
  • 网络Successful Manager
  1. ▌在这家公司的成功管理者的素质有哪些?

    ▌ What are the qualities of successful managers in this company ?

  2. 私募股权所有公司的成功管理者要比公共所有公司的老板表现更为出色。

    And the successful managers of private-equity-owned companies do better than the bosses of publicly owned companies .

  3. 任何一个成功的管理者都是千金难求的。

    Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold .

  4. 他们在发表于《管理学期刊》(JournalofManagement)上的研究报告中指出,人们认为那些凭借非凡的个人品质、似乎不费吹灰之力就能取得成功的管理者具有某种神秘的品质。

    In a study published in the Journal of Management , they found that people attribute mystical qualities to managers when they seem to succeed effortlessly , thanks to extraordinary personal qualities .

  5. 他们在发表于《管理学期刊》(JournalofManagement)上的研究报告中指出,人们认为那些凭借非凡的个人品质、似乎不费吹灰之力就能取得成功的管理者具有某种“神秘的”品质。

    In a study published in the Journal of Management , they found that people attribute " mystical " qualities to managers when they seem to succeed effortlessly , thanks to extraordinary personal qualities .

  6. 不成功的管理者;象在烈火中一只无力的凤凰。

    An ineffectual ruler ; like an unable phoenix in hot ashes .

  7. 成功的管理者需要了解全球环境下商务实践的基础。

    Successful managers need to understand the fundamentals of business practices within a global context .

  8. 为了团队的成功,管理者必须完成几项任务。

    A manager must perform several tasks in order for a team to be successful .

  9. 戴维•巴尔的摩是在一群显赫的科学家兼成功的管理者中著名的一位。

    David Baltimore is prominent among the league of bright scientists who are also successful administrators .

  10. 成功的管理者知道管理的关键在于了解员工的需要,也明白哪些鼓励因素最能激励员工。

    Successful managers know that the key to good leadership lies in understanding employees ' needs and which incentives work best to get them motivated .

  11. 成功的管理者在花费在每个中层职位上的时间比过去的管理者平均四年要少。他们在通往总裁的道路上从过去平均要做过6个职位降到现在的5个。

    Successful executives are spending less time than they used to in each intermediate job an average of four years and they fill five posts on the way up , down from six .

  12. 帮助成员成为现代企业的成功经营者和管理者。

    To help members to become successful logistics managers or practitioners .

  13. 一个懂得组织哲学的领导者将会是一个成功的资源管理者。

    A leader who understands organizational philosophy will be a successful resource manager .

  14. Witt/Kieffer公司的猎头们发现,雇主对于拥有几十年成功履历的管理者的需求日益增加。

    At Witt / Kieffer , headhunters are finding that employers increasingly want managers with a decades-long track record of success .

  15. 要成为成功的内容管理者,传媒公司必须比消费者本人更了解消费者。

    To succeed as content managers , media companies need to know more about their customers than the customers know about themselves .

  16. 全世界的金融监管者在防范市场崩溃方面几乎没有成功,环境管理者在减少碳排放方面也是如此。

    Financial regulators across the world have had as little success in preventing market collapses as environmental regulators have had in reducing overall carbon emissions .

  17. 教育家校长是一位优秀教育工作者、教育科学研究者、成功的学校管理者、具有清醒的政治头脑。

    The education turned president is an excellent instructor , well known educational researcher and successful administrator , and moreover , has a cool head for politics .

  18. 第二,马克思主义者没有深入分析资本主义企业怎样成功地利用管理者与工人之间的等级制分工,对生产性资源的开发和利用加以计划和协调。

    Second , most Marxists haven 't deeply analysed how capitalistic enterprisers managed to make use of the estate division between manager and workers , how they planned and coordinated the exploitation of productive resources .

  19. 普华永道(PwC)的起源公园计划就是一个现实版的领导力培训课程,。该课程成功地将新秀管理者们召集到一起,在实践中磨练他们的跨文化商业技巧。

    PwC 's " Genesis Park " initiative is an example of a real-world leadership development programme that has successfully brought together " rising star " executives to hone their transcultural business skills .

  20. 从很大程度上来讲几乎任何计划的成功都取决于管理者的才能。

    The success of almost any project depends largely on its manager .