
  1. 没有粗鲁的评论意见对我们的偶像,或任何其他人的偶像。

    No rude comments made towards our idol or anyone else 's idol .

  2. 1962年,纽约麦迪逊广场花园上,梦露将为总统约翰·肯尼迪生日献歌。由于寻找舞台入口迷路,上场时,我们的偶像早已气喘吁吁,也便难以正常演唱。

    The film icon apparently got lost while heading toward the stage at Madison Square Garden in New York in1962 to sing for John F Kennedy .

  3. 因为他们是我们的行为偶像

    because they are our role models .

  4. 她那年成为了我们的美国偶像。

    She became our American Idol that year .

  5. 双子队,我们城市的偶像,赢得了系列赛,而且每个市民都增添了些许快乐。

    The Twins , our civic religion , won the Series , and every citizen glows a litter more brightly .

  6. 这些曝光的个人生活是让我们心中的偶像形象破灭,还是让我们明白天才也不过是个普通人?

    Do they remind us to never meet our heroes , or merely that all geniuses are , finally , human ?

  7. 《我们身边的偶像》一片自然清新,惊喜不断,就象音乐本身一样,源源不断地为我们提供精神力量。

    Like the music itself , ICONS AMONG US is fresh and constantly surprising , with a spirit and energy that innovates even as it recycles .

  8. 妈妈才是我们应该崇拜的第一偶像!

    Mom should be the first idol we admire !

  9. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。

    To people of our generation Kennedy was a god .