
  • 网络portfolio;portfolio assessment;portfolio evaluation
  1. 成长记录袋是一种新兴的质性评价方式。

    Portfolio is a new pattern of qualitative assessment .

  2. 学生成长记录袋评价方法在中职学校数学教学中的应用研究

    An Applied Study on Portfolio Evaluation Methods for Students of the Vocational Secondary School

  3. 初中生思想品德成长记录袋评价的实施状况研究

    A Study of Implementation of Student Ideological and Moral Portfolio Assessment

  4. 七年级学生数学成长记录袋评价的实践研究

    Practice and Study on Mathematics Growing-up Portfolio Assessment for Grade 7 Students

  5. 成长记录袋评定法应用于医学教育的理论探讨

    Application of the Portfolio Assessment to Medical Education in China

  6. 成长记录袋在特殊儿童学习评价中的应用

    The Application of Portfolios in Learning Assessment of Children with Special Needs

  7. 一种有效的形成性评价方法&美国的成长记录袋制度述评

    A Kind of Effective Formative Assessment & Review on the Profile in America

  8. 本文围绕成长记录袋在语文学科中的应用做出实践的探索。

    This paper focuses on the exploration of the application of portfolio in language subject .

  9. 学生语文成长记录袋评价研究

    Research on Portfolio Assessment of Chinese Learning

  10. 现代教育评价强调要在日常教育教学中发挥评价的激励和发展功能,学生成长记录袋正是适应这种要求的一种质性评定方法。

    Portfolio is an effective qualitative evaluation method in enhancing the motivational and developmental functions of student assessment .

  11. 质性评价的有效尝试:通过学生成长记录袋实现评定的发展性功能

    An Effective Practice of Qualitative Assessment : Using Portfolio Assessment to Promote the Development Function of Student Assessment

  12. 成长记录袋的应用研究

    Research on Portfolio Application

  13. 成长记录袋的应用还在试验阶段,是一个需要探索的课题,本文主要从实践方面进行了探索。

    The application of portfolio is still in test stage , it is a program that need to explore .

  14. 新颁布的许多课程标准(试验稿)都明确地提出要在学生评价中使用成长记录袋作为促进学生发展的一种方式。

    The new issued curriculum criterion ( test draft ) put forward clearly that using portfolio assessment promotes students to develop .

  15. 笔者详细列举了质性评价的几种评价方式、调查表、成长记录袋、访谈、个案等。

    The author lists qualitative evaluation of several evaluation methods , questionnaire , interview , growth record bag , such as the case .

  16. 因此,在中职学校数学教学中探索成长记录袋评价方法是一项值得深入研究与实践的课题。

    In conclusion , portfolio evaluation methods applied in Math teaching in vocational secondary school is a question worth of research and practice .

  17. 随着课程改革在试验区的不断推进,许多国家级实验区在日常评价改革中都采用了成长记录袋评价这种新型的发展性评价方式。

    With the advancement of educational courses reform , many national testing areas adopt portfolio assessment system as a new type of developmental education evaluation .

  18. 成长记录袋有意识地收集学生的作品或有关证据,以反映学生在某一领域的努力、进步与成就。

    Portfolios are systematic collections of students'work and other kinds of evidence that serve as the basis to examine their effort , improvement , and achievement in certain learning domain .

  19. 本部分针对调查得出的结果及问题产生的原因提出改善思想品德成长记录袋评价的操作策略及保障策略,为更好地开展成长记录袋评价提供一定的启示和借鉴作用。

    This part put forward the strategy of improving ideological and moral portfolio assessment based on the previous survey findings and the course of problems , providing the inspiration and enlightenment .

  20. 通过具体的实践操作,总结出建立语文成长记录袋的诸多优势,也发现实践过程中所存在的问题,并提出注意事项。

    Through special practical operation , we summed up many advantages of language portfolio . However , we also found some issues in the practice process and put forward some reasonable proposals .

  21. 最后对考试改革、学生成长记录袋评价、初中学生数学课堂学习自我评价等提出了建议。

    And finally puts forward some suggestions about examination reform , evaluation of the record bag of the student 's growth and self-evaluation of junior middle school students classroom learning of mathematics .

  22. 结果表明,数学成长记录袋评价与传统的评价相比有以下几点优势:(1)学生学习数学的兴趣和信心有所增强;

    The results indicated that the mathematics growth record bag appraisal has following several superiority to the traditional appraisal : ( 1 ) It strengthened the students ' interests and the confidence to study mathematics ;

  23. 因而本论文根据鉴赏教学的评价取向和操作理念,构想了成长记录袋、文学课堂纪事、测验法等几种评估方法。

    As a result this thesis according to appreciate the evaluation mindset and the operation principles of the teaching , speculation growth record the bag , the literature classroom record event , test method etc. several kind valuation method .

  24. 提高师范生的教学技能应采取价值取向调整、加强教学分析训练、教学模拟训练、微格教学训练和使用教师成长记录袋等手段。

    Based on these analysis , The paper describes some methods such as value tropism adjusting , teaching analysis training , teaching simulation training , microteaching training and teaching portfolios to improve the teaching skill of the students from normal university .

  25. 相对于纸笔测试和其它评价而言,成长记录袋评价能向教师、家长和学生本人提供丰富的内容,反映学生知道些什么、能做或不能做些什么、想些什么、进步了什么。

    Compared with the paper test and other evaluation systems , portfolio assessment system can offer abundant information to teachers 、 parents and students themselves which can indicate what the students know 、 what they want and what they can do .

  26. 成长记录袋评价是一种体现发展性评价理念的评价方法,在我国教改实验区已得到普遍推广,一定程度上收到了较好的效果,但是在其实施中还存在着较多的问题。

    Portfolio assessment is a manifestation of the concept of evaluation methods of evaluation students . Portfolio assessment has been widely disseminated to a certain extent in the education reform pilot zone , achieved good results , but in its implementation , there are more problems .

  27. 作为一种即将成为我国中小学学生升学重要依据的成长记录(档案袋评价),我们该如何准备在作文教学中尝试使用?

    How to use portfolio assessment in composition-teaching which will be an important basis for students to enter higher school in our country ?

  28. 并将幼儿成长档案与小学的成长记录袋相比较,揭示了其特殊性。

    And it also compares with young kids ' growing up files and primary school students .

  29. 促进学生成长,已成为新课程推进与实施的关键,通过建立学生成长记录袋对学生实施全面综合性评价。

    How to promote the students growth has become the key of the new curriculum 's advancement and implementation . In our school the student are given the comprehensive appraisals through the establishment of " the record bag of growth " .