  • Ember;ash;cinder
  • 物体燃烧后剩下的东西:灰~。烛~。余~。


(物体燃烧后剩下的东西) cinder; ash:

  • 灰烬

    ashes; cinders;

  • 灯烬

    snuff of a wick

  1. 而混煤有机废液含有较多的可燃成分以及对燃烧反应起催化作用的Na基等化合物,使得混煤有机废液相比原液更易着火,且燃烧稳定、良好,燃烬时间也较短。

    Wastewater mixed with coal contains some inflammable constituents and sodium-base compounds promoted combustion reaction , which are ascended as the mixture proportion growing .

  2. 试论低挥发分燃煤电厂NOx排放物的达标难度和前景几种典型低挥发份无烟煤燃烧燃烬特性研究

    Difficulty and Prospect of NO x Emission Reach a Set Standard in Low Volatile Matter Coal Fired Power Plant A Study of Burn-off Characteristics of Several Typical Low Volatile Anthracites

  3. 仅供一次风的情况下,二燃室出口温度高,CO燃烬效果较差;

    When the primary air is only supplied , the temperature at the exit of secondary combustion chamber is higher and the CO concentration in exhaust gas is higher , too .

  4. 通过大量的试验,得出了煤种、煤粉细度、炉膛温度和过量空气系数等因素对NOx排放和煤粉燃烬率的影响趋势;

    The results of influence on NOx emission and carbon in fly ash by coal type , coal particle diameter , furnace temperature and excess air are reached through tests .

  5. 本文针对燃料再燃的脱氮效果、煤粉燃烬等关键问题,提出了超细煤粉再燃降低NOx排放的技术,并对此进行了一系列探索性的研究。

    In this paper , micronized coal powder reburning technology is brought forward and a series of exploring research work is carried out aiming at the key issues of fuel reburning such as NOx reduction efficiency and burnout rate .

  6. 不同燃烬度煤粒的光学及辐射特性的研究

    The optical and radiative properties of coal particles with different burned-out

  7. 几种典型低挥发份无烟煤燃烧燃烬特性研究

    A Study of Burn-off Characteristics of Several Typical Low Volatile Anthracites

  8. 劣质燃料的燃烬程度及其燃烬方式

    The Burn-off Rate of Low Grade Fuel and the Burn Patterns

  9. 煤粉燃烬性能与颗粒结构分维的关系

    Relationship Between Structure Fractal and Burnout Performance of Pulverized Coal

  10. 这些节日将逐渐地重燃这将烬的灵性品味火花。

    These festivals will gradually rekindle the dying spark of spiritual taste .

  11. 生物质焦燃烬过程中NO释放行为的研究

    Research on no emission behavior of biomass char burnout

  12. 几种煤粉悬浮态燃烬特性的研究

    Study of burn-out properties of several kinds of coal powders under suspension state

  13. 相同燃烬度下燃烧反应的化学动力学常数相同。

    Under the same burnouts , combustion reaction chemistry dynamics constant is identical .

  14. 燃煤流化床阻挡燃烬层的试验研究

    An Experimental Study of a Barrier and Burnout Layers in a Coal-fired Fluidized Bed

  15. 工业锅炉燃烬室的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Reburning Chamber of Industrial Boiler

  16. 石油焦着火和燃烧燃烬特性的试验研究

    Study on ignition and combustion of petroleum coke

  17. 瞬间光亮之后,恶魔只留下一个燃烬的外壳。

    Evil endures a moment 's flush and then leaves but a burnt up shell .

  18. 烧烬这虚幻的希望,错误地祈求于上帝,天使都去了哪里?

    Burning away hollow hopes , wrong pray for God , where the angels has gone ?

  19. 35T/H洗矸流化床锅炉加装灰渣燃烬冷却床提高热效率的研究

    Study of Raising Thermal Efficiency of 35T / H Fluidized Bed Combustor with the Ash Burn-out Bed

  20. 判断煤质燃烧、燃烬和潜在结渣特性是燃煤电厂锅炉的设计基础。

    Combustion and slagging property judgement of the coal is essence for boiler design in the power plant .

  21. 用此模型预测了在不同的恒定温度下试验煤种的煤粉燃烧速率随燃烬度的变化趋势。

    The change trends of the combustion rates for the four coals under different constant temperature levels were predicted .

  22. 整体来说:这种香是以未加工成特定形状的方式直接放在煤灰烬上点燃的。

    Whole : The incense material is burned directly in its raw unprocessed form on top of coal embers .

  23. 对三种用于燃煤流化床的阻挡燃烬层进行了试验研究。

    An experimental study was made of three kinds of barrier and burnout layers used in a coal-fired fluidized bed .

  24. 当其他条件确定以后,着火时间和燃烬时间随流化床温度的变化而平滑变化。

    When the enviroment condition is defined , the ignition and burnout time has a smooth shift with initial bed temperature .

  25. 稀相区、燃烬室及余热锅炉受热面粘结熔化盐的问题,可采取辅助措施加以解决。

    The auxiliary measures are introduced to solve the fouling problem of dilute phase zone , after burner and waste heat boiler .

  26. 通过分析结果与实际燃烧情况的比较,对几个典型煤种燃烧及燃烬特性进行了分类判别。

    The property of combustion and burnout are categorized and tested with comparing both result of analysis and case of real combustion .

  27. 碱的加入使得污泥着火温度降低,燃烬温度升高;

    The addition of alkali results in the decrease of ignition temperature of sludge and the increase of the temperature of burnout .

  28. 在扩散控制、动力控制条件下,分别对蔗糠挥发分燃烬时间进行了计算。

    Based on the diffusion control model and reaction kinetics control model , the burning out time of volatile is calculated respectively .

  29. 诗集开篇中所描述的,那余烬尚有一丝红亮的篝火,正是坡林先生的诗,仅存词句之焦烬,似无意涵之生息,却别蕴一种狂纵和自得。

    Like the nearly burned-out bonfire described in the title poem , Mr Paulin 's poetry revels in a certain charred bleakness .

  30. 角式喷燃、高长宽比炉膛中,切圆在流场中旋转,具有时均性、瞬时性、周期性和破碎性。燃烬风反切可有效降低出口速度偏差,从而降低出口烟温偏差。

    The circle of contact takes on time averaged , instantaneity , periodicity and crumbliness in flow field of angle burner high length-with ratio furnace .