。

    Our paths they did cross , though I can not say just why .

  5. 但我们的历史轨迹是清晰的,这是一个进步的曲线。

    But the arc of our history is clear - it 's an arc of progress .

  6. 作为人居环境核心元素&住宅,代表的不仅是表像的物质实体,也代表着文化,我们的生活轨迹。

    As the key element of living environment & residential area , which represent not only material entity but culture .

  7. 我们的人生轨迹,从童年一路延伸到成年,轨迹鲜有平滑和清晰的时候。

    As the trajectory of our lives stretches out from childhood well into adulthood , the arc is rarely smooth or clear 。

  8. 带着觉察,虽然我们的人生轨迹还是那么曲折,但是它会按照我们正在经历的新的事件和新的存在的意义铺设道路,按照我们的生命轨迹前进。

    With awareness , our paths can 't help but wind us forward in our lives while paving the way for new experiences and new ways of being .

  9. 在我们的生活轨迹中,在不同的情况下,如:工作,玩耍,家庭,个人时间和活动种,我们每个人都在不同的环境中操作。

    We each have multiple environments in which we operate throughout the phases of our lives and under different circumstances , such as work , play , home , personal time and activities , etc.

  10. 哥伦比亚大学研究围产期精神病学和神经科学的临床心理学副教授凯瑟琳?蒙克说道,这项研究提供了大量的证据,证明了我们的心理健康轨迹开始于人最初的发展阶段。

    This is an important , expertly executed epidemiological study , said Catherine Monk , an associate professor of clinical psychology at Columbia who conducts research in perinatal psychiatry and neuroscience . It provides compelling evidence that our mental health trajectories are initiated early in development .

  11. 而当我们考虑运动点的轨迹的时候,轨迹可以称作是参数方程。

    And , so when we think of the trajectory of the moving point , that 's called a parametric equation .

  12. 我们必须沿着历史的轨迹,重回那段纷纭复杂的儒佛道思想交融互动思潮之中,去探究那个时代之所以如此的内在原因。

    We should restore the history of Wei-Jin thoughts follow the history track , to explore the underlying reason of it .

  13. 我现在确信,我们俩所有的生命轨迹,只是为了走向对方,走向这四天。

    It 's clear to me now we have been moving towards each other , towards those four days , all our live .

  14. 回顾历史上曾有过的各种人性假设,探究其与高等教育管理理论之间的关系,对于我们把握理论演化的轨迹具有重大的意义。

    Reviewing various humanity assumptions in history and probing into their relation to the theory of higher education management should be of significance for us to master the course of the theoretical evolution .

  15. 各行各业的人都会为忙碌而抱怨,这是常有的事儿,不过我们改变不了生活的轨迹每年365天、每天24小时不停地轮回运转着。

    It is a common occurrence for people from all walks of life to gripe aboutbeing fully occupied , but we cannot change the course of our lives - rolling on 24 hours per day , 365 days a year .

  16. 同时在比较、分析各种常用插补算法的基础上,结合生产现场的实际情况,我们决定采用CP+PTP的轨迹规划方法。

    At the same time , under the circumstances of comparing and analyzing kinds of interpolation algorithm , we decide to use the CP + PTP mode to plan the path according to the practical conditions on the spot of production .

  17. 这些基础和意识从未远离我们,它们不仅界定着我们的经验,也塑造着我们认识事物的轨迹。

    The basis and ideology have never left us by not only defining our experience but shaping the way we know everything .

  18. 我们完成的每个交易,留的每个评价,加的每个好友,标记的每封垃圾邮件或者赢得的每个勋章,都会构成我们能否被信任的轨迹。

    With every trade we make , comment we leave , person we " friend " , spammer we flag or badge we earn , we leave a trail of how well we can or can 't be trusted .